Holy Adolf Hitler

Would Adolf Cardinal Hitler :)p) put forth a paper pertaining to the racial heritage of Jesus? (I am still assuming that Hitler is still an antisemite and a racist)
He would make a better founder or popularizer and public face of some kind of lay order--think Opus Dei or the Legion of Christ.

Say he founds a movement called, uh, Hands of the Creator, which has a charism for the ways in which men assist God with his work of creation. The movement, eventually the order, includes painting as a possible spiritual exercise. JRR Tolkien becomes a lay brother:eek:.

Eh, actually Hitler, unless he gets a proper working habit wont make a great career in the church. He was to erratic and unstructured. A popular or infamous speaker, sure, Bishop? No way.
Göring is too erratic and hooked on morphine to rise to power during this era - as a minion, yes, but not as a master.

Wasn't Goering's addiction a result of being wounded in the Beer Hall Putsch? If Hitler's a priest the Putsch wouldn't happen.
Contrary to the popular myth of philo-semitism, the (eventual) Prelature of the Hands of Creation (Prelatura Maniorum Creatoris) had, during its early years, an undeniable anti-semitic tinge. St. Adolph Hitler preached that the modern Jews were not a creative race but merely aped or lived off the artistic and cultural capital, even the economic and social creations, of other races. Even more virulent anti-semitic ideas had some currency in the early movement--the extent to which they may be attributed to Father Hitler is controversial--which probably played a role in some of the persecutions of that era. At least in public, however, the saint merely preached the necessity of a Jewish homeland which would oblige the Jewish people to discover their own sources of creation. The role of the Hands in the founding of the state of Israel is well-known and responsible for its philo-semitic image. (It was this doctrine of the regenerative and even creative and holy aspects of settlement that made the Hands popular among colonialists, including in French North Africa with tragic results).* Father Hitler's expectations that the creation of Jewish homeland would eventually result in the mass conversion of Jewish settlers to Christianity were, of course, disappointed.

*Even today, the Hands are disproportionately interested in space expansion, "seasteading," and other such schemes.
I recall reading a book where Hitler DOES become pope. Admittedly, it's by making the current pope (Pius XII ?) abdicate in 1941-42. From memory, the storyline has the Nazis doing way better in 39-41 (Hitler personally watching the Kremlin get demolished for example). Hitler then becomes obsessed with Catholocism and decides he wants to be pope. The story, from memory, is told from the perspective of a one-armed army captain. Can't remember what the book was called, or much of the plot. Hitler as pope was called Adolfum I. The book got rather odd part way through.
I recall reading a book where Hitler DOES become pope. Admittedly, it's by making the current pope (Pius XII ?) abdicate in 1941-42. From memory, the storyline has the Nazis doing way better in 39-41 (Hitler personally watching the Kremlin get demolished for example). Hitler then becomes obsessed with Catholocism and decides he wants to be pope. The story, from memory, is told from the perspective of a one-armed army captain. Can't remember what the book was called, or much of the plot. Hitler as pope was called Adolfum I. The book got rather odd part way through.

Wow... why would Hitler give up being the Furher to become the Pope? Why not just merge the offices and declare Germany a theocracy with National Socialism a branch of Christianity?
Hitler's views on christianity might reflect the idea of Positive Christianity, which would carry over to his teachings as a preist.

Not if you want him to remain remotely Catholic. Positive Christianity is what someone comes up with when they believe in National Socialism and are trying to modify a religion, Christianity, that they care less about, to fit. But in this TL, Hitler does care a lot about Christianity, specifically Catholicism. He becomes a priest, for heaven's sake.
Not if you want him to remain remotely Catholic. Positive Christianity is what someone comes up with when they believe in National Socialism and are trying to modify a religion, Christianity, that they care less about, to fit. But in this TL, Hitler does care a lot about Christianity, specifically Catholicism. He becomes a priest, for heaven's sake.

Priests are not incapable of becoming corrupt.
Priests are not incapable of becoming corrupt.

Corruption is one thing--sex, greed, cozy relationship with authoritarians, anti-semitism, cooperation in the violent repression of their enemies, pride--these are all temptations to which priests have been heir. Positive Christianity isn't corruption, its a Nazi program with semi-Christian trappings.

It's pretty sealion, if not ASB, to think that if Hitler had a genuine religious experience in Austria before WWI and became a priest that he will still come up with the same basic ideology. Its a failure to take historical contingency or even the POD seriously.
Likely he becomes something of a Coughlin - Germany's "radio priest" - but becomes increasingly more delusional. In this TL, however, since his physician is not Dr. Morell, he probably retires from the priesthood and ends his days in some monastery, being treated for what ails him.

Also, his anti-Semitism would likely not take the form it did. The kind popular among the clergy at the time tended to focus less on racial and more on religious characteristics.