explain this map

explain this map

confederate wank.png
A confederacy wins a civil war in a world in which borders are drawn with the pencil tool in MSPaint?
It really depends what the shading represents - for instance the situation if they are plebiscite areas would be radically changed from if they were condominiums or demilitarised.
Ignoring all internal borders, we’re seeing the beginning of the US Civil War in ~1880, after a POD in which the US gained all of Oregon. After that, the US assured the Yucatan’s independence and subsequent (maybe a decade later) entrance to the Union. Then the US took more in the Mexican-American War to assuage the South and keep the slave/free state balance. After that, a successful Ostend Manifesto and ~1870 vote to annex the Dominican Republic.

Puerto Rico and Guatemala are really tough with this timeframe, though. Maybe the former was also purchased with Ostend, but I can’t think of a way for the latter. And the Yukon I’ll just call ‘claimed’ because no one lived up there at this point. Though good luck getting the British to give up their fort at 54º40’ after the US took Oregon.

Anyway, to the war, the British are obviously… whoa, that’s US owned. I missed where Upper Canada and New Brunswick were part of the US. Okay, then. POD is either the Revolution with the US securing those two places or POD is the War of 1812 where the US manages to do well enough to get a little land from Britain. Back to now, the British are obviously involving themselves in the Civil War, claiming the return of those two bits (which makes me think the first POD is more 1812 than 1789).

Now, as to why the South feels it can claim half of the three midwest states, I’ll never know.
Someone was bored and messing around with paint. They should practice being careful a bit more. I recommend using the left click function on the eraser and the line tool.
Pod in the 1840s.

Negotiations between the USA and Great Britain over Oregon Country fail, and the USA and Great Britain go to war against each other in 1848. However, internal turmoil from the Revolutions of 1848 that somehow spread to Great Britain prevents Great Britain from doing much of the war. (Great Britain goes into another civil war.) As a result, the USA is able to get all of Oregon Country, all the way to 54-40. However, the USA does not get Vancouver Island. Also, the USA was also able to invade New Brunswick and Ontario. Further negotiations between the USA and Great Britain results in two thing:
1. the selling of the Northwest Frontier to the USA in order to pay off debts gained by fighting the civil war in Great Britain
2. the fixing of the Anglo-American border to be the way they are right now in America

In 1854, in order to raise money to help defeat a Swedish-Austrian-French-Ottoman alliance, Russia offers to sell the USA Alaska. The USA accepts, but Russia loses the war anyways.

In the Gadsden Purchase in 1853, the USA gets all of Mexico up to the border in the map. However, with abolitionists taking over the Whig Party and rising to the Presidency and taking both houses in 1856, The USA loses most of the land and more, because other states and territories have seceded too. One notable state that seceded from the USA is Maryland, forcing the USA government to relocate to a different place. In the end, the USA loses the war of secession, and a new country forms. It could be named anything, but just for familiarity's sake, I will call the new country the Confederacy.

Eventually, imperialists in both countries rise, and take part in partitioning the Caribbean and Central America amongst themselves.

A war erupts between the USA and the Confederacy and the UK, with the USA against the other two countries. The striped patterns in the map represents how far the British and Confederates have advanced against the USA.
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