Golden America. A Central Powers Victory


Greeting people from other dimensions. Welcome to Golden America. With the turn of the 20th century, many had hoped a better relationship for the US and the British empire. However, after the Venezuelan crisis of 1902, The British and Canadians have sought to militarized the Canadian-American border fearing American expansion. This itself worried the US of a British invasion and after the crisis in Venezuela, has begun to create a better relationship with the German empire who both saw Britain as a threat. Meanwhile in the failing state of the Qing dynasty, the Chinese nationalist has sought to gain American support. Following the Xinhai revolution, The new republic of China has created an alliance with the United States who saw the new republic as a bright symbol of freedom and democracy in Asia. In 1913, Italy and A-H has signed the Trentino act allowing Italy to annex the area. In 1914 Bernard was shot by some Serbian dude and soon declare war on Serbia. With the war going on in Europe the US and China would remain neutral. Italy joins the war in early 1915 on the central powers and invaded France but that turns into a stalemate. In May 7, US ships would capture the Lusitanians which spark even more tensions with Britain. The British in return begin sinking American ships. However in 1917, the British would create a telegram to Canada to read the Canadian border. And after another telegram was sent to get Mexico to attack t southern US, America has declared war on Britain, Canada and France. Russia still collapsed into civil war don’t be silly. Soon China was involved a few weeks later after their soldiers and the British had a fire at each other in Hong long. Thanks to the US military and industry, The Canadian border in the west soon fall to American forces however the east was much harder to take. In Quebec City, the conscription crisis has sparked a full-blown rebellion. China and Japan would dogfight each other however thanks to American forces would aid the Chinese attack on Korea and Taiwan. With the US and China entrance in the war. Afghanistan and Thailand join to gain land. Meanwhile, Argentina was promised the Falkland Islands and land in Brazil and chile if they join the wat. Soon Brazil joins the war against Argentina. The spring offensive occurs and thanks to french men refusing to fight to allow Germany to take Paris by late 1918. Soon Canada surrenders in January 1919 and New Zealand and Australia were invaded. With the war at loss, the remaining entente states surrender to the Central powers.
ww1 soidlers.jpg

The US soldiers celebrating the capture of Toronto.

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Map of the world, march 2nd 1919
comment on what you think.
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The biggest problem is that America was firmly neutral up until Pearl Harbor (and even then, there were some isolationist elements). It's nearly impossible that America would straight up ally themselves with Germany or China, which would lead to them being involved in a "European War" or an "Asian War" no one in the United States really cared about.

Why would America care about Venezuela getting blockaded by the British (and not to mention, the French and the Italians) for failing to repay debts? And why would this incident cause a big enough rift between the US and Britain? The US and Britain were already relatively "close" economically and politically. A failed state in South America going bankrupt was not going to cause the two sides to suddenly go to war with one another.

And if the British KNEW the Americans were pissed off at them, why would they purposely provoke the Americans to war? That's just pure fiction. If the British knew that the Americans were neutral, but pissed towards the British, then they would've done everything to keep them OUT of the war. Not sink their ships or send threatening telegrams to Mexico.

The Republic of China was doomed from the failure due to poor leadership, corruption, and an economic crisis. You can't just turn it into a "beacon of freedom and liberty" in two sentences and expect the readers to believe it. In OTL, the United States didn't even look at China and ignored them even as the country sought for outside help. Why would it be any different in this timeline?

Also, why is Japan suddenly jumping on board to fight the Chinese and the Americans? That seems suicidal, even for them. Remember, Japan of WW1 was not like the Japan of WW2. They had very limited goals during WW1 and only picked off easy targets (German Pacific islands, German holdings in China). The last thing they want (or need) is another full blown war with China (and with the US, if this supposed scenario is enacted).

Afghanistan and Thailand were neutrals in both World Wars... Why would they suddenly hop in the war now? Thailand's military was abhorrently disorganized in the early 20th century and had zero chance successfully invading India (INDIA, a place with millions of Indians). Afghanistan is the same for that matter.

And why does Russia suddenly collapse? There's no reason for it. According to the post, Germany never declared war on Russia (or vice versa). Thus Lenin was never sent back to Russia.

The entire part about South America is a massive cluster fuck (no offense). Argentina declaring war on Brazil for the Falklands?

This is a very watered down/dumbed down version of an actual story. You should refine the details and make this post span 20 different posts.
I’m going to be blunt, it reads like a Risk game. Half of this isn’t justified whatsoever and the other half makes zero sense. I’d recommend doing a lot more research, some storyboarding to outline the actual short-term/long-term cause and effect, then turning this single post into fifteen posts minimum. Make sure you run the writing by some folks as well, always helps to have other eyes on your writing.
Thanks for all your critique. I'm gonna do a full revamp on this timeline. I also forgot to add that this is mostly uinrealistic