Favorite Pre-1900 Monarch?

Ancient Period: None, don't know much if anything about the Ancient Period to make a guess

Classical Period: I have two...
Cyrus II: Built the Persian state from the ground up, practically made Persia the empire in which later emperors and later dynasties aspire to replicate.

Aurelian: Restorer of the World, reunited the empire under force of arms. Sure, Diocletian was the one responsible for ending the Crisis of the Third Century, but Aurelian could've probably managed to have done more had he not been assassinated.

Medieval Period: Going to pick a not so obvious one, Constantine V, the Isaurian. Pretty respectable in his own right, despite being called the "Dung-Named"

Renaissance Period: Gustavus Adolphus, the Lion of the North. Hero of the Thirty Years War, probably the reason why that one EUIV achievement exists.

Industrial Period: Abdulmecid I, despite his reign seeing nationalist sentiment which ultimately doomed his multi-ethnic empire and ultimately the House of Osman as a ruling dynasty, did help promote much needed reforms to an Ottoman Empire. Can't say the "Sick Man of Europe" didn't try to make itself better during his reign.
Hail to Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte - reformist statesman and the most (IMHO) brilliant military commanders the world has ever known.

Charlemagne, Louis XIV, Alexander II of Russia and Augustus of Rome, the First and Greatest Caesar are on my top-5 list.
Antiquity : Trajan, Marcus Aurelius and Aurelian

Medieval Period : Charlemagne, Philip IV of France, Emperor Frederick I, and Alfred the Great of Wessex

Early Modern : Gustavus Adolphus, John II of Portugal, Emperor Charles V, Frederick the Great, Sigismund III Vasa and Pedro II of Brazil
Thought of a few more - Sudiata Keita, Alexander Nevsky, Ivan II Asen, Valdemar IV of Denmark, Peter the Great, Selim III and Mahmud II of the Ottoman Empire, and Liutprand, King of the Lombards.
It's cliche, but Henry VIII, Edward Vi, Mary I and Elizabeth I are all incredibly interesting to me as people. It's just the period of history that's always drawn me in. If I had to be a tad less cliche, I might also say Joanna I of Castille, who really is fascinating as a monarch with no power. But then, I'm always up for a good personal tragedy that involves a ruler rather than a triumphant general or a mostly happy, successful King.
A few of my own, based specifically around India.

Ashoka the Great - the first true uniter of the subcontinent, introduced fair and smart reforms that set the precedent for the next 1000 years, was one of the important reasons for the spread of Buddhism, a hero to all of India who's legacy a has survived till today.

Privthiraj Chauhan - a tragic ruler, fought bravely and wisely to defend his Kingdom, led such an interesting life which is still recorded in literature and poetry today. The greatest Rajput king ever, who died as a martyr for his people.

Muhammad Jalaluddin Akhbar - the great Mughal, much has been written about him and the golden age his reign was. An ambassador and symbol of religious tolerance, the first king to truly Indianise the Mughal dynasty, who made a strong bridge between the two cultures. Much like his spiritual predecessor Ashoka united almost all the subcontinent, was a fair and just king who brought prosperity to India.

Shivaji - started the movement for Hindutva Swaraj, Hindu self rule. One of the most tactically smart rulers of all time, fought against the injustice of Aurangzeb (who sadly lost touch with his great grandfather's philosophy of tolerance), and was a pioneer of guerilla combat. Founded the Maratha empire which would fight for Hindutva Swaraj into the 19th century.

Madravao I - Pioneer of the Maratha Resurrection, who re established Maratha hegemony after the darkest hour of the third battle of Panitpat. Created several key reforms, dealt with all of the Maratha's enemies with a keen sense of cunning and kept Shivaji's legacy alive. Sadly despite coming to the throne at only 17, his reign was cut short, and so was the lifeline of the Maratha empire in retrospect.