I'm pretty much finished with making supplementary resources to make the VT-BAM process go faster. But I still have a problem--many of the world's municipal divisions are geometrically straight. For a Photoshopper who believes that Magic Wand and Paint Bucket (rather than Paint Brush) are the viable tools to build geographies, empires and even paleogeographies of accurate dimensions, this is a problem because "straight" never exists in nature, and I don't know any empires with straight-line borders.

This thread is in (optional) accommodation to @VT45 and @Klime 's VT-BAM project. The goal is to find, select, whitewash and BAM geological outlines. Listed here are those that I'm personally interested in:

North America (I'm interested in only the first 49 states, all of Canada and maybe Central America.)

South America (I'm interested in only Chile and Argentina.)






The reason for mixing the VT-BAM with the Geo-BAM? To alleviate the problems of geometrical straightness that some of the municipalities provide and to further make accurate my overall worldbuilding plan...