Iran-Iraq War expands- Saudi Arabia gets involved ?

Mark said:
GA, I'm confused by your arguments. For the sake of space, I've quoted only the Israeli assessment paragraph. From your own writing, you admit that Egypt had tossed the UN out of the Sinai and moved in their army, closed the straits, threatened Israel's destruction, and allied with Jordan and Syria (with Syria supporting/allowing attacks on Israel). But Israel started it to protect Saudi Arabia because of Yemen?!

Note, none of this argues against the IDF also wanted to support their deterent value. Had the Arabs (sensu lato) not been massing near the borders and forming extended alliances, their would be no need for demonstrating deterence.

My thesis was asking the question as to whether or not Israel acted within the boundaries of the Rational Actor Model (an IR term) in their attack on Egypt. My conclusion was that they were--but only in regard to Egypt. The invasions of Jordan and Syria were afterthoughts, ad actually not within the bounds of the RAM. I was up against a word limit, so I couldn't include the facts behind those in the paper. I posted this to make my points about Nasser, which were questioned from an earlier posting.

The point remains though, that Israel was in no danger of being destroyed because they were more powerful than all of the Arab belligerents combined.
All you need to do is find one credible source to show that I'm wrong. You are the one calling me a liar. I've provided citations for what I have said. You refuse to do so.

I'm right, you're wrong.
Here's a quote from Wikipedia that proves they are full of it:

"Several days later Jordanian forces were given to the command of an Egyptian general."

Jordanian forces were placed under the command of an IRAQI general, not Egyptian. And nothing in that article disputes what I've said.
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Grimm Reaper said:
I still await evidence that any of my statements were incorrect. I begin to wonder if any evidence will be forthcoming.

Your statements were not cited. Mine were. It's up to you to provide citations that mine were wrong.
Grettir, I asked where my statements were wrong.

Instead you have repeatedly refused to do so, making demands and putting conditions before complying with a reasonable request.

Fine. The consensus of the board will now be that you are unable to find any evidence to support your claims, and lack the integrity to apologize for unjustified insults.

As for telling people to meet your standards or shut up, might I mention that there lies a quick expulsion from the board?


Hey someone better write up a bio for Grettir for him as one of the Fallen on the show!
Johnson and McNamara gave the okay for Israel's Pearl-Harbor attack on Egypt in 1967 because Nasser had troops in Yemen, thus threatening Saudi Arabia--look it up in any book detailing the Six-Day or June War written in the last fifteen or so years. (LBJ, however, doesn't seem to have given the okay for seizing the West Bank and Golan Heights though.)

The only reason that the US couldn't deal with Nasser was because of the Saudi Guarantee. Nasser's goal was the uniting of the Arab nation under a single flag. The English and French didn't like it because of their interests in Syria and Iraq. Nasser's popularity among all non-royal Arab clans, along with his secularism would've easily united them. (Israel's security was way down on the list for the US gov't--back then.)[/QUOTE]

What the hell dose this have to do with Saudi Arabia getting in inovlved.
Stay on subject for once
Grettir Asmundarsen said:
Give your sources/citations or shut up, dude. I gave mine; now, you give yours.
Several days later Jordanian forces were given to the command of an Iraqi general.
from Wikipedia article available here:

Israel was further alarmed when Egypt and Jordan signed a treaty placing the two armies under a joint command.

How about this quick quote:

King Hussein of Jordan signed a defense pact with Egypt on May 30, 1967, under which Jordan joined the Egyptian-Syrian military alliance of 1966 and placed its army on both sides of the Jordan river under Egyptian command.

Available here:

The Official IDF website makes no mention of the Jordanian troops being under Iraqi or Egyptian control.

So there's some quotations for everyone to mull over, which took me 15 minutes to Goooooogle for. I'll add some analysis when I'm not so dog-tired I can barely see what I'm typing.