ISOT: B-52 to July 1861

How does this affect the war if the Union got it? The Confederates?

(They already have all the technology needed to launch it, fly itt, bomb, etc.)
shit....i was going to post something thier and oi forgot so i was going to post something here and then it came back to me. i'm a dumb newb:(
Fuel and bombs will be the hardest part... There will only be enough probably for a handful of missions if the airbase is also ISOTed. However - I expect the bombing of Richmond - or the massacre of an entire army would be enough to bring the war to an end. The aftermath will be somewhat more difficult to describe - firstly the effects from such advanced technology and the worlds response and secondly the ease with which the Confederacy has been defeaten - there will certaintly be bitter resentment amongst the Confederate population - that they were defeaten despite never being beaten in battle.
Not terribly useful. A B-52 without jet fuel, lubricating oil, or a decent airfield is just a big funny-looking metal structure.

Assuming they do have enough fuel, a good enough runway (which would require new tech in its own right, unless a B-52 can take off from a big dirt field) and at least conventional munitions, whichever side has it wins handily. Being able to fire-bomb Richmond or New York has its advantages :eek:.