If Ford wins in 1976, how much influence do Cheney and Rumsfeld Have in the 2nd term?

Say Gerald Ford wins in 1976, how much influence do Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney have in the 1977-81 Ford Term? They seemed to have a great deal of influence over Ford, especially in the last two years of Ford's OTL only term and they also had a great deal of influence in the next administration, George W. Bush's that they'd serve in together.
It depends?

For starters the POD matters, as the best chance for Ford to have a well functioning team instead of empire builders is Halloween Massacre 1975 aimed at a different kind of target.

But even minimal vote shift day of election POD still means Kissinger is out. And who knows what Ford might do with the self-confidence of having won election in his own right and not having to worry about election again.

It’s plausible they’re a huge influence, it’s plausible they’re tossed. Dealers choice.