Guillotine used in the United States

I recall reading a thread on another site on the the question of how long a decapitated head has consciousness. A French medical doctor present at an execution actually shouted at the executed criminal's head It opened its eyes, and blinked several times before failing to respond. The doctor measure the time as 15 seconds,

So, as to decapitation's being humane, it probably hurts like hell, but for only 15 seconds or so.

Anaestetic before being guillotines? Hang em instead if you got a professional to do it, it is painless or you can't feel a thing because you are uncouncious.
No, but having rotting corpse lying on the street is.
Well you must admit it would serve as a deterent
And I dont remember who but someone said that it needs to hurt so, here is how to hurt as hell, since with impalement you are dying for days, and eventualy die from infecion thirst or starvation
I am opposed to capital punishemnt. i suspect that the least inhumane method would be to offer a general anaestic and use a guiluitine
I am oposed to it too, except for serial killers, mass killers and war criminals
I am opposed to it for any crime. Killing criminal is hardly a punishment in my opinion. What's more why a state should be allowed to kill peoples even if they commited horrible crimes?
Then the question should pop up about wether the government has right to punish in any ways. Killing a criminal is a fiting punishment for such crimes, cause if you let him go he will keep going, those guys dont have a sense of guilt. There is a recent post about radovan karadzic and a croat named erdemovic who admitet to personaly killing 1500 men women and children during the war (civilians), and what he got for that as a punishment was 10 years in prison which looks better than most peoples homes. The fiting punishment for that guy is that he is given to the families of the people he killed, let them decide what to do with that beast, since he cannot be called a man
Then the question should pop up about wether the government has right to punish in any ways. Killing a criminal is a fiting punishment for such crimes, cause if you let him go he will keep going, those guys dont have a sense of guilt. There is a recent post about radovan karadzic and a croat named erdemovic who admitet to personaly killing 1500 men women and children during the war (civilians), and what he got for that as a punishment was 10 years in prison which looks better than most peoples homes. The fiting punishment for that guy is that he is given to the families of the people he killed, let them decide what to do with that beast, since he cannot be called a man
I don't know where you are from but in my country it is not the government who procecute criminals. But like Iori pointed out you are not opposed to capital punishment and your little speech here prove it even more.
So you are saying that nazis during nurnberg trial shouldnt have been sentenced to death?
In some cases people loose the right to live, they trow it away.