Jimmy Carter uses his formidable reading skills to become a really good delegator ? ?

“Many politicians proposed gas rationing. One such proponent was Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland, who proposed odd-even rationing (only people with an odd-numbered license plate could purchase gas on an odd-numbered day), as was used during the 1973 Oil Crisis. Several states implemented odd-even gas rationing, including California, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, and Texas. Coupons for gasoline rationing were printed but were never actually used during the 1979 crisis.”


This is almost a microcosm of the Carter administration!

Instead of doing the simple thing, we get bogged down with the complex thing which never gets brought to fruition.

There is a slight “fly in the ointment” with odd-even in that July 31st and August 1st are two days in a row in which people with odd plates can buy and, more importantly, people with even plates can’t. Well, no problem, make the 31st an “anyone can buy day.” And just level with people. Say something like— Hey, if you’ve even-numbered and you’re mostly need a tank-full, go ahead and buy it on the 30th. And conversely, if you’re odd-numbered and you can wait another day till the 1st, please go ahead and do that.
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There are a lot of good books on delegation, which is a learnable skill.

Maybe in the 2 years between when Jimmy Carter left the Governors office in Jan. ‘75 and when he took the Oath of Office for President on Jan. 20th, 1977, he could have read some of them! :)