Favorite Lost Cause?

Leo Caesius said:
I would have thought that an entirely Iberian New World would have been pretty heavily Native American. Look, for example, at South America... people used to describe Paraguay as a Spanish speaking country where Guarani was used in certain spheres. Now the description has flipped; it seems that 95% of Paraguayans are native speakers of Guarani, which is used in nearly every sphere of daily life in Paraguay, even though the official language is Spanish.

The Spaniards were more interested in converting the Native Americans to Catholicism than slaughtering them all. They may have destroyed the indigenous cultures, but the population of Latin and South America is still quite heavily indigenous.

Yes, Spanish genocide mania is greatly overstated in today's PC environment. The Spaniards were far more interested in converting the natives than exterminating them, almost all deaths being caused by disease, although the early administration of the Caribbean isles was so brutal that entire peoples committed mass-suicide.
These obviously arent in the same TL

1. The British winning the Revolutionary War

2. Napoleon winning against England

3. Radical Reconstruction in United States

4. Germany in WWI

5. White Russians in Russian Civil War

6. Nationalists in Spanish Civil War

7. Britain and France in the Battle of France

8. The 1948 UN deal with Israel and Palestine


Western powers encouraging rather than stamping out democracy around the world.
Stalin not becoming the leader of russia.
American revolution absent or failed.
Oliver Cromwell creating a permanent Republic in Britian.
Wat Tylers peasent revolt.
Larger permanent viking settlement in america.
Harold winning the battle of hastings.
Battle of Maldon.
Boudica defeating suetonius.
Vercingetorix defeating Ceaser.
Hanibal coquering Rome.(for some reason I dont seem to like the romans)
Europe remaining pagan as in no Abrahamic religions.
A more stable Alexander the Great and subsequent founding of the Ecumene (the global Hellenistic empire whose capital sits in Byzantion) where human development is a millennium ahead of us. I think Carl Sagan touched on this once.

The failed American revolution (I'm dealing with that right now and it looks extremely promising. See my other threads.)

The Spanish discovery of New Zealand, who name it California. (Ok, I made it up just to rile up any Kiwis on this board.) :D
Hey, I'm Greek, and therefore not exactly the biggest fan of the Romans myself :p (We Greeks pride ourselves on running the Roman Empire (Byzantium) longer than the Romans themselves!) :D
1. Confederate Empire and Slaveocracy from Original 13 States(Kentucky and Missouri), Indian Terr., Arizona Terr., Northern Mexican States the Carribean and the Far East.

2. The Roman Empire

3. Republic of Texas
in increasing order:
6) WW2 ends after just a few months because someone actually does find a killer joke

5) a strong Celtic state survives and stays independant throught history (Ireland or something)

4) ARW fails, preferably due to loyalist Americans doing the winning rather then UK troops

3) German victory in WW1 ... if possible with Belgium being forced to join the Alliance early on (the French jumping the gun would be nice)

2) An Antwerp centric united Netherlands, consisting of no less then: All Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg plus the cities of Lille, Dunkerque, Givet, Sedan and Calais with as colonial holdings, all of the historic Dutch holdings plus some choise bits of Africa and a helfty lump of Northern America

1) All of Sarah Michelle Gellar's movie projects fail, causing her to appreciate her role as Buffy more. As a result, Buffy continues at least another 5 seasons :):):):):):) (half a dozen movies would be nice too)
Favorite lost cause:

Superpowered Ecuador.... :D

Followed by:
Sucessful prohibation
Other ancient Empires
Sucessful thrid parties
Clockpunk Aborginies
Continued Independance for Sardinia.
North America as a single nation and republic.

Oh, and last of all is an Iceland that nukes Denmark....
The survival of the greater portion of the first ancient Cretan civilization survives a few more centuries. Wonder how many differences there would be in classical Greece?
1) The ever popular survival of the Roman Empire. Usually this Roman Empire is also changed to accomplish several of my other lost causes too.

2) Monotheistic religions never become so powerful, and world religion remains a huge polytheistic conglomerate with lots of tolerance.

3) Soceity picks pragmatism over prejudice, and nobody cares about your ethnicity, gender, or what you do with other consenting adults, instead just caring about things that actually matter like skills and abilites.

4) Enlightened Despotism becomes the most common form of government.

5) Morality is in a lot better shape, cutting out all the drugs and profitloving in modern society. As an author's note my definition of drugs is incredibly broad, including substances like alcohol and tobacco and other things legal in even the most conservative countries. The idea is not to ban such things so much as it is to have society develop in such a way that there is no demand for such substances.

6) Military technology never develops beyond the Middle Ages, even with industrialization and modernization. Just imagine the image of the great powers of Europe mobilizing millions of knights as the Great War of 1914 breaks out. Not too likely, but it would be really cool. :D
1. Right Wing U.S. Conservative 3rd parties
2. Sucessful Prohibiton and drug war
3. If not, Sicilian Mafia remains in crime power
2. Germany in world War I
3. No decolinization untill the world is actualy ready
4. Anything with a different Teddy Roosevelt
5. Ultra Conservative Southern Democrats as opposed to Liberal Idiots who can't organise themselves. . . Ok, not all Democrats are that, but some. . . seriously.
6. Deseret
-Roman Empire surviving up to 1500 and in Americas.
-Muslim/Mongol Europe
-English Empire (English win 100 Years War)
-English Civil War and the Republic of England (probably no need for ARW then, eh?)
-American Revolution fails.
-American Canada.
-The Confederate States of America wins independance.
-Balkanised Australia.
-No Franco/Prussia War OR Germany wins WW1 OR Turtledovian WW1
-No WW2.
As I said before, Anglo-Saxons uniting the British Isles and Scandinavia and colonising the New World

- India developing on par with Europe
- Hellenistic India
- Buddhist India
- surviving Byzantine Empire
- British Commonwealth as a superpower
1 no habsburg in Spain.
2 Comuneros triumph: a spanish republic in the XVI century this one has as bonus points that there are no habsburg either
3 byzantine empire has four acceptable rulers for a complete century, before the 4th crusade and Mazinkert
4 arevac celtiberians defeat roman armies by Numancia
5 simon bolivar keeps Gran Colombia united
6 mexico is a strong democracy after independence
7 1938: hitler requires a pistol duel with stalin and both of them die
Karlos said:
Well, some spanish lost causes:
-The Granada califate. The muslims were much more advanced and literate than their christian counterparts at the time. Tolerance was high, and science very advanced. An islamic country in Spain could have been very interesting.

Don't you mean the Umayyad Caliphate of Córdoba? The Kingdom of Granada (1238-1492) was a pathetic little remnant of the former al-Andalus, very inward looking and devoid of non-Muslims (Granada was in fact the first dhimmi-less Muslim state).

You're right about Cordoba being the most shining example of muslim culture, it's only that Granada was the last one, standing for longer than any other muslim state in Spain, and I always found something kind of romantic in this loneliness, like a desperate fight to avoid the unavoidable.
BTW, the celts succesfull against Anglo Saxons is another of my favourites, specially after reading Bernard Cornwell's books on King Arthur.