Flag Thread III

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I hope not. I HOPE NOT.

I agree so much with this. It is rubbish.
To be honest, I always thought the flag of South Sudan would work nicely for East Africa, now I suppose it wouldn't really work. Especially if SS joins as it is expected to. It would ruin the shape of the country, but oh well :(...

Hmm.....you two do realize that the EAC flag is based off the flags of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania right? Just with the colours re-arranged?

Here is what it would probably look like if it was based a bit more closely on the colour arrangement of those 3 flags:

East Africa possible 1.png
Hmm.....you two do realize that the EAC flag is based off the flags of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania right? Just with the colours re-arranged?

Here is what it would probably look like if it was based a bit more closely on the colour arrangement of those 3 flags:

And without the logo/arms in the centre:

East Africa possible 2.png


From the Dominion of Southern America timeline (link in sig):
The Empire of Russia had enjoyed relative peace and stability since the end of the succession wars in 1865. Tsar Nicholas I had proven an able and popular autocrat. While socially and economically a moderate and pragmatist, when it came to political control he was an ardent upholder of absolute monarchy. In his later life, he found the philosophies of Zeus Korsgaard much to his liking, initially introduced to him by his relative the Prussian-Polish Kaisar Wilhelm. Nicholas brought the Russian Orthodox Church more intimately under his control as an organ of the state, as well a mix of social reforms designed to weaken the aristocracy in favor of the crown. They had the happy side of ending the formal practice of serfdom in Russia. In theory, all serfs became directly beholden to the state in the person of the Tsar, but in practice this gained them a modicum of autonomy, and though they still had to depend on the landed aristocracy for access to the land. This in effect made the tsar even more popular with the people, though it did little to improve his standing with the nobility. On the other hand, his formation of a secret police to deal with dissident nobles did much to keep them in line. The several assassination attempts during his reign were almost exclusively due to the plotting of members of the aristocracy. His ability to survive as well as his hard line towards dissenters among the aristocracy earned him the sobriquet of the Steel Tsar. Tsar Nicholas was also lavish in his rewards for loyalty and service to the crown for nobles who fell in line with his regime. By the 1880s he had a compliant aristocracy (due to attrition if nothing else), a religion that served his needs, and a grateful populace. Especially popular had been his patronage of infrastructure projects and extension of education among the commoners.

In line with his adoption of a more autocratic and Korsgaardian style of rule, Tsar Nicholas banned the old merchant flag of Russia that many had used for representing the nation and instead made his personal standard with the additions of bands of red and black (common 'Korsgaardian' colors) as the official banner of the Russian Empire.

The old, proscribed merchant flag of Russia

The official flag of Tsarist Russia
Could I request a flag for (drum roll) The Empire of America-In-Africa!

I was thinking of a combination of the American eagle on the Pan-African flag, but my attempts didn't work out so...

If anyone could make such a flag I would be very grateful. It wouldn't have to be what I just described that was just the basic idea that ran in my head when I was coming up with it.

Here's an attempt. The Eagle really is too complex for a flag, so I just grabbed the shield from the center. It works best a sort of American-protectorate-in-Africa type situation.

Hmm.....you two do realize that the EAC flag is based off the flags of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania right? Just with the colours re-arranged?

I'm perfectly aware of that, but there are other ways to include the colours, or just symbolise the EAC in general, that don't look like turds. We had a Weekly Flag Challenge about the EAF a few years ago with some great entries. Also the members of the EAC include more than just Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, and may expand further in the future.

EDIT: simonbp that flag is pretty cool.
I'm perfectly aware of that, but there are other ways to include the colours, or just symbolise the EAC in general, that don't look like turds. We had a Weekly Flag Challenge about the EAF a few years ago with some great entries. Also the members of the EAC include more than just Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, and may expand further in the future.

EDIT: simonbp that flag is pretty cool.

You mean this challenge from December 2009?

If so I wouldn't say those entries were spectacular. The second one had a nice concept but it would be viewed as essentially Tanzanian as there is no red from any of the other flags. Coupled with the fact that the likely capital is Arusha (the HQ of the East African community) and it would probably be seen as total Tanzanian domination by the rest.
A cleaned-up version of a flag I did I think almost two years ago and a alternate version, though I'm not sure which is better.

Flag Versions.png
You mean this challenge from December 2009?

If so I wouldn't say those entries were spectacular. The second one had a nice concept but it would be viewed as essentially Tanzanian as there is no red from any of the other flags. Coupled with the fact that the likely capital is Arusha (the HQ of the East African community) and it would probably be seen as total Tanzanian domination by the rest.

Yes, that's what I was talking about...but only 2 entries? I could've sworn there were some others. Perhaps I was remembering something from a Flag Thread.

Anyway the point is I think that the EAC flag looks horrible, the colour symbolism don't make up for that, it could've been much better and I hope the EAF doesn't get stuck with it.
You mean this challenge from December 2009?

If so I wouldn't say those entries were spectacular. The second one had a nice concept but it would be viewed as essentially Tanzanian as there is no red from any of the other flags. Coupled with the fact that the likely capital is Arusha (the HQ of the East African community) and it would probably be seen as total Tanzanian domination by the rest.

I thought mine was quite nifty thankyouverymuch.

Bear in mind that mashing up flags together often produces horrible flags.
A simple design can do wonders.

Yes, that's what I was talking about...but only 2 entries? I could've sworn there were some others. Perhaps I was remembering something from a Flag Thread.

Anyway the point is I think that the EAC flag looks horrible, the colour symbolism don't make up for that, it could've been much better and I hope the EAF doesn't get stuck with it.

I thought there were more too.
Still I won so that's all that counts :D
Here's an attempt. The Eagle really is too complex for a flag, so I just grabbed the shield from the center. It works best a sort of American-protectorate-in-Africa type situation.

I think you win. That flag is not only very very cool, it's also plausible and realistic for the situation.

Not enough is done with the USA's national escutcheon of arms.
Just posting my favorites from my American Flags project, of which I already posted my teaser and the flags for North Carolina and Delaware.

So, enjoy now high resolution versions of New York, Pennsylvania, (West) Tennessee and Maine!





And if someone complains about them because they have seals or text on them: You'll never understand how American vexillogy works ;)
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