Germans destroy as much as possible of Paris in 1944


You know the story. Hitler ordered the destruction of Paris, resistance and German commanders in Paris prevented that. But WI the order had been carried out. How much damage would the Germans be able to do? The Eifel Tower alone would require lots of explosive on two of its legs.


You know the story. Hitler ordered the destruction of Paris, resistance and German commanders in Paris prevented that. But WI the order had been carried out. How much damage would the Germans be able to do? The Eifel Tower alone would require lots of explosive on two of its legs.

There are two scenarios on the board that deal with this. One is a complete mini-scenario - Is Paris Burning? And the other is from Calbear's excellent TL AANW. Both show the Wehrmacht all too capable of vast destruction in Paris.
if German Commander of Paris follow Hitler orders to destruction of the city
The french would return the favor on a German city that survived carpet bombing of USAAF and RAF
Or destroy allot germans monuments like the cathedral of Cologne and others


Atrocities in the French occupation zone would be even worse. And they probably get to annex the Saarland. And kick the Germans out.

Meanwhile yes destroying whatevers left of Germany's monuments.

As usual innocent people who had no control of the situation suffer.

West Germany also has to foot the bill for repairing and rebuilding Paris.


There is a lot of Paris.

In order to do this, the German command would need to be OK leaving all those forces in a pocket for the Americans to capture.

And the same German command knows the war is lost, and that it's likely the French will want to do the same to German culture.

Could it happen ? Yeah. Easily.

But it's dumb enough on a number of levels that you can very easily see anyone competant enough to be in charge of the troops around Paris sending the demolition forces "to hold a threatened sector" instead.
The most important consequence, other than the loss of priceless cultural heritage, is a huge blow to European integration. France will be far less willing to engage in rapproachment with West Germany than she was IOTL.
Smartest course would be to focus on the destruction of the transportation structure. Every possible meter of railroad track, every bridge, every culvert, every railway maintenance facility, every bit of rolling stock not evacuated, every fuel storage site, the power generators, transmission stations, the telegraph and phone exchanges,...

The Allies had to rebuild the railways and bridges west of Paris, but the task was much easier from Paris eastwards. As the key transportation hub of northern France a through sabotage of at least the railways would further cripple Allied logistics for August thru January.

In order to do this, the German command would need to be OK leaving all those forces in a pocket for the Americans to capture. ...

And praying the French don't capture them first.