Isaac's Empire

I think Isaac's Empire should be left, BG will either be back or will put it up somewhere else.

As to what BG said; this is an issue where everybody very quickly becomes polarised, I can see both BG and Ian's points. but have no comments.


Weird thing is i can still see him online............ but it says "banned" underneath the name anyways so i got the idea.

So again.... who's up to hijack the story?
Weird thing is i can still see him online............ but it says "banned" underneath the name anyways so i got the idea.

So again.... who's up to hijack the story?

I am up to it.

(Although BG has shown up at CF.NET offering to post and then continue the story there.

[That said, I was already considering continuing the story.])
I think that we should put it on hiatus here and continue on BG's got th enext couple of years planned out adn no doubt he and Megas are still working on it and intend to continue. Although I can'y speak for BG himself I'd assume that he still wants content on this thread but that the story should remain where it is for now until either he can get his work through to someone else or another solution can be reached.
Dear regular readers of "Isaac's Empire" and the "Children of Johan" thread,

As you may have realised already, Basileus Giorgios has been Banned from for 'Advocating Terrorism.'

BG says that he is appealing the Banning decision; however, I have no idea how long this process will take.

For now, BG says to check out for new updates from "Isaac's Empire".

As for various people's plans to hijack the TL, I say hold your horses for now - and give BG a chance to appeal the Ban at least.

This thread could quickly descend into chaos if our very own revolutionary from Plovdiv has his way. :rolleyes:

Since I've, in effect, been co-author of this TL for more than 6 months now - something which I haven't necessarily advertised to the world - I say we wait for now to see what can be done.

If BG can't return, and I confirm this by posting on this site - only THEN will I seek collaborators from amongst the readership to continue the TL.

Hope that's clear enough for everyone just now.


I say take over it, let BG have his way in another site, and let us have our way in this site...... which will be kinda cool i suppose.... multiple timelines in a timeline.....i like it.
Preliminary decision of how to proceed


I think the solution we are tending towards would be for BG to post updates on, while I let the regular readership know the gist of what's going on by posting directly here myself.

Of course, myself and individuals like Saepe Fidelis and ByzantineCaesar will continue to write stories and "back histories" set in this world and post them on here or 'CoJ'.

Would readers be broadly content with that approach?

Also, since there is now a real risk that the thread will "die" suddenly without its main author, can as many of the regular readership as possible post ideas for what they would like to see happen in the future of the "Isaac's Empire" world? Remember we've got to around 1770 so far.

As ever, if anyone wants to "take over" one of the "Isaac's Empire" countries and write either stories set in them, or "back histories" please do PM either me or Saepe Fidelis with your ideas.

As the two posters (apart from BG himself) who have done the most work on this site, rapidly being caught up by the efforts of ByzantineCaesar, we will act as the "guardians" of the thread until we get some clarity on whether BG will return or not.

My particular viewpoint is that Isaac's Empire is BG's and that, while we can contribute ideas, suggestions and points regarding other nations, it wouldn't be right to take over this thread. If somebody wants to spin off IE into their own TL, it should be elsewhere.

I think the solution we are tending towards would be for BG to post updates on, while I let the regular readership know the gist of what's going on by posting directly here myself.

Of course, myself and individuals like Saepe Fidelis and ByzantineCaesar will continue to write stories and "back histories" set in this world and post them on here or 'CoJ'.

Would readers be broadly content with that approach?

Also, since there is now a real risk that the thread will "die" suddenly without its main author, can as many of the regular readership as possible post ideas for what they would like to see happen in the future of the "Isaac's Empire" world? Remember we've got to around 1770 so far.

As ever, if anyone wants to "take over" one of the "Isaac's Empire" countries and write either stories set in them, or "back histories" please do PM either me or Saepe Fidelis with your ideas.

As the two posters (apart from BG himself) who have done the most work on this site, rapidly being caught up by the efforts of ByzantineCaesar, we will act as the "guardians" of the thread until we get some clarity on whether BG will return or not.


I'm happy with that. As one of the diadochi I'll take temprarary control over Russia and China. I'd suggest contributers continue as they are, so BC keep doing yr thing in S America and Megas keep with Johannia adn your excellent spy stories. If anyone else wants in I too would suggest you PM either Megas or me so that you can be filled in and can being contributing. We espcially ned pople who want to either write narrative pieces or who can cover the middle east, SE Asia and Africa.

Oh and DU, we're all happy for yu to keep contributing and if you still want in on Russia adn everythign we can fill you on progressions and we'd be happy to have you contribute, your ethno-linguistic aid has really bee aboon. However, BG is still very much in control of this TL he'll just be acting through intermediaries for awhile until the ban is sorted. I hate to sound authoritarian but that's just how it is.

Once again, anyone wants in on the authorship and thir share fo kudos then do PM either me or Megas.
I agree with Calamius. "Isaac's Empire" belongs to Basileus Giorgios. Don't hijack it.

If BG remains banned, which is the most likely outcome to this scenario, Isaac's Empire could die. If BG surfaces up on with updates on this timeline, someone should take up the responsibilty of posting them here. They should ask Ian's permission first, and contact BG for his permission as well.

If you do hijack start a different thread.


Oh and DU, we're all happy for yu to keep contributing and if you still want in on Russia adn everythign we can fill you on progressions and we'd be happy to have you contribute, your ethno-linguistic aid has really bee aboon. However, BG is still very much in control of this TL he'll just be acting through intermediaries for awhile until the ban is sorted. I hate to sound authoritarian but that's just how it is.

I also made a bunch of soulja uniforms for the thread.... i guess BG got banned before seeing them. To heck with it.....

Hmmmm.... just out of curiocity.... are you aware what kind of butchery MDTK and BG aaaaaaaaaand you (but mostly mr MDTK and BG) have done to Russia? My point was to make a generally liberal, atheist, agricultural based Republic and they turned her to a Nazi fest!!! How on earth they managed that i am unaware.... not to mention the earthquake engine. Like, i really felt jumping from top floor when i saw it.

I'm really without words... it's like my brain is blocked.... but I know one for sure... I won't give up IE and won't unsubscribe even after 10 years from now... and I WILL continue Opará, and I'd recommend you to still read and comment since it's getting exciting :). Don't let the magic of IE die, please.



I'm really without words... it's like my brain is blocked.... but I know one for sure... I won't give up IE and won't unsubscribe even after 10 years from now... and I WILL continue Opará, and I'd recommend you to still read and comment since it's getting exciting :). Don't let the magic of IE die, please.


Oh yes yes i know.... its so atmospherical. IE is the timeline that made me love the Ottoman conquests :D:D:D:D