KiwiTL: A Very Substantial Opportunity

remove proportionality from premises
Thank you all very much for reading and praising, I wouldn't have been able to finish this if nobody was reading - and liking - all the updates.

As a little bonus, my original plan was to have Peters co-leading a centrist party with Peter Dunne from the mid-90s onwards, with all those Clive Matthewsons and Michael Laws who defected IOTL, but while that would have been nicely analogous to the UK, it wouldn't have been particularly plausible or entertaining.
This has been a pleasure from strat to finish, U's M – even with no knowledge of NZ politics beyond not knowing who Bill English was, it's been a highlight of the past few weeks.

Out of interest – how many words does the finished TL come to, roughly?
This has been a pleasure from strat to finish, U's M – even with no knowledge of NZ politics beyond not knowing who Bill English was, it's been a highlight of the past few weeks.

Out of interest – how many words does the finished TL come to, roughly?
A little under 24,000, all in three weeks. I reckon NaNoWriMo would kill me.

I'm very happy to have been able to entertain people who don't know the background, that's very encouraging.


Lovely timeline. Thanks for this.

Congratulations to unnamed narrator, I'm sure he'll make a great party foot soldier in the next general election!