Help with a TL project

I'm planning on writing a TL where JFK survives his assassination, and serves 2 terms. This is what I have for the presidents after that (until 2013):

John F. Kennedy, 1961 - 1969
Lyndon Johnson, 1969 - 1971 (Dies of a heart attack)
Hubert Humphrey, 1971 - 1973 (Fails to defeat Spiro Agnew)
Spiro Agnew, 1973 - 1977
Jimmy Carter, 1977 - 1981
Ronald Reagan, 1981 - 1989
Bob Dole, 1989 - 1997
Al Gore, 1997 - 2002 (Resigns, need to make good reason.)
Micheal Dukakis, 2002 - 2005 (Fails to defeat New Gingrich)
Newt Gingrich, 2005 - 2013 (Is more Fiscally moderate to make him less far right-wing.)

Any ideas on how to clean the list up a bit? I am also working on the story, and would like some suggestions.
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Yeah, no...just no...

I don't even know where to start...well...

-What happens to Vietnam? and civil rights?
-What Happens with Ted and Robert Kennedy?

-Spiro Agnew winning any sort of Republican Nomination? NO, not by himself...if Goldwater lost in '64 and Nixon in '68 and Rockefeller in the primaries of '68...the Reagan takes the nomination of 1972 over dwars like Agnew and Connolly...probably takes a moderate from the East Coast, a man of the old stablishment...

-Then we have a Reagan administration, assertive, even agressive, since he wasn't shot by Hinckley...getting shot by Hinckley made him less agressive than his pre-1981 self and more prone to receive public symphaty...

He'd also probably be less prone to scandals...I foresee great victories for him in '72 and '76, no need for Watergate, he wasn't as paranoid as Nixon, nor as crazy...

Jimmy Carter of course never rises to prominence without Watergate...

Who wins in 1980 its a whole different could be Reagan's successor, but Iran is certainly not gonna be any better ITTL than IOTL...maybe its RFK or Ted...let's say RFK campaigned in 1972 and got shot by Arthur Bremmer...thus Wallace continues to run and divided the Party...

It could be Ted, Gary Hart...probably Ted, and then his running mate in 1988, maybe...or maybe he's killed by Hinckley in 1985...Ted's running mate? maybe Lloyd Bentsen, or even Jimmy Carter...

Al Gore as a viable political figure without Clinton? yeah right...he was another southern moderate...and besides Ted Kennedy's running mate would be the nominee in 1992, probably losing to a Republican, since the public tends to want change after over a decade of certain leadership in power...

That leaves Bob Dole in 1992, or George Bush or the miriad of other republicans from Orrin Hatch to Jesse Helms to Jack Kemp...let's say New Jersey moderate Jack Kemp and Orrin Hatch in 1992, just for could also be anyone else, Alexander Haig, Schwarzkompf...Richard Lugar, Pete Wilson, etc...

Newt as president? Dukakis in the 2000s?...why not Lieberman? or any reasonable choice? same goes for the GOP...

Just some ideas...
Are the masses of humanoids going to want 8 years of Dole after 8 years of Reagan?? Lord, the Peanut really must have screwed up even more so in TTL.. LOL

Maybe Albert gets caught is some gigantic plot involving Occidential Petroleum?

Can Sam Nunn be in TTL too?
Who is Sam Nunn

About Vietnam: It goes just about the same, but I'm fixing that up. JFK never id a Great Society program, but ended segregation still. (Lyndon Johnson also can only withstand being a president for a few years ITTL.) Hubert is caught up in something, which makes him lose to Agnew. Agnew gets in a Watergate-like situation, but doesn't resign, this leads to Carter still becoming President. Carter has the same problems, so Reagan wins. Reagan is never shot, so things go better for him. Since Dole and Reagan were viewed as the defeaters of the Soviets, Dole won twice. (the economy also went pretty good with his administartion.) Bush Sr. was Dole's VP, and wasn't that popular after Sr. was in a scandal in '94. (Bob Dole was also dissapointed.) Bush Sr. was impeached, and Harold Stassen became VP for Dole for the rest of his term. Stassen wasn't very popular (and viewed as somewhat of a joke), he was too old as well. This made sure Gore won in '96, with Clinton as a VP. (Gore and Clinton swap.) Clinton has an accident in December '00, and Gore selects Dukakis for his VP. Gore gets involved with many problems (maybe the Occidental thing) and resigns. The Dukakis years weren't that good. (He also didn't handle an attack on The Sears Towers that well in '04.) This leads to a more fiscally moderate Gingrich/McCain ticket to win, and they later win against JFK Jr. (who stays alive as well), due to popularity and support.