Fear Itself (1934-2014): Collaborative Timeline

Most PODS taken from Straha's disowned For All Strange Days adaptation. I felt like it could actually provide a decent blueprint, outrageous as he felt it was. The goal of this was really to create a refreshing take on the old "Nazis win/survive" premise. So that's really the only rule here, that they can't lose WW2 or disintegrate ahead of schedule.


Uprising in Lower Volga, assassination of party official, Mainina (USSR)

The alternate history novel The World In Chaos is a hit, which solidifies Alternate History as a popular Genre

Hitler writes his sequel to Mein Kampf called Ich Bin Ein Fuehrer(novel)

Hays code is quietly repealed, Variety's comment that "...it's just a memory" has proven prophetic...

Candies made with tamarind become popular and affordable

Bomvaso becomes a popular candy, first in Mexico then in the USA...

Home soda machines become popular amond those who can afford them

Growing your own apple trees to make applejack, hard cider and apple wine becomes popular.

Transfer resistor (transistor) experimental prototype demonstrated to US Army signal corps.

Popped amaranth seeds become a popular and cheap snackfood item

Nikola Tesla distributes data regarding the "death ray" to the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, France, Yugoslavia, and the USSR..

The Christian starring Clark Gable and Joan Crawford makes its hit debut (film)

There Goes Romance starring Joan Crawford makes its hit debut (film)

Of Human Bondage starring Katherine Hepburn makes its hit debut (film)

Coca Cola introduces Fanta onto the market.

2/6/1934: Riots ignite French Civil War..

7/11/1934: Nikola Tesla unveils "death ray" weapon with a range of 250 miles (United States)

7/22/1934: John Dillinger escapes capture in Chicago, Illinois (United States)

8/1/1934: The radio show "Yes Senator" becomes a hit in the USA.

8/1934: Professor Leonid L. Vasiliev leads Soviet effort to create Tesla weapons (USSR)

8/22/1934: Victor McLaglan, founder of the California Light Brigade causes massive civil unrest in Los Angeles, California (United States)

8/22/1934: Silver Shirt forces foment massive civil unrest in San Diego, California (United States)

8/23/1934: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt slumps over and dies unexpectedly one day in his office...

9/26/1934: S.S. Mauretania sunk near Southampton due to harsh weather and oceanic conditions (Great Britain)

10/9/1934: King Alexander I survives an assassination attempt in Marseilles, France by Vlada Georgieff (Yugoslavia)

10/16/1934: Communist forces captured during daylight break-out from Jiangxi (People’s Republic of China)

11/11/1934: Father Charles Edward Coughlin establishes National Union for Social Justice, with the platform of the "Sixteen Principles." (United States)

12/1/1934: French fascist rally at Montreux led by Marcel Bucard. (France)

12/1/1934: The radio show "Yes, Minister" which is based on the American radio show "Yes, Senator" premieres in Britian.

12/8/1934: Jouett Souse, head of the Liberty League begins campaign to "Restore the Constitution" in a rally in Washington D.C. (United States)

12/21/1934: The beat group known as "The Society of 42" reaches 10,000 members...

12/25/1934: The world first fast food restaurant "Milliways" is founded by former peanut farmer Jimmy Carter. It serves southern style food but with lots of peanuts.

12/27/1934: Alfred A Knopf begins publishing HP Lovecraft's stories...
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Here are a few PODs to get things moving:

2/6/1934: Paris Proclamation; Rebel leaders Louis Lecoin, Sébastien Faure, Geoorges Bastien and Pierre Le Meilour proclaim the need for a "people's republic"....

3/1/1934: Jiddu Krishnamurti, proclaims himself "Maitreya" (World Teacher) during a rally in New Delhi, demanding independence from Great Britain...

10/6/1934: Catalonian Independence; Socialist CNT publishes the Declaration of Catalan, proclaiming a "worker's republic"....

10/7/1934: Sao Paulo Massacre; Fascist Green Shirts fire upon Socialists and Anarchists in Federação Operária de São Paulo, claiming that they were "threatening to overthrow the government..."
looking ahead a couple years


Consumers Union established. (United States)

Marlene Dietrich stars in I Loved A Soldier. (film)

FBI reports Klan suicide bombings spreading across the South. (USA)

Kliou the Tiger directed by William L. Greene makes its hit debut (film)

Food riots spread across the rural south. (USA)

Annie Laurie starring Sir Harry Larder makes its hit debut (film)

The Brown Wallet directed by Ian Dalrymple, makes its hit debut (film)

John Carter of Mars by Walt Disney, based on the Edgar Rice Burroughs novels, makes its hit debut. (film)

I, Claudius starring William Cameron Menzies, directed by Josef von Sternberg makes its hit debut. (film)

Big White Fog play written by Theodore Ward makes its hit debut.

Revolt of the Beavers play written by Oscar Saul and Lou Lantz makes its hit debut on Broadway.

1/25/1936: John W. Davis, Albert Ritchie, James P. Warburg, and Dean Acheson lead a rally of 2,000 people for the Liberty League at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington DC (United States)

1/30/1936: Thomas L. Dixon, Gerald L.K. Smith, and Eugene Talmadge foment race riots on behalf of the Liberty Lobby in Macon, Georgia. (United States)

2/1/1936: Richard Nixon accepted into the FBI.

2/14-16/1936: A. Philip Randolph organizes the National Negro Congress in Chicago, Illinois in order to further civil rights (United States)

2/20/1936-3/2/1936: Martial Law declared in Manhattan amidst wide scale rioting.

2/26/1936: Premier Shumei Okawa, Count Nobuakai Makino, and Prince Kimmochi Saionji are assassinated by members of the Kodo-ha "Imperial Way" faction of the Army, bringing to power Araki Sadao and Mazaki Jinzaburo. (Japan)

4/17-5/2/1936: Lamont Du Pont leads the Farmers’ Independent Council (FIC) in rallies across the Midwest (United States)

6/7/1936: Charles "Lucky" Luciano beats compulsory prostitution charge leveled by Thomas A. Dewey (United States)

6/8/1936: Governor George H. Earle (D-PA) condemns the Morgans and the Du Ponts as "the financiers of war and civil unrest" in a rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (United States)

7/??/1936: After meeting HP Lovecraft, Robert Howard begins to write more novels...

7/1936: Antonio Primo de Rivera survives assassination attempt, installing a Falange-backed fascist government. (Spain)

8/12/1936: John Henry Kirby, Texas multi-millionaire, launches a campaign for President of the United States at the National Council of Clergymen and Laymen in Asheville, North Carolina. (United States)

8/18/1936: Assassination of Joseph Stalin by Osip Pretnifsky in Union Trade House in Moscow; Leon Trotsky takes over. (USSR)

10/22/1936: New York Post exposes links between the New York Republican State Committee and Nazi Colonel Edwin Emerson (United States)

10/30/1936: Dr. Ignatz T. Griebel and William Dudley Pelley speak at Republican Party function in New York City (United States)

11/7/1936: Matuei Platenovich Maslakov with "soratniki" officers sever telephone and railroad lines, near Blagoveshchesk (USSR)

12/16/1936: Zhang Xueliang’s forces storm Xi’an compound in an attempt to free Chiang Kai-shek (People’s Republic of China)

12/26/1936: Zhang Xueliang proclaimed the head of the Kuomingtang (KMT). (People’s Republic of China)
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Here are some PODs to get things ugly:

7/14/1935: Paris Commune; Comité Amsterdam-Pleyel led by Sébastien Faure establish a commune dedicated to the overthrow of fascism in Paris...

8/14/1935: Battle of Nice; Alexander Berkman leads Socialist forces against fascist forces in Nice, France, laying claim to the city...

8/15/1935: Dissident artist Paul Signac is tortured and executed by French forces in the Bastille in Versailles, France....

9/1/1935: Reporters Henry Miller and Ernest Hemingway meet in Paris, France, while acting as war correspondents...