Well here is a short prologue of a timeline I am working on. I would really like to continue this if people are interested in it.

“Every Indian should now forget that he is a Rajput, a Sikh, a Jat, or a Muslim. He must remember that he is an Indian and he has every right in his country but with certain duties.” – Sardar Vallabhai Patel.

The camera switches on towards the face of a lively, middle aged, blond-haired man with black eyes as he announced, smiling widely.

“Good evening, everyone! I am Henry Chao from the BBC here outside the city of Mahemdavad on the banks of the Vatrak River, where today the planned unveiling of the statue of the first prime minister of India – Yes that prime minister – is set to occur. As you can see right behind me…..”

The camera pans behind the reporter to show the throngs of people sitting on plastic chairs with umbrellas and shades peering at an enormous cloth covered statue held together by huge tower cranes.

“… can feel the buzzing excitement of the crowd as the reveal of the so called Statue of Unity closes near. From various sources, we have managed to find out the statue is approximately 185 meters tall and would be the tallest statue in the world beating China’s statue of the Spring Temple Buddha. It would seem like the Indians and the Chinese do like to compete a lot in various different things, isn’t that right James?”

“If the people who are watching this do not know this “legendary” man as he is mentioned in some circles, he is the first prime minister of the Republic of India, Sardar Vallabhai Patel! The man who took the reins of the old INC and managed to hold the country together through the partition of 1947 and to this day because of his ideological goals. He has managed to modernize his country in the backdrop of the Cold War fought between the Americans and the Soviets.”

“Born in the small village of the nearby Nandiad, he used to be one of the six children of Jhaverbhai Patel and Ladba and he grew up to be a Barrister sometimes even borrowing books from other lawyers to study. Hilariously, he was even said to be a skilled bridge player.”

“Successfully taking the reins from the recently deceased Jawaharlal Nehru in 1929, he became the unofficial successor of Gandhi – moving the country towards independence. He did suffer from major defeats in the political field like the success of the AIML under Muhammad Ali Jinnah for the creation of a separate Muslim state and the separation of Burma in 1937 but he did manage to play into the UK and US fear of communism in the sub-continent to wrangle several concessions from them.”

“It was said that his unique ideology of cultural and religious unity was the reason the country has managed to survive the tumultuous period from independence to the 21st century fighting for survival against communism, capitalism and the Islamic insurrections that has hammered the world in recent years.”

“Maybe we should look towards the country of India of how they have managed religious cohesion throughout the years and- Tom! They are revealing the statue now! Make sure to get a clear shot of this! Here we see, thousands of people cheering for the second father of the nation as the cloth is taken off–

As mentioned, it is a Sardar Vallabhai Patel becomes the first prime minister of India.

The 1st POD shift is Jawaharlal Nehru dying in 1929. How did this happen? Well, the Salt March of 1930 here in ITTL happened in 1929 and he subsequently got jailed and died in prison under mysterious circumstances.

For the 2nd POD shift it is kind of a geological POD where I want the help of you guys. I want the country to at least have some kind of metal or a group of metals that will be pretty important in the future. Like how China has the rare earth elements group. I already have a plan for it kind of. It is related to the Deccan traps.
Thank you for reading this! I actually had a POD much later (somewhere in the 1939s) but later threw it away for this one and yes I agree we need more timelines for India :)

Deleted member 116192

For the 2nd POD shift it is kind of a geological POD where I want the help of you guys. I want the country to at least have some kind of metal or a group of metals that will be pretty important in the future. Like how China has the rare earth elements group. I already have a plan for it kind of. It is related to the Deccan traps.
Be careful some may say asb
For the 2nd POD shift it is kind of a geological POD where I want the help of you guys. I want the country to at least have some kind of metal or a group of metals that will be pretty important in the future. Like how China has the rare earth elements group. I already have a plan for it kind of. It is related to the Deccan traps.

"Thorium is particularly attractive for India, as it has only around 1–2% of the global uranium reserves, but one of the largest shares of global thorium reserves at about 25% of the world's known thorium

Maybe a thorium wank? It would at least be grounded in OTL:

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"Thorium is particularly attractive for India, as it has only around 1–2% of the global uranium reserves, but one of the largest shares of global thorium reserves at about 25% of the world's known thorium

Maybe a thorium wank? It would at least be grounded in OTL
Yeah thorium will be still available as in OTL. The reason is I said the Deccan traps was because the region originally was a giant hole leading straight to the mantle. Then lava bursted from the inner mantle and used the chamber to go straight up to the surface where they solidified in the present region of Madhya Pradesh. It erupted like 66 million years ago for less than 30000 years. Maybe I can have the eruption for like 50000-60000 so I can really push the important materials from the crust and the mantle upwards ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I can also play with the Shiva crater here which is linked to the eruption of the Deccan traps.
The Central Government will possibly have more power along with a stronger and more extensive administration system.
Should it be as strong as OTL India or more powerful? Administration system will be extensive.
I think it should be stronger as he would have made sure to develop a stronger presence on NE India to counteract China and in Kasmir to bring it closer to India, to implement his vision of people viewing themselves as Indians first and foremost.
I think it should be stronger as he would have made sure to develop a stronger presence on NE India to counteract China and in Kasmir to bring it closer to India, to implement his vision of people viewing themselves as Indians first and foremost.
Ah I see. Then I will have to do something about South India then to make them feel indians especially Tamils.
Chapter I

"Non-violence has to be observed in thought, word, and deed. The measure of our non-violence will be the measure of our success" - Sardar Vallabhai Patel.

The people of India were rattled, when the news of Jawaharlal Nehru’s death in prison, reached the ears of the common man within the country. Within days, various mutinies or revolts erupted across the nation, in a frenzy that even the common British commanders couldn’t have anticipated at all.

The “Dandi March” or the “Salt Satyagraha” was already in full swing, Gandhi marching towards Navsari with thousands of non-violent protesting Indians against the unjustly introduced “Salt tax” in 1929. At the same time, the wily Congress leader was going to travel from Allahabad to Raipur when British colonial policemen arrested him when they came to know about the contraband salt he had manufactured and his plan to join the ongoing Satyagraha. He was subsequently put in prison within the city of Allahabad for six months after which harsh crackdowns on the ongoing moment began to happen across the subcontinent.

During the entire six months, the British refused to let anyone meet the young leader and refrained from answering about the conditions he was living in. It was a tense atmosphere the not-yet-legal-party had to go through before news finally broke out from within the Naini Central Prison, when a guard of Indian origin told the masses that the man had fallen.

Jawaharlal Nehru was dead.

The news spread like wildfire, first within the ranks of Congress itself, then to the common man and then finally to the Indian soldiers serving in the British Indian Army. “The Roar of the Indian Lion” as it was called in the 1929s had actually shook the British control within India. Historical claims from both India and Pakistan (and later Bangladesh) states that the actual downfall of British rule within the country started here and not in 1939 when the Second World War erupted in Europe as described by some British historians.

Violence first erupted from the city of Allahabad itself as the more extremist members of the INC organized a joint assault against the Naini Central Prison to take back the body of Jawaharlal Nehru, by seizing the arms of beaten up policemen within the town (Some say the only reason the workers didn’t kill the policemen were because they didn’t want further ire from Gandhi). About 23 various mobs were assembled and supplied by them and at early dawn they attacked the various positions of the prison specifically the gate and the outer wall where there was a plan to place an explosive to blow a hole.

The idea was to massacre any British prison guards on their way and with the help of an inside man locate the body of Jawaharlal Nehru. The plan fell spectacularly when the British caught a whiff of it a day before the attack and arrested all the would be murderers. When Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi first heard of this, he was extremely disappointed as well as enraged that such a dastardly attack had been planned in the first place. He had already planned to ask the British on the circumstances of Nehru’s death but other than that, his death had deeply injured Gandhi’s psyche. Both Jinnah and Patel had told him that appeasing to the British parliament for a Dominion status was of next to no use when they already backstabbed them after WW1. Nehru’s speech of “Poorna Swaraj” had also seeded the minds of young men and women working for the party and it had also influenced Gandhi a bit.

The trials of the workers who had to tried to assault Naini prison was a sensation for the entire nation as it featured prominent returning barristers ranging from Sardar Vallabhai Patel to Muhammad Ali Jinnah defending the young men from what many thought was certainly death by hanging. Many of them were Muslims or of Jain practicing community who were led astray by extremist conservatives. An exhausting 15 day trial finally ended in victory to the defending party as the workers had only clobbered the policemen – not killed them, and stole their firearms and ammunition. The happiness didn’t last long as within the next couple of years all the indicted workers would start to die off under mysterious circumstances causing another crack within the slowly growing AIML and the INC as Jinnah literally accused the INC and the British of plotting the deaths of “fine young patriotic men”.

While the larger revolts in the various regions of India would be put down in given time (sometimes militarily), the British had already started to feel the fine control they had over the subcontinent slipping gradually. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, a disciple of Gandhi, held his own Satyagraha in Peshawar which degenerated later into a blood bath when Khan was arrested and the Khudai Khitmagar (his own non-violent protestors) gathered to protest peacefully and were fired on by British troops. The blood bath was so immense that one Royal Garhwal Rifles platoon refused to open fire on the peaceful protestors, was later arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Some theorize, the only reason the entire nation hadn’t erupted into a massive civil disobedience mutiny was due to Gandhi’s role as a spiritual leader both in the Hindu, Muslim and the minor religious communities. Even the AIML which called for armed resistance against the British imperialism had faltered and subsided in the face of a man who wanted peace within the country through his non-violent movements so that a perfect knock would be received to the psyche and morality of a regular Anglo-Saxon. Gandhi was later arrested by the magistrate of Surat and held without a trial in Poona until the satyagrahis in a stunning show of valor in non-violent protests made huge breakthroughs in the international press. United Press correspondent Webb Miller’s report shocked the entire world, when someone also blew the whistle on the British censorship in India. Even “Time” regarded Gandhi as the 1930 man of the year, while within the INC, during the ongoing Satyagraha, Sardar Vallabhai Patel starts to slowly consolidate his power over the party. His vision of secularism first and nationalism second won many points to the local, normal Muslims who just wanted someone to look after their needs as the AIML has started to become more and more elitist.

By January 1931, Gandhi was released for his role in the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. Conducted during the Second Round Table Conference, Gandhi was subsequently impressed by Irwin’s sincerity. Lord Irwin despite been forced to repress Indian nationalism, truly did not actually like the role. His talks of an actual dominion status broke the civil disobedience of the INC as Patel in respect for Gandhi came for the talks conducted in London. Patel actually didn’t held any hope for it gaining traction within the parliament which was proven right when many British officials and conservatives were understandably outraged by such an idea of endorsing a party whose sole purpose is to end the British Raj.

Not much here except for some OTL shenanigans. Patel is slowly consolidating his power over the INC and the the Second Round Table Conference is happening as per OTL. Except here there are going to be a lot of changes in the conference.