Hard Election Challenge: Democratic Sweep in 1984

Inspired by Douglas' thread:

With a POD no earlier than March 31, 1981 have the Democratic Party sweep the 1984 elections. The Democratic candidate for President must win in the Electoral College.
I suppose killing Reagan and Bush would work. Speaker Tip O'Neill becomes President, picks a popular Southern Democrat as VP and announces he won't run in '84.

He proves wildly popular and the Republicans descend into infighting, leading to a weak nominee in '84. O'Neill's VP takes back the South as well as most other states in a massive landslide.


This fascination with changing 1984 puzzles me. Its like those trying to find a way McGovern wins in 1972. But there seems to be no threads about Goldwater winning in 64. Why is that?
If Reagan is killed by Hinkley then many things could be different. That is the only way anything really changes in 1984.
The only reasonable way Goldwater, McGovern or Mondale could have won would have been for the incumbent to unexpectedly die in office.

Now, for 1984, if Hinkley had assassinated Regan, it is possible a moderate like John Glenn could have defeated President Bush. Keep in mind one of Regan's assets was charisma - something totally lacking in Bush.
The only reasonable way Goldwater, McGovern or Mondale could have won would have been for the incumbent to unexpectedly die in office.

Now, for 1984, if Hinkley had assassinated Regan, it is possible a moderate like John Glenn could have defeated President Bush. Keep in mind one of Regan's assets was charisma - something totally lacking in Bush.

Unfortunately, in spite of his medals and orbits, Glenn was not dripping with charisma himself. One must presume (butterflies aside) that the death of Reagan would not affect who the Democratic party chooses to run in 1984. Perhaps a more interesting speculation would be who the Republicans nominate. Reaganites never really liked Bush, who they mistrusted. There's a better than average chance somebody else is the Republican standard bearer in 1984.
Inspired by Douglas' thread:

With a POD no earlier than March 31, 1981 have the Democratic Party sweep the 1984 elections. The Democratic candidate for President must win in the Electoral College.

Carter appoints someone other than G. William Miller as Secretary of the Treasury in 1979. Miller, with his lackadaisical approach towards inflation, remains Chairman of the Fed. By the time Reagan appoints Volcker, inflation is higher than ever, requiring a correspondingly greater amount of "shock treatment". The mass unemployment resulting coincides with Reagans attempt at reelection, leading to a loss to Walter Mondale.

How does that look?