Garibaldi Joins the ACW


What if Garibaldi accepted Lincoln's offer for a command in the American Civil War? Does his command get dressed up in pretty red? Would they all be Italian, his veterans and immigrants? Does having Garibaldi as a hero in both Italy and America effect much? Does he even become a hero?

To tell you the truth, I can only find little sidenotes and off hand remarks on the offer, but it seems well documented. His reasoning behind rejecting it isn't really stated consistently, and a joke seems to be that he wanted to command the entire Union Army.

If the power and scope did deter him, what is the minimum do you think he would take?
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Besides control of the entire US Army he's supposed to have requested that Lincoln declare the abolition of slavery the goal of the war. The latter is quite believable, and Lincoln knew what he was doing in rejecting it.
VoCSe has Garibaldi's conditions right, it is certainly understandable why Lincoln refused given that. Putting the US army under the command of a foreigner would not sit will with many people, and abolition would certainly offend the border states; even with Maryland and Missouri occupied to prevent seccession one can expect an increase in pro-South sentiment, and Kentucky might go from neutral to rebel, though Delaware likely remains pro-Union. On the other hand, have a highly-skilled Union commander instead of going through the likes of McClellan for a few years will certainly help the Union cause significantly.


I don't know- it just seems like one of those little errors or myths we see in history all the time. So, lets handwave that point out.

Where do you think Garibaldi would accept a command? What is the lowest rank he would take?
Garibaldi joins the list of other mediocre Union generals like Burnside and Hooker. He may rank on par with Meade, but the scale of war and the size of the armies are probably far larger than what he has previously commanded in Latin America or Italy. Probably removed quickly from any field command following the first battle that doesn't go the Union's way. As a foreigner he just may be a political liability and easy scapegoat.