John Birmingham blog


Sorry, I should have done this earlier. I've had some private messages asking me about the identity of Anderson and Miyazaki's killer(s) in Weapons of Choice.

I can't give that information out because i'm running a competition over on my Cheeseburger Gothic blog ( to guess the killer and the motive. The prize is an autographed, framed original manuscript page.

Kitjed has mentioned it on the Designated Targets thread, worrying if he was letting out a secret. Don't worry mate. You weren't. It just hadn't occured to me to bring it up.

Feel free to pop to the Cheesburger. Amongst other things we're currently running some discussions on whether the series needed a William Walker (ISOT) type character and the effects on 1940s men and women of being exposed to 21C female action heroes like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.



Hey John, I haven't read the sequel yet, but I just wanted to let you know that Weapons of Choice rocked. Excellent novel.