Female World Leaders

Yeah, yet another lame challenge. But whatever

With a POD not before 1776, make as many prominent world leaders (For example, OTL USA, UK, France, Japan, Russia, Germany, China etc. though some of these [or their "great power" status] might get butterflied away, depending on how late or early the POD is] women in 2004?

I think a good bet would be a stronger woman suffrage movement in the US getting the vote for women in the early-to-mid 19th centure, giving women a much longer time to become entrenched in the US political system, and the public a longer time to get used to the idea of politically active women.
Actually, it is the most male-dominated and "macho" cultures that seem to end up with female leaders (outside of Europe).

For instance, Pakistan, India, the Phillippines, Nicaragua, Argentina, Sri Lanka, and Turkey have all had female leaders, but not the United States. Weird.

Abdul Hadi Pasha said:
For instance, Pakistan, India, the Phillippines, Nicaragua, Argentina, Sri Lanka, and Turkey have all had female leaders, but not the United States. Weird.

wow. I did NOT know that


...scientists will find out, that wars happen at roughly one months interval... :p


Steffen Redbeard
Evita never became President of Argentina

Who you're thinking of is Perón third wife, Isabelita(I don't remember whether her name was Maria Isabel or Maria Isabella) Perón, who was vice-president during Perón last administration. When he died, she became President, being deposed, IIRC, in 1975.


Not being an expert on outside politics I cant tell you about other nations and which women play prominent roles.

Perhaps something like this might work in the U.S. 1996 Bob Dole edges out Bill Clinton after it becomes known that Bill fathered the child of an 18 year old girl. The scandal causes Hillary to divorce Bill and start her own political career as a Congress woman from New York.

In 2000 she is talked into running for the Democratic nomination, which she surprisingly wins. Rodham defeats Dole in 2000 and becomes the first female President of the United States.
In Britain Victoria has few children and they are all girls. (I did a pod earlier mentioning that breast feeding has some contraceptive effect) Oh and it would have had a good effect on overall child health if it became known.

Albert survives and this prevents Victoria from becoming the awful old reactionary that she did in OTL.

American Civil War is longer and more bitter. Work of women is more important and more recognized.

A more radical amendment about suffrage than the 15th is adopted and either directly includes women's suffrage or is interpreted as saying such.

The wish to get the US out of the Great War is a crucial factor in the election of a Progressive woman in 1916 or 1920.

Other possibility. The murder attempt on FDR comes off. Garner is a washout as President. Eleanor is nominated because of the fear of Huey Long in 1936
Perhaps one of the early Popes can be female; early Christianity was FAR more receptive to having female leaders (though that might have declined post-Constantine, though I have heard of Celtic women being bishops).

That nixes the entire notion of a "Pope" ...instead, we've got a gender-neutral "successor to Peter." This'll probably mean that female leadership is acceptable in the Church as well.
Regarding the Philippines' women presidents (2 of them to date) and whether they were elected in regularly scheduled elections; one might have an argument against this.

The current president, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo became president after President Joseph estrada was deposed in a military backed popular revolt. (She was the sitting Vice-President and was sworn in after Estrada resigned; some would say removed, from office)

President Corazon Aquino, who was elected President in 1986, won a non-regularly scheduled election. President Ferdinand Marcos declared a "snap" election in order to placate the Americans (he announced the election on American TV and not thru local outlets). And even with Aquino winning the election, she took power only after Marcos fled the country after a military mutiny and popular revolt.