Dividing an Entente Ottoman Empire in a Central Powers victory?

In a scenario (and I don't really think it much matters how, really*) in which the Ottoman Empire joins the Triple Entente, but the Central Powers win...

I presume the Hashemites revolt with German support, while the British and to a lesser extent, the French, support the Turks and ultimately the German backed Arab Revolt is victorious.

How would Germany and Austria-Hungary want to divide the former OE? What type of client states emerge?

What would be the CP equivalent to Sykes-Picot?

Just never seen it mentioned on here, and perhaps there's a reason for that, but I've never thought of it. A map would be incredibly useful too, if anyone has the will and/or interest.


Maybe neutral UK? Maybe a CP America? Possibility for Italy to be firmly in the CP (or remain neutral) here? Any changes to Bulgaria?
Hard to say much without a more settled POD.

Assuming a roughly historical line up except for the Ottomans joining the other side, there probably wouldn't be much in the way of a border shift, I can't imagine the Arab revolt going better with what support the Germans could smuggle as opposed to the British, and the British and the Russians wouldn't be tying all those Turkish troops down. I could see them losing some European land to Bulgaria (but Constantinople is the capital, seeing as they held it even with a far more conclusive defeat I doubt the Turks would lose it)

I would think Greece lining up the Central Powers is a bit more likely in this scenario as well so some minor Aegean coastline losses make sense.

Otherwise it is difficult to envision the Ottomans really losing all that badly to Germany and Austria, if Italy stayed with the Central Powers a bit more of a carve up could have occurred.
Hard to say much without a more settled POD.

Assuming a roughly historical line up except for the Ottomans joining the other side, there probably wouldn't be much in the way of a border shift, I can't imagine the Arab revolt going better with what support the Germans could smuggle as opposed to the British, and the British and the Russians wouldn't be tying all those Turkish troops down. I could see them losing some European land to Bulgaria (but Constantinople is the capital, seeing as they held it even with a far more conclusive defeat I doubt the Turks would lose it)

I would think Greece lining up the Central Powers is a bit more likely in this scenario as well so some minor Aegean coastline losses make sense.

Otherwise it is difficult to envision the Ottomans really losing all that badly to Germany and Austria, if Italy stayed with the Central Powers a bit more of a carve up could have occurred.

Well, having studied the Arab Revolt more than any other historical event I would say that supply and support didn't win the war for the Arabs as much as pure luck. All the Arabs need in any TL to win that revolt is the foreign promises and inspiration to revolt in the first place and OTL's measure of good fortune and staggering Turkish incompetence. In addition, the Central Powers gave the Turks far more in the way of useful material support than the Entente did the Arabs. Expect to see far more airplanes, artillery, and armored cars in Arab service than OTL. Also, remember that the British have less to gain from supporting the Turks than they would from essentially robbing them in OTL. Therefore, the Turks might receive even less support than the Arabs received from the UK OTL. The sideshow of a sideshow remains just that. The big difference would be where the supplies arrive, they have to come south rather than east (from Cairo) and that's messy. At any rate, we'll say the Arabs win and win bigger than OTL, and get more screwed than OTL as well.

As to the specific POD, I suppose there are a few early on in 1914. We'll say Churchill immediately pays the Ottomans for borrowing the Dreadnoughts and promises to return or replace them at war's end. This unleashes snowballs of butterflies and what should be a neutral OE instead goes Entente. Italy still begins the war neutral, but enters sooner than OTL and on the side of the CP.

I'm rusty on my 'Greece and Bulgaria in WWI' reading, it's been some years. Can they jump in with the CP against the OE here too?

Let's make Jutland a disaster for the UK, that's pretty possible, though just barely plausible. The US either remains neutral or joins the CP (no Lusitania? No Zimmerman telegram?).

And let's also assume that the CP backed Arab Revolt goes about as well or slightly better than the UK backed revolt of OTL, but the Germans still beat the Arabs to their goal cities.

We now have a few situations:

Egypt? The UK has to lose all influence there, but is it split between Italy and Germany?

Austrian Syria? That sounds like the most incredible disaster I've ever heard of.

If Turkey doesn't keep Istanbul, who gets it?

What happens to Palestine?

Maximum Greek, Italian, and Bulgarian concessions? I imagine we're talking primarily in Anatolia proper here.

What about the whole of Arabia? Germany will want to repair and replace what's left of the Berlin-Baghdad Railway and colonization of a big Chuck of the Middle East and Mesopotamia, along with German controlled Hashemite puppet kingdoms is the best way to do that.

Just a few thoughts.
In addition, the Central Powers gave the Turks far more in the way of useful material support than the Entente did the Arabs. Expect to see far more airplanes, artillery, and armored cars in Arab service than OTL. Also, remember that the British have less to gain from supporting the Turks than they would from essentially robbing them in OTL. Therefore, the Turks might receive even less support than the Arabs received from the UK OTL.

How well would Germany supply the Arab armies? Unless I'm underestimating the alt-CP navies the Mediterranean will be heavily contested by Britain, France, the Ottomans, and Russia (since they can just sail through the straits ITTL). Likewise British support would probably be higher than OTL, since they have established armies to work with and supply. Plus in theory both Britain and Russia can directly reinforce the Ottomans-there won't be a Gallipoli this time around. An obvious advantage for the CPs would be that if Bulgaria and Greece did join they could directly threaten Constantinople. Taking it would be difficult, of course.

The big difference would be where the supplies arrive, they have to come south rather than east (from Cairo) and that's messy.

You're probably right on that, though again depending on the situation in the Mediterranean the entente could potentially just land supplies in Anatolia.

I'm rusty on my 'Greece and Bulgaria in WWI' reading, it's been some years. Can they jump in with the CP against the OE here too?

Possibly. Greece was pretty violently torn about who to back in WWI; given that both Britain and the Ottomans had lands Greece coveted, it seems more likely. Bulgaria wasn't any friend of the Ottomans either. Still I think something else would have to go right for the central powers, since ITTL Bulgaria would be facing Serbia and the Ottomans (and potentially Romania as well). They'd need some sense that Germany is going to win this.

And let's also assume that the CP backed Arab Revolt goes about as well or slightly better than the UK backed revolt of OTL, but the Germans still beat the Arabs to their goal cities.

The first part is unlikely. Even if the Ottomans crumble, the British can swoop in pretty quickly. That does make it possible for the Germans to take control, either through treaty (difficult), or by slogging their way through Anatolia and Mesopotamia (also hard to envision).

Egypt? The UK has to lose all influence there, but is it split between Italy and Germany?

Assuming the UK does abandon Egypt and the Suez (which is no small proposition, btw), the neatest solution would be Germany getting most of the Asian middle east while Italy gets protectorship of Egypt (and maybe Lebanon and/or Palestine if that's not sufficient). The Suez could be joint owned by Italy/Germany rather than Britain/France.

Austrian Syria? That sounds like the most incredible disaster I've ever heard of.

I'd be astonished if Austria-Hungary gets anything out of this except maybe economic concessions.

If Turkey doesn't keep Istanbul, who gets it?
Good question. Possibly Greece, since they had a longstanding claim on the place; possibly Bulgaria, since they'd probably get there first and might not want to hand it over to Greece; possibly Germany under the guise of a 'free city' or something like that.

Maximum Greek, Italian, and Bulgarian concessions? I imagine we're talking primarily in Anatolia proper here.
Aside from the question of Constantinople,the Greeks would probably get a couple of islands and the area around and including Smyrna/Izmir, as in OTL. As in OTL, holding that might not be as easy. Bulgaria would probably get lands in Thrace, including Edirne/Adrianople. Italy and Germany would probably divide Anatolia into spheres of influence, potentially carving out Kurdish and Armenian states to weaken Turkish power.

What about the whole of Arabia? Germany will want to repair and replace what's left of the Berlin-Baghdad Railway and colonization of a big Chuck of the Middle East and Mesopotamia, along with German controlled Hashemite puppet kingdoms is the best way to do that.

The fate of the Arabs could look very similar to OTL. As far as I know Germany wasn't any more sensitive than the entente vis a vis local borders. OTOH its tempting to say that things would be different if Germany gets more of the middle east than Britain did-say Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Hejaz, and Jordan-and combines it into a larger Arab state. If it succeeds in creating this puppet (or puppets) it would have access to a decent part of the world's oil supply, and be able to threaten British interests in the Persian gulf.
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How well would Germany supply the Arab armies? Unless I'm underestimating the alt-CP navies the Mediterranean will be heavily contested by Britain, France, the Ottomans, and Russia (since they can just sail through the straits ITTL). Likewise British support would probably be higher than OTL, since they have established armies to work with and supply. Plus in theory both Britain and Russia can directly reinforce the Ottomans-there won't be a Gallipoli this time around. An obvious advantage for the CPs would be that if Bulgaria and Greece did join they could directly threaten Constantinople. Taking it would be difficult, of course.

In a way, it seems there will be something of a Gallipoli, only with The CP besieging Constantinople...

Remember too that in this scenario we're assuming everything that went right for the OTL Entente goes wrong for TTL's Entente. So, ships and men will be considered too precious to donate to the Turks.

Another thing to consider is that a massive part of the Turks losing to the Arab Revolt was the destruction of the railways. The railroads are too dear to the Turks for them to do likewise, and once Constantinople is taken the CP can fairly easily supply the Arabs and support incursions by the combined forces of Greek, Bulgarian, and Northern Ottoman Rebels, not to mention small amounts of Italian, Austro-Hungarian, and German relief.

If the Briish and French figure they can't help and the Russians decide not to, we're looking at a pretty sizable victory in the OE by war's end with plenty of European CP soldiers and representatives hanging around for good measure.

You're probably right on that, though again depending on the situation in the Mediterranean the entente could potentially just land supplies in Anatolia.

If Jutland goes the other way, the Mediterranean, while certainly not a Central Powers lake, will be difficult to effectively control by the Entente. They need those ships elsewhere.

Possibly. Greece was pretty violently torn about who to back in WWI; given that both Britain and the Ottomans had lands Greece coveted, it seems more likely. Bulgaria wasn't any friend of the Ottomans either. Still I think something else would have to go right for the central powers, since ITTL Bulgaria would be facing Serbia and the Ottomans (and potentially Romania as well). They'd need some sense that Germany is going to win this.

Agreed, and thank you for handling my blind spot with your knowledge!

The first part is unlikely. Even if the Ottomans crumble, the British can swoop in pretty quickly. That does make it possible for the Germans to take control, either through treaty (difficult), or by slogging their way through Anatolia and Mesopotamia (also hard to envision).

Again, we're talking about a worse off Entente and a damned-lucky CP here.

Assuming the UK does abandon Egypt and the Suez (which is no small proposition, btw), the neatest solution would be Germany getting most of the Asian middle east while Italy gets protectorship of Egypt (and maybe Lebanon and/or Palestine if that's not sufficient). The Suez could be joint owned by Italy/Germany rather than Britain/France.

A giant German colony in the Middle East, and a German controlled Hashemite puppet state will be extremely interesting. An Italo-German Suez is its own marvelous timeline. As is an Italian Palestine. I can see a chunk of Anatolia going under Italian control as well, also big chunks to Greece and Bulgaria. I'd really like to see what the Hashemite-Saudi conflict looks like here. The Saud's are backed by the UK still (and India) and the Hashemites are backed by Austria and Germany.

I'd be astonished if Austria-Hungary gets anything out of this except maybe economic concessions.

What if they earned it? What if the war goes poorly enough for the Entente and Germany can help on the Eastern Front more as well, freeing up some room for Austro-Hungarians to go adventuring in the Ottoman lands? AH is a mess and will be, especially with yet another ethnically troublesome bite of the world, but the drama is worth it just to see AH squirm.

What if Austria-Hungary gets Syria and uses it as a penal colony for all these dissatisfied subjects? just a fun thought. Well, not fun, but interesting in the Chinese sense...

Good question. Possibly Greece, since they had a longstanding claim on the place; possibly Bulgaria, since they'd probably get there first and might not want to hand it over to Greece; possibly Germany under the guise of a 'free city' or something like that.

Combination of the three? Split the city in half: Bulgaria gets the European side, Greece the Asian side (and the lion's share of Turkey, mostly the west), and Germany has effective sovereignty over the whole 'free' city in name and practice?

An awkward but interesting arrangement, to be sure.

Aside from the question of Constantinople,the Greeks would probably get a couple of islands and the area around and including Smyrna/Izmir, as in OTL. As in OTL, holding that might not be as easy. Bulgaria would probably get lands in Thrace, including Edirne/Adrianople. Italy and Germany would probably divide Anatolia into spheres of influence, potentially carving out Kurdish and Armenian states to weaken Turkish power.

Kurdish and Armenian states are a must. I like that idea.

The fate of the Arabs could look very similar to OTL. As far as I know Germany wasn't any more sensitive than the entente vis a vis local borders. OTOH its tempting to say that things would be different if Germany gets more of the middle east than Britain did-say Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Hejaz, and Jordan-and combines it into a larger Arab state. If it succeeds in creating this puppet (or puppets) it would have access to a decent part of the world's oil supply, and be able to threaten British interests in the Persian gulf.

Similar or even worse, even with the increased German influence TTL over UK influence in OTL.

What comes next?

What does a Germanophile and German controlled Hashemite protectorate look like? How long until another World War? Germany is in great shape here, the Middle East in even worse shape.

Thanks very much for your thoughtful and knowledgable responses.
I imagine Bulgaria gets Edirne; Greece gets the regions of Smyrna, Trebizond, and a chunk of Armenian lands to the south of Trebizond (this way, the CP can punish the Ottoman Empire while rewarding Greece - instead of rewarding the uncomfortably pro-Russian Armenians). Constantinople is made an international zone under formal Greek sovereignty but very strong German influence.

Italy gets a colony and/or a "soft colony" (zone of influence) in Cilicia and southern Anatolia. Maybe Italian Syria too?

Kurdistan is made independent. Or maybe Kurdistan just gains autonomy within the Ottoman Empire, and the Germans, with the Kurds' help, purge the Committee of Union and Progress and install a neo-Hamidian regime in the rest of the Empire. If they do establish a neo-Hamidian regime, it would make sense to keep the Arabs in the Empire as one of its pillars (short-term pillars, at least).

No idea where the German colony or zone would most plausibly be. I doubt Austria-Hungary gets anything - in a war so narrowly won, they'll be lucky if they aren't already falling apart at the seams.

The opportunities for dividing the Ottoman Empire are pretty limited in this scenario. With the Ottoman Empire on the side of the Entente, it won't be all that easy getting Bulgaria or Greece to play for the other team (nor, for that matter, getting Italy). Armenian and Kurdish separatism was largely pro-Russian oriented. And I'm not sure Germany has enough power projection in the lands of the Arabs to really to something with them. But maybe it's best to ignore the difficulties for now.
I imagine Bulgaria gets Edirne; Greece gets the regions of Smyrna, Trebizond, and a chunk of Armenian lands to the south of Trebizond (this way, the CP can punish the Ottoman Empire while rewarding Greece - instead of rewarding the uncomfortably pro-Russian Armenians). Constantinople is made an international zone under formal Greek sovereignty but very strong German influence.

Italy gets a colony and/or a "soft colony" (zone of influence) in Cilicia and southern Anatolia. Maybe Italian Syria too?

Kurdistan is made independent. Or maybe Kurdistan just gains autonomy within the Ottoman Empire, and the Germans, with the Kurds' help, purge the Committee of Union and Progress and install a neo-Hamidian regime in the rest of the Empire. If they do establish a neo-Hamidian regime, it would make sense to keep the Arabs in the Empire as one of its pillars (short-term pillars, at least).

No idea where the German colony or zone would most plausibly be. I doubt Austria-Hungary gets anything - in a war so narrowly won, they'll be lucky if they aren't already falling apart at the seams.

The opportunities for dividing the Ottoman Empire are pretty limited in this scenario. With the Ottoman Empire on the side of the Entente, it won't be all that easy getting Bulgaria or Greece to play for the other team (nor, for that matter, getting Italy). Armenian and Kurdish separatism was largely pro-Russian oriented. And I'm not sure Germany has enough power projection in the lands of the Arabs to really to something with them. But maybe it's best to ignore the difficulties for now.

Bulgaria only gets Erdine?

What of the rest of Thrace?