Effects if Nixon resigns for health reasons instead of Watergate?

POD: The guy Nixon hires to bug the 1972 DNC is slightly more ocmpetent and doesn't get caught. Nixon gets reelected without any looming scandal, is able to continue being POTUS without "watergate" becoming a household name. Yeah, the story gradually leaks out in the 90s and 2000s but Nixon leaves the white house without ethical drama.

Things go until roughly the time would have had to resign OTL when he has a phlebitis attack/some other serious enough health crisis for him to not think he'll live long if he stays POTUS. Nixon leaves the white house on schedule, albeit with a much better reputation.

What changes 1972-early 1974 and how do things go post-1974 with a clean Nixon, one able to give advice to presidents until probably after 2000[1]

[1] THIS much of a health scare means he takes his health much more seriously than OTL so him living to 2000-2004 fits. Okay, that and no stress/guilt from being caught.
I don't think it changes much other than his legacy. There was already a crisis of confidence due to the Vietnam War. His VEEP still has major scandals. Gerald Ford still becomes President ultimately and he's not going to keep the peace in Vietnam. So ultimately the same US malaise sets in IMHO--maybe someone other than Carter gets in, but he still probably is elected.
1976 dem primaries definitely get impacted for sure

idk if carter wins since there wouldn't be the appeal of running someone clean but otoh still a demand for an outsider bc of how poorly the 70s are going
It does have a big effect on the 1976 election. Without watergate it is very likely that Ford narrowly wins considering how close the election was in our timeline even with watergate. The Democratic’s still likely get there majorities in congress but they are slightly smaller.
So immediate/medium-term consequences would be the old moderate or at least northern/non sunbelt conservative wing of the GOP isn't torpedoed plus faith in government doesn't take OTL's hit. Weaker partisan rancor and butterflies probably mean the US gets some kind of halfassed universal healthcare in 1974 under ford[1]

Even if you get some kind of conservadem in 1976, even if it's Carter and he flosp as badly as OTL you might see the net effect being Reagan's 1980 showing comparable to 1976 -- able to cause drama in the primaries/make the platform shift one or two notches to the right but Bush/Connally/some other comparative moderate or at most rightwards not reagan/kemp/goldwater atyle conservative wins in 1980.

[1] It came REAL close in OTL but an inconveniently-timed scandal sunk it. Removing watergate reshuffles politicians' day to day routine which means that Mills doesn't get busted with an argentinian hooker.
the US gets some kind of halfassed universal healthcare in 1974 under ford
In addition, I’d love it if we’re able to take the opportunity of the good economic times of 1976, 1977, 1978, and the first half of 1979 — yes, really! — to start replacing lost auto jobs with _______________________ ? ? ?
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The War Powers Act may not pass. Congress allows Ford to give more support to South Vietnam - delaying, if not preventing the fall.