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Map of the British Empire 1782 (Mapchart I'm trying to learn how to use Q-Bam this summer)
A mapchart map I made


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Chapter X: Europe In Chaos: 2/4: First Coalition: WARNING LONG
Feburary 7,1782


In The days following the revolution King Louis XVI had attempted to escape to the Austrian Netherlands but was caught in response him and his wife, Marie Antoinette were declared traitors to the revolution and they were marked for execution the reign of terror was in full swing a revolutionary calender was also created firstly. Their ally the Dutch abolished the Dutch Republic and became a confederation,executing their statholder Prince of Orange William V and his Wife Princess Wilhelmina of Prussia in response Prussia Declared war on the Dutch.
France followed up by Declaring war on Prussia and Premptively declaring war on Austria as well,
The Dutch did the same in goodwill.

March 9,1782


Despite the initial tensions he war had been a slow war especially due to King Fredrick II of Prussia died prematurely earlier in the year however an Prussian Army had crossed over from Alsace beginning Striking the New Republic where they met their Army near Verdun.
The Prussians and their Allies numbered around 35,000 and began to strike they attempted to cross the fire but French Artilery severely weakened their river crossing.
The French Numbered around 32,000, their 10,000 strong Cavalry outmanuvered and surrounded the Prussians around the Meuse destorying the right flank Surronding gthe force and destroying the Prussian Army.
The Victory Galvanized the French.

Since the War began Britain supported the Coalition but was not openly in the war until the execution of King Louis XVI leading to the Declaration of War by Britain.

Calais,Great Britain.
March 10,1782


A British force of around 20,000 Had landed at Calais and another one of 15,000 at Rouen. French shore batteries were used to interfere with supply cross-channel.
The first French Force numbering Around 25,000 began with a shelling of around 40 artilery pieces into the Calais Ville allowing the French to capture the area the road and the port itself. A smaller French force moved through Picardy and arrived cutting off the 20,000 British Soldiers inside the city who were demolished by the guns they surrendered by the end of the month.

Rouen,Great Britain
March 15,1782


Compared to Rouen, The siege of Calais was heaven.
The siege began when British forces had began unloading shelling from all sides began as the encircled British enclave many of the ships were damaged but the Royal Navy had defeated the French Fleet but the shore batteries once more forced the Royal Navy to retreat back cross-channel.
The British Force was demolished after the Artilery street to street fighting began the attrition of the battle wrecked through the British rank and file with their battalions being around 30% strength before the final day of the battle on the 17th The French began setting fire to British fortifacations which forced them out into the open city which they were mowed down.

Britain was ashamed of it's lackluster Performence but Britain would be back

Charleroi,Austrian Netherlands
April 5,1782


France had been holding their ground against the Austro-Prussian Alliance and now they had a force of 50,000 strong to avenge their defeat in Rouen War,
French cavalry numbering 20,000 began their strike following the French crossing the river seizing the outeroads however the Austrians held them in the north despite that French forces surged through the center with the Austrians in the south encircled between French forces they were toast however the Austrians managed to encircle French forces advancing north slowing down the battle with the Austrians slowly pushing back the French however French reinforcements entered from the North-West sealing the deal for the Austrians forcing them to retreat up to Namur abandoning most of the Austrian Netherlands to avoid Dutch forces encircling them to the north.

April 21,1782


The Rensembled British Army numbered 50,000 and they had landed near the French City of Caen capturing the city They had advanced down River their first victory however it was shortlived.
French forces retook Caen on the 27th leaving the British encircled however they fought hard here resisting the French Attacks straining their forces however lack of supply forced their Surrender

Hanover, Hanover
April 22,1782

French Action against the Coalition forced the Dutch into action to avoid being subordinated,
They needed new markets as the British Occupied, Guiana, The Antilles,Cape,The East Indies.
The Dutch Economy needed this trade to survive so they ha a strategy pressure Hanover to Pressure the King and his Allies in London into surrender however the Whig Government would be a problem none the Less the Dutch Engaged Hanoverian and British Forces at Emden.

Arriving at the CIty with some French aid to their slight ire they began to storm the city Dutch Artilery and riverfleets moved through cutting British supply as the Royal Navy was focused on the Channel allowing them to dominate the stream allowing for Dutch Marines to encircle then destory their forces near the coast before moving in across the southwestern roads into the city 10 pieces of Artilery broke a fort allowing the Dutch and French to swarm the area.

Franco-Spanish Border
April 30,1782


Spanish forces crossed the border but were turned back against vicious French Defense and were driven back towards Barcelona after this Spain and France signed Peace so did Tuscany. Savoy as well ceding territories including the county of Nice. The Coalition fell into Ruin Especially however Prussia Austria and Britain moved against the French.

May 19, 1782


The Whigs knew they needed a victory or they would stand no chance in elections so they sent reinforcements landing in Hamburg soon arriving at the city of Hanover,
The Royal Navy was now Focused learning from what a brown water fleet could down and they spilt the occupying Dutch in half with the majority cut off from supply lines, The Royal Navy began to shell the Dutch and use Artilery pieces to destroy them as lame ducks in the city before a 5,000 man strong company of Royal Marines captured an outlying road allowing for British forces to smight the Dutch forcing them to retreat back to the Border Town of Emden

June 7,1782


The French Riverfleet had cut off the city but as this was regular tactics of theirs however what surprised the Prussians was The French took the high casualty risk storming the center instead of their "exposed" flanks despite the high casulty rate (30%) the French did shatter the Prussian Defense allowing for the encirclement of the Austrians at Namur and Capture of the West Bank of the Rhine.


Rough Map of Revolutionary France and Her Allies. circa May 1782
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Chapter X: Europe In Chaos: 3/4: Rise of the Soldat Glorieux and Britain's Revenge Spree
June 21,1782

Couldn't Find Artist if you do tell me so I can credit them.

Following the Rise of the Hebertistes and the reign of terror, The Army and the young-star Jean Moreau who was famous after his victories in the \
Austrian Netherlands and the Rhine. Began looking towards the issue of the economy began offering the military to pave roads and such basic things to aid France however he began isolating his rivals and consolidating The Military under his Influnece for his vision of the Republic despite being a sincere Republican he say the chaos and rising influence of the radicals and decided he had to act soon gathering his allies notably Joseph Fouche. When more moderate members invited the Military to aid they did arresting and killing radicals
They soon launched a Coup the Thermidorian Reaction and the White Terror.
however during this The Army began to purge these radicals and Royalists, and unfriendly minorities.
The new Government had a problem Their economy was dying they had almost no outside trade and Royalists revolts and the People could starve However He had came to conclusion following the stress after the coup, France had to be processed and Stabilized before democracy could return right?.
So he Set upon his goals first he would have to force Austria out Completely.

Po River Valley,Habsburg Italy and Venice
July 11,1782

Following the Fall of Turin Moreau left loyal subordinates in control of France while he advanced after he crossed the Alps his forces met the Austrians at Milan He decided that the French Cavalry would be the most important factor and he used it to to surprise the Austrians Instead of the Austrian flank being striked the Cavarly struck near an Austrian Blindspot and Bypassed them entirely allowing French Infantry to Follow and surrond the Austrians in Milan while the Rest of the Po River Valley was now wide open.
Nonetheless the siege did not begin with the Austrians cut off from supply and faced from assault on all sides their army of 40,000 surrendered and the weak Venice which couldn't defend itself from Britain or any foreign power quickly fell and was occupied the First Cispalpine Republic and the Po Republic however quickly the Austrians were still in a safe position forcing the French to cross the Alps as the Two Pronged Army crossed the Alps and defeated the Austrians at Graz Archduke Joseph capitulated and France was at peace with all of Continetal Europe except Britain and the Ottomans.

Several Dutch Colonies and North Sea
April-December 1782


"Britain was going to break the Dutch No Matter What NO MATTER WHAT!
The British Started their Delightfull Campaign by showing up to Amsterdam and blowing up much of the Dutch fleet however much of t was also not the (on patrol)
as the Dutch were returned their colonies as following the Dutch Revolution in order to not shakeup the landscape to much by now the damage to European Stability was irreversible. Edmund Burke also knew his Whigs needed a victory or his faction would die so he began following the Victory in Hanover was a sigh of relief.
First the Naval Campaign cut off Dutch Trade and following the death of a Prussian Princess the HRE cut all ties next to truly get the Dutch out of foreign markets The British Started this by sailing to Japan and demanding the Dutch trade port be either given up to the British or they would take it the Shogun Refused and British Royal Marines arrived at Edo Forcing him to concede then in the East Indies they worked to create an anti Dutch Coalition and began an leapfrogging campaign to destroy the Dutch East Indies with them seizing Jakarta than Java then Sumatra before the Straits of Malacca then the rest of Indies

The Antilles,Cape, And Suriname fell next.
The British Resorted t devaluing the new Dutch currency copper clipping and all making it worthless than to finish this Off the Dutch and French Lost the Battle of Emden leading to the fall of much of Frisia.
Luckily for the British Whigs who were tired of constant war and Moreau who wanted peace used his influence to began negotiations between Britain and France. Spain,Hanover and the Netherlands were invited as well.

The Soldat Glorieux Increasingly Controls France, And The National Assembly Increasingly Doesn't
Chapter X: Europe In Chaos: 3.5/4: Peace of Rennes
Peace of Rennes

Janurary 12,1783

The first topic of the meeting was the Dutch overseas empire the British wanted the Dutch Out and France was looking for an opportunity for "compromise"
  1. Firstly was the VOC had to "sell" the East Indies to the British Nusantra Company (newly founded)​
  2. Second It was agreed that the Cape Would Become a Crown Colony​
  3. The Dutch WIC had to give up everything except the Dutch Antilles which the Dutch Got to keep instead of East Frisia​

Next Topic Was Italy
  1. The Papal States and the Two sicilies was restored
  2. Several Italian Sister Republics were created from Tuscany to Transdapane and From Piedmont to Venice

Next was France Itself
  1. It was agreed that France would cede Flanders to the Dutch while keeping Wallonia and the West Bank of the Rhine
  2. British Ports in France would be ceded to France
  3. Ottoman Authority no longer formally Controlled Algeria

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Chapter X: Europe In Chaos: 4/4: Boston and Taxes Redux/ I Love Democracy (Blue Jacket's War 1/2)
Feburary 25,1783


John Adams was returning home from a session of the Massachusetts Colonial Assembly when the news reached him peace had been achieved however he worried a repeat of the events after the French and Indian war Britain couldn't possibly just recover quickly after such a catastrophic loss of men he hoped they could loot the Dutch Colonies however as the North American Parliment assembled to find the British issued several taxes to pay they were outraged and tensions with Britain rose,however as A routine British garrison and A New Hampshire colonial regiment exchanged fire luckily level headed figures came to address the crisis drafting a bill that in exchange for heavier taxes trade restrictions would be abolished in some cases and weakened in others also it drafted a plan where the Colonies would be deeper connected and the American Parliment would gain strength colonies would also dismantle their Minutemen finally,however this would have to wait.

Shawnee Territory
March 11,1783

Blue Jacket(1) was a war chief however he convinced members of his tribe and people to send envoys to Philidelphia and London to stop the settlers however the Europeans simply didn't care, After hearing about a great Revolt against the French "Tribal Chief"(2) he decided he would send an envoy to the French.
Luckily the envoy arrived when the War of the First Coalition ended, so during his time there he organized support for his tribe a few instructors as well as a "guarantee of support" with his instructors he arrived in New Orleans obviously the authorities questioned him when he left and came back however he luckily smuggled some of them in with their weapons that they carried across the Atlantic. despite this many of his instructors and their equipment was captured

Following the creation of the Charlotina and Vandalia colonies(3)In Shawnee territory Blue Jacket
He then began arming and constructing faciliaties for gun production his people were skeptical but he managed to secure support from his chief allowing for the teaching and production of the weapons however by now the British had suspicions of French trickery and began to send search missions.
He formed alliances with he Miamis,Delawares, and Chippewas he even sent a delegation to the Haudenosaunee(4) which they argued for weeks but were leaning towards his side due to New Yorker incroachment.

St.Aelred,Charlotina Colony
April 9,1783

And it began on the 9th When Bluejacket's Alliance began raids across the Charlotina Colony and attacked the largest town St.Aelred(5)
It Began when Gunmen struck the weaker sides of the fort allowing them to raid and burn St.Aelred after this they began an offensive towards the Appalachians the Minutemen divisions while ready on a quick notice French advisors allowed the Native Americans to bypass them using their lack of horses and mountaineers to their advantadge at Greenville(6) Vandalia

April 21,1783


In earnest the Soldat Glorieux(7) endorsed a formation of a directory after the War however Moreau wasn't in charge and didn't lead the directory however he spent the time refining his political skills and began to rally his supporters and stacked his supporters in the National Assembly Guard and purged his rivals in the Military. However he was excluded from the Council as well so he grabbed his supproters. Then the April elections concluded and with the Jacobins taking Power Jean Moreau decided France was not ready for democracy!

French Military Forces began their campaign by allying with the land owner factions in the Dutch Confederation and their military the Free Corps and Overthrew the Dutch government,
Sister Republics in Italy got their governments arrested and replaced by Generals loyal to Moreau, The French Republictried to rally anti Coup forces however Moreau acted quickly Organizing the Soldat Glorieux seizing Roads and the Rhine Wallonia and Luxembourg as well as puting down several royalist insurrections as well as seizing Paris and the Rest of France, Moreau appointed commander in the French carribean quickly supported the coup and the First Republic ended formally with a National Assembly Declaration...

Now France was stabilized following the coup and Europe was no longer in Chaos yet another war was brewing...

(1) Who Blue Jacket is
(2) French Revolution and King Louis XVI
(3) What Charlotina is andWhat Vandalia is
(4) Name for the iroquois's confederacy
(5) OTL Columbus Ohio
(6) OTL Glenville West Virginia
(7) Clique of French Militarists I made for this timeline inspired by the Tatmandaw

Chapter XI: Blue Jacket's War 2/2

May 10,1783
General Goerge Washington had left Mt Vernon, A week ago and was tasked with leading British North American forces Washington was known mainly as the starter of the French and Indian war and he had a mission to be the one to end Blue Jacket's war. His Army attempted to cross the Appalchian Mountains however they had met an opposing force of 9,000 of Blue Jackets men Washington numbered 25,000 however he knew they could cause major damage so he spilt his Army with 20,000 of his men lying in wait to surrond and destroy Blue Jacket's Army. The Colonies had given him 25,000 men because two whole colonies had already fallen Charlotina and Vandalia.

Blue Jacket had set Cornstalk(1) to march into Vandalia and take back their territory and threaten Virginia he jumped at the chance to destroy a smaller colonist army he began my striking the weaker right flank allowing him to move in through the middle and spilt the colonists in half however he had fallen for Washington's trap 20,000 men now stormed Cornstalk's position he was completely unprepared and his Army was decimated this victory, saved the remaining colonists of Vandalia and enabled him to reconquer the Colony.

Fort Granville Pennslyvannia
May 26,1783

However despite defeat at the Second Battle of Greenville Cornstalk's army arrived and linked up with Blue Jacket himself now numbering around 13,000 began their east and had crossed the Appalachians and Threatened Pittsburgh causing Many to flee Washington was forced to give 9,000 of his men to Benedict Arnold while he gained 2,000 more his force now numbering 18,000 was not quick enough to prevent the cities fall however he reached Fort Granville(2) before Blue Jacket did and Engaged.
Washington's Cavalry gave him an advantadge so did the Royal Grenadiers the British sent over to aid Natives were decimated which allowed his Minutemen to seal the deal however Native forces routed his Minutemen with Only the established Colonial Milita(3) and the cavalry and Royal Grenadiers held their ground against Blue Jacket's counterattack however the plan still worked when the cavalry broke the Natives and they were picked off the Fort's Defenders also aided with their guns(4) rocking through Native forces.

Shawnee Territory,Blue Jackets League
June 19,1783


The Haudenosaunee saw the writing on the wall after Greenville switching sides and giving small territorial concessions to New York
Blue Jacket was now in panic especially when Benedict Arnold and George Washington linked up and had began a pacification campaign and it was working
Blue Jacket decided to make a last stand at Rock Knob mountain a place where their numbers,cavalry,and artilery would be useless...

Rocky Knob Mountain,Shawnee Territory
July 12,1783


Blue Jacket's forces numbered 5,000 and they were assembled aand prepared when around 10,000 Anglo's stormed the mountain they took heavy Casulties but cleared most of the location the fighting was up and down the range and into where the Shawnees were staying they were devstated during the battle(s) as the Colonials slowly but surely destroyed much of the Shawnee with Blue Jacket himself slain the battle had a high cost
3,000 Colonials and British subjects
2,000 Shawnee and other Natives

(1)Who Cornstalk is
(2) Fort near modern day Lewistown Pennslyvannia
(3) Created to replace the Minutemen at first to serve in Europe during the First Coalition now the main defense of the colonies
(4) I mean Artilery
Chapter XII: War of the Second Coalition: 1/3 France wants that Thing
Rome,Roman Republic
June 12,1783


The Roman Republic was an unstable unpopular government where anti Coup forces had held following the Putsch in France on however Naples assembled an Austrian Backed Army to restore Papal Authority in Desperation they Ceded the Pope Rome creating a Scuffed Papal Free City The Neapolitan Army(1) continued to advance so they reached out to Soldat Glorieux(2) France inviting them to kick out the Jacobins and they Did and Jean Bernadotte Marched in and Kicked out the Jacobins however this lead to a smirkish with Neapolitan forces. The Neapolitans retreated. the Lazian Republic was created as the Pope was returned only the city of Rome itself.
July 30,1783

Most Historians agree that the Creation of Pacte Continental(3) and the skirmish at Pescara were the start of Second War of the Coalition
Franco-Austrians Tensions rose so France premptively crossed the Banks of the Rhine and the Alps and advanced towards Vienna in response
Austria declared War and many German princes did as well the Pacte Continental Entered as well, Britain entered the fray BEFORE it started declaring war after the Battle of Pescara.

Two Sicilies,Europe
August 12,1783

Following their Defeat at Pescara and the full scale French Invaison the King and Queen fell as they were bourbons and afraid of what the French would do to them, the Lazzaroni(4) began violence against reformists and republicans while following the French and Dutch Revolutions republicanism became quite Popular with the aristocracy,however it became quite popular with the Lazzaroni to put their head on a pike, so they called upon the French to set up a Republic(5) Austrian forces in the country for were slaughtered as they lost their supply lines.
August 21,1783

"The Austrians need to taught a lesson a hard one"
French forces had defeated the southern German States and were numbered 60,000 and 50,000 French Men had taken Graz now the Austrians looked and 110,000 French Forces convening on them and they engaged French cavalry stuck on the flanks the Austrians were battered from the the intial strike and French guns ,French and Austrian forces fought across the center and continued to engage as the French gained the upperhand smashed the Austrian flank into three before the Austrians retreated and regrouped and fierce fighting continued the French cavalry charge was massacred still it allowed for the French to defeat the Austrian rear guards and threaten
September 9,1783

Britain despite it declaring war first was woefully unprepared so it's solution conscription in Britain and Ireland and began recruiting men in the colonies to fight the French,conscription was introduced in Hanover as well.
French Forces started the battle they begin by attempting to disable the guns however they did not account for the British and Hanoverians placing them across a stream preventing French Conquest General Howe lead the British In their Counter offensive which was melted by them leaving the artilery vulnerable to French attack and the guns were turned on Howses forces forcing Him to retreat.

New York City, Province of New York
October 2,1783


The war quickly grew unpopular in the colonies especially as they were drafted to fight in Europe and Latin America leading to Draft Riots and a Mutiny from New York Militia Men Britain Deployed Forces into the city and battled across Staten Island and took Casulties retaking queens before Manhattan was recaptured Britain quickly negotaited on drafts however that would be put together with the Forming Harrisburg Agreement(6).

The Drums of War March Foward...

(1)Neapolitan is what people from Naples are called
(2) Means "Glorious Soldiery In French
(3) Soldat Glorieux France's Alliance containing itself Spain,Netherlands,Helvetic Republic,and The Italian Republics
(4) Lowest Classes in Naples
(5)The Parthenopean Republic
(6) A deal between Britain and the Colonies in the Next Chapter.

Rome,Roman Republic
June 12,1783


The Roman Republic was an unstable unpopular government where anti Coup forces had held following the Putsch in France on however Naples assembled an Austrian Backed Army to restore Papal Authority in Desperation they Ceded the Pope Rome creating a Scuffed Papal Free City The Neapolitan Army(1) continued to advance so they reached out to Soldat Glorieux(2) France inviting them to kick out the Jacobins and they Did and Jean Bernadotte Marched in and Kicked out the Jacobins however this lead to a smirkish with Neapolitan forces. The Neapolitans retreated. the Lazian Republic was created as the Pope was returned only the city of Rome itself.
July 30,1783

Most Historians agree that the Creation of Pacte Continental(3) and the skirmish at Pescara were the start of Second War of the Coalition
Franco-Austrians Tensions rose so France premptively crossed the Banks of the Rhine and the Alps and advanced towards Vienna in response
Austria declared War and many German princes did as well the Pacte Continental Entered as well, Britain entered the fray BEFORE it started declaring war after the Battle of Pescara.

Two Sicilies,Europe
August 12,1783

Following their Defeat at Pescara and the full scale French Invaison the King and Queen fell as they were bourbons and afraid of what the French would do to them, the Lazzaroni(4) began violence against reformists and republicans while following the French and Dutch Revolutions republicanism became quite Popular with the aristocracy,however it became quite popular with the Lazzaroni to put their head on a pike, so they called upon the French to set up a Republic(5) Austrian forces in the country for were slaughtered as they lost their supply lines.
August 21,1783

"The Austrians need to taught a lesson a hard one"
French forces had defeated the southern German States and were numbered 60,000 and 50,000 French Men had taken Graz now the Austrians looked and 110,000 French Forces convening on them and they engaged French cavalry stuck on the flanks the Austrians were battered from the the intial strike and French guns ,French and Austrian forces fought across the center and continued to engage as the French gained the upperhand smashed the Austrian flank into three before the Austrians retreated and regrouped and fierce fighting continued the French cavalry charge was massacred still it allowed for the French to defeat the Austrian rear guards and threaten
September 9,1783

Britain despite it declaring war first was woefully unprepared so it's solution conscription in Britain and Ireland and began recruiting men in the colonies to fight the French,conscription was introduced in Hanover as well.
French Forces started the battle they begin by attempting to disable the guns however they did not account for the British and Hanoverians placing them across a stream preventing French Conquest General Howe lead the British In their Counter offensive which was melted by them leaving the artilery vulnerable to French attack and the guns were turned on Howses forces forcing Him to retreat.

New York City, Province of New York
October 2,1783


The war quickly grew unpopular in the colonies especially as they were drafted to fight in Europe and Latin America leading to Draft Riots and a Mutiny from New York Militia Men Britain Deployed Forces into the city and battled across Staten Island and took Casulties retaking queens before Manhattan was recaptured Britain quickly negotaited on drafts however that would be put together with the Forming Harrisburg Agreement(6).

The Drums of War March Foward...

(1)Neapolitan is what people from Naples are called
(2) Means "Glorious Soldiery In French
(3) Soldat Glorieux France's Alliance containing itself Spain,Netherlands,Helvetic Republic,and The Italian Republics
(4) Lowest Classes in Naples
(5)The Parthenopean Republic
(6) A deal between Britain and the Colonies in the Next Chapter.

Keep up the good work
Chapter XII: War of the Second Coalition:2/3: French Repression of Minorites and British Dealings in the New World
France,Pacte Continetal


April-December 1783
In the Aftermath of the Coup the government was arrested and killed however this had made the Military practically enemies with everyone who wasn't them and their puppets.
They began their "Age of Reform" by banning independent press,prohibiting the use of ethnic languages in France they had taken upon a belief that many in of the French revolutionaries held the minority languages were used by the royalist to subvert the Masses(1) especially as Brittany was a hotbed for Royalists so they introduced the Breton codes banning Breton banning the Tro Breizh(2), Other cultural practices and introducing strict laws dismantling church influence completely in the area. This led to several preist protests which the Soldat Gloriuex, murdered them however that was the last straw,Royalist, Anti-Government Catholics and Breton forces formed a fragile alliance and began A revolt.

December 13,1783

Insurrectionists in Brest as the Government painted them had Marched from Brest to Vannes then attempted to march on French Forces in Rennes,
The French held their ground then used their artilery advantadge in order to drive back the rebels they recaptured three out of four departments Brittany was made out of yet their supply lines were hampered as Breton forces began irregular guerilla hit and run attacks near St.Malo French forces were ambushed before the rebels slipped back into the country side, The Government didn't consider the Bretons to be the largest threat as they had a coalition on their hands however the shaky alliance became dominated by the more independent minded Bretons with the royalists conditionally agreed to tag along.

Piedmontese Republic,Pacte Continetal
Janurary 11,1784


France had decided to annex the Piedmontese Republic and went they went to disarm the Piedmontese Military generally it worked except many units revolted once they heard of annexation as open combat with the French didn't go well for the Bretons they began to adopt irregular tactics as well they began by beginning their operations in the Italian and Swiss Alps however the Soldat Glorieux couldn't allow for this to Continue due to how it would affect French supply lines so they began the Aosta Valley offensive.

The had attempted to storm the mountainous valley despite the Defenses the Piedmontese couldn't win in open combat against the French and were forced to retreat across Piedmont in the Remaining Italian and Swiss Alps in the West as French forces enacted reprisals against the Populations however pro French ethnic Italian armies were created to aid in occupying territory however the regime couldn't trrust the Piedmontese...

Vienna Outskirts,Austria
Janurary 20,1784


With supply lines back up and running French Forces could now restart operations against the Austrians however they didn't want to lose the men to take Vienna just force them into a surrender to not bring in Russia and Prussia, However when Austria refused to surrender history forced their hand.
French forces began attacking the south western sector of the city not wanting to engage in such a deadly river crossing they took heavy losses from fierce fighting eventually on the 21st they forced Austrian forces to retreat from Mauersbach and outlying town, Moreau was stressed his regime couldn't survive a loss this early on especially with Britain to the North and West and the pro British Ottoman Empire to his south,no he had to take the city.
Continuing the Mauersbach French forces took even more losses when the attempted to cross the river to surrond the city here the the Danube was attempted
And it was a Disaster The French forces who participated in the attempted crossing faced heavy Austrian resistance from the start and was completely destroyed by the Austrian Counter Attack severing crossing Detachments luckily Moreau wasn't there or France would have been defeated right there and then he had handed the battle to Bernadotte and returned to France "claiming responsibility for the victory" this irritated many in the Soldat Glorieux clique. Bernadotte won the day right there and then by breaching on the eastern sector cutting off the Austrians taking heavy losses in the process but the Austrian Army was defeated and Archduke Joseph conceded yet Prussia joined the Coalition the same day as the City fell.

Feburary 2,1784


In earnest following victory at the in the Battle of Vienna Moreau expanded his reforms retooling the Royal Marechaussee(3) into the National Gendarmerie he also partially disarmed the National Guard, Before amending the laws requiring both be led by a current serving army Appointee, He also threw the Navy a bone by making it in charge of directing commerce.
Next he began attempting to weaken the crisis in Italy and Brittany by backing spilt off organizations in order to fight rebels for the French.
and took control of transportation services.

Veracruz,New Spain
March 12,1784

General Howes forces numbered around 40,100 and comprised of four divisions, Two Troops(4) and a batallion strong his forces were arrayed such as

3rd Carolinia Division 9,000
5th New York Division 11,000
1st Massachusetts Divison 4,000(5)
6th Virginia Division 15,000
Coldstream Guards 600
200 Horse Grenadier Guards

The Spainish had predicted some sort of landing at Veracruz after all it was the gate to the biggest low hanging fruit possible and that was clear to the Spaniards.
They decided to form three new divisions out of New Spain however only the 21st Veracruz 8,000) and the Veracruz Garrison 3,000) however they did have 35 pieces of artilery.

9:30,March 12

The British began to storm the beaches and the Spanish Openned Fire luckily the Coldstream guards secured a beachead allowing the 24th Richmond regiment to break through allowing for the rest of the Virginia Division to make landfall however when the British landed their Horse Grenadier Guards they were mowed down by Spanish fire however the other disvisons managed to land as well engaging towards the fort, the naval guns gave the supressive fire allowing them to storm the fort however the Spanish had already secured their guns and much ammunition however they couldn't carry all of it back to Mexico City, so they blew up the magazine.
British forces next advanced into Veracruz itself the city quickly fell as the Spanish had retreated to Mexico City the British took Tlaxcala and set up a Mexican colonial government in Veracruz.

Harrisburg,Province of Pennslyvania
March 21,1784


Representives from all English speaking Protestant Colonies with Observers and negotiators for Louisana Quebec,Suriname, and New Brunswick
met in Harrisburg the debates went on for hours until the first few tenants were agreed to then it was negotaited the first tenant of the agreement was British subsidization of colonial Industry and farming next it was conditionally agreed that the Colonies would together send 4 representives to Westminister one for the Middle colonies one for the Southern Colonies One for the Northern Colonies and one for the Catholic colonies(6), the Southern "civilized" would get reservations in exchange for Britain transitioning Louisana from a catholic province to an Anglo Protestant one,next the American Parliment would be strengthened along with all property owning White Men(7) would be allowed to vote and Popular Bald Eagle would be choosen as the new flag along with a crown on top(8). however when both Parliments came to vote on it would be agreed on this:

1. All Property owning White Protestant men could vote(7)
2. The Colonies would be Federated would elect a Premier and A stronger Parliment
3. A General Colonial Army would be created so Britain wouldn't always foot the bill
4. The Colonies would contribute to funding,wars,manpower
6. Preferential Trading
7.Britain would subsidize Industry and Farming in the Colonies
8. The Colonies would still automatically be at War with any British enemies
9.Westminster could still Overule Philidelphia


Credit to: BlueAster12

1 In 1794, Bertrand Barère submitted his "report on the patois" to the Committee of Public Safety OTL
2 What the Tro Breizh is
3 What the Royal Marechaussee is
4 I mean 350 Cavalry (One troop is 150 Cavalry)
5 The Massachusetts Division is Understrength due to low enlistment the colony was recently starved into submission.
6 Protestants would have to be elected or selected Catholics cant sit in Parliment
7 and Women if the colony allowed it
8 Ireland was added to the UK that's the reason for the Canton change also Credit to BlueAster12 on Deviantart

April 13 is American Dominion Day!
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France,Pacte Continetal


April-December 1783
In the Aftermath of the Coup the government was arrested and killed however this had made the Military practically enemies with everyone who wasn't them and their puppets.
They began their "Age of Reform" by banning independent press,prohibiting the use of ethnic languages in France they had taken upon a belief that many in of the French revolutionaries held the minority languages were used by the royalist to subvert the Masses(1) especially as Brittany was a hotbed for Royalists so they introduced the Breton codes banning Breton banning the Tro Breizh(2), Other cultural practices and introducing strict laws dismantling church influence completely in the area. This led to several preist protests which the Soldat Gloriuex, murdered them however that was the last straw,Royalist, Anti-Government Catholics and Breton forces formed a fragile alliance and began A revolt.

December 13,1783

Insurrectionists in Brest as the Government painted them had Marched from Brest to Vannes then attempted to march on French Forces in Rennes,
The French held their ground then used their artilery advantadge in order to drive back the rebels they recaptured three out of four departments Brittany was made out of yet their supply lines were hampered as Breton forces began irregular guerilla hit and run attacks near St.Malo French forces were ambushed before the rebels slipped back into the country side, The Government didn't consider the Bretons to be the largest threat as they had a coalition on their hands however the shaky alliance became dominated by the more independent minded Bretons with the royalists conditionally agreed to tag along.

Piedmontese Republic,Pacte Continetal
Janurary 11,1784


France had decided to annex the Piedmontese Republic and went they went to disarm the Piedmontese Military generally it worked except many units revolted once they heard of annexation as open combat with the French didn't go well for the Bretons they began to adopt irregular tactics as well they began by beginning their operations in the Italian and Swiss Alps however the Soldat Glorieux couldn't allow for this to Continue due to how it would affect French supply lines so they began the Aosta Valley offensive.

The had attempted to storm the mountainous valley despite the Defenses the Piedmontese couldn't win in open combat against the French and were forced to retreat across Piedmont in the Remaining Italian and Swiss Alps in the West as French forces enacted reprisals against the Populations however pro French ethnic Italian armies were created to aid in occupying territory however the regime couldn't trrust the Piedmontese...

Vienna Outskirts,Austria
Janurary 20,1784


With supply lines back up and running French Forces could now restart operations against the Austrians however they didn't want to lose the men to take Vienna just force them into a surrender to not bring in Russia and Prussia, However when Austria refused to surrender history forced their hand.
French forces began attacking the south western sector of the city not wanting to engage in such a deadly river crossing they took heavy losses from fierce fighting eventually on the 21st they forced Austrian forces to retreat from Mauersbach and outlying town, Moreau was stressed his regime couldn't survive a loss this early on especially with Britain to the North and West and the pro British Ottoman Empire to his south,no he had to take the city.
Continuing the Mauersbach French forces took even more losses when the attempted to cross the river to surrond the city here the the Danube was attempted
And it was a Disaster The French forces who participated in the attempted crossing faced heavy Austrian resistance from the start and was completely destroyed by the Austrian Counter Attack severing crossing Detachments luckily Moreau wasn't there or France would have been defeated right there and then he had handed the battle to Bernadotte and returned to France "claiming responsibility for the victory" this irritated many in the Soldat Glorieux clique. Bernadotte won the day right there and then by breaching on the eastern sector cutting off the Austrians taking heavy losses in the process but the Austrian Army was defeated and Archduke Joseph conceded yet Prussia joined the Coalition the same day as the City fell.

Feburary 2,1784


In earnest following victory at the in the Battle of Vienna Moreau expanded his reforms retooling the Royal Marechaussee(3) into the National Gendarmerie he also partially disarmed the National Guard, Before amending the laws requiring both be led by a current serving army Appointee, He also threw the Navy a bone by making it in charge of directing commerce.
Next he began attempting to weaken the crisis in Italy and Brittany by backing spilt off organizations in order to fight rebels for the French.
and took control of transportation services.

Veracruz,New Spain
March 12,1784

General Howes forces numbered around 40,100 and comprised of four divisions, Two Troops(4) and a batallion strong his forces were arrayed such as

3rd Carolinia Division 9,000
5th New York Division 11,000
1st Massachusetts Divison 4,000(5)
6th Virginia Division 15,000
Coldstream Guards 600
200 Horse Grenadier Guards

The Spainish had predicted some sort of landing at Veracruz after all it was the gate to the biggest low hanging fruit possible and that was clear to the Spaniards.
They decided to form three new divisions out of New Spain however only the 21st Veracruz 8,000) and the Veracruz Garrison 3,000) however they did have 35 pieces of artilery.

9:30,March 12

The British began to storm the beaches and the Spanish Openned Fire luckily the Coldstream guards secured a beachead allowing the 24th Richmond regiment to break through allowing for the rest of the Virginia Division to make landfall however when the British landed their Horse Grenadier Guards they were mowed down by Spanish fire however the other disvisons managed to land as well engaging towards the fort, the naval guns gave the supressive fire allowing them to storm the fort however the Spanish had already secured their guns and much ammunition however they couldn't carry all of it back to Mexico City, so they blew up the magazine.
British forces next advanced into Veracruz itself the city quickly fell as the Spanish had retreated to Mexico City the British took Tlaxcala and set up a Mexican colonial government in Veracruz.

Harrisburg,Province of Pennslyvannia
March 21,1784


Representives from all English speaking Protestant Colonies with Observers and negotiators for Louisana Quebec,Suriname, and New Brunswick
met in Harrisburg the debates went on for hours until the first few tenants were agreed to then it was negotaited the first tenant of the agreement was British subsidization of colonial Industry and farming next it was conditionally agreed that the Colonies would together send 4 representives to Westminister one for the Middle colonies one for the Southern Colonies One for the Northern Colonies and one for the Catholic colonies(6), the Southern "civilized" would get reservations in exchange for Britain transitioning Louisana from a catholic province to an Anglo Protestant one,next the American Parliment would be strengthened along with all property owning White Men(7) would be allowed to vote and Popular Bald Eagle would be choosen as the new flag along with a crown on top(8). however when both Parliments came to vote on it would be agreed on this:

1. All Property owning White Protestant men could vote(7)
2. The Colonies would be Federated would elect a Premier and A stronger Parliment
3. A General Colonial Army would be created so Britain wouldn't always foot the bill
4. The Colonies would contribute to funding,wars,manpower
6. Preferential Trading
7.Britain would subsidize Industry and Farming in the Colonies
8. The Colonies would still automatically be at War with any British enemies
9.Westminster could still Overule Philidelphia


Credit to: BlueAster12

1 In 1794, Bertrand Barère submitted his "report on the patois" to the Committee of Public Safety OTL
2 What the Tro Breizh is
3 What the Royal Marechaussee is
4 I mean 350 Cavalry (One troop is 150 Cavalry)
5 The Massachusetts Division is Understrength due to low enlistment the colony was recently starved into submission.
6 Protestants would have to be elected or selected Catholics cant sit in Parliment
7 and Women if the colony allowed it
8 Ireland was added to the UK that's the reason for the Canton change also Credit to BlueAster12 on Deviantart

April 13 is American Dominion Day!
American Dominion day! yay
Chapter XII: War of The Second Coalition: 2.5/3: "Right Honorable do not start your carriage tomorrow"
Westminster,United Kingdom
May 13,1784


The Pittites(1) began organizing and preparing to organize a vote of no confidence however their luck would come early Foxite(2) Whigs launched their own vote of no confidence against the Burkites. this forced the whole entire British government to resign this eventually lead to parliment being dissolved and an election.

The Pittites dominated in Great Britain itself especially since the Whig vote was spilt even worse for the Foxites their support for the French revolution scared the aristocracy resulting in defeat however the Whigs did dominate in Ireland and the American seats. The administration set off to weaken whig dominace. Their strategy was extremely controversial they had failed multiple times but they introduced a law that the Catholics hated the Presbyterians hated and the Anglo Irish were angry as well as they increased the land requirement tenfold in Ireland to destory the Whig voting base their entirely.

May 20,1784


Wolfe Tones(3) had been working as a tutor but he had met with many Presbyterians and Anglicans especially after the new law was past he stressed the importantance of an alliance with the Catholics against English domination and founded the United Irishmen Society in 1783 he continued campaigning,
During the Quebec,Argentine,Austrian,Russian,and Coalition wars British forces In Ireland faced a massive draw down of forces from the island with volunteer companies of Irishmen formed to defend Ireland however these volunteers became concerned with rising British influence.
However the new political climate in Ireland led to one Sir Henry Grattan(4) meeting with Tones both outraged with the new laws excluding even most Anglo Irish from office,Tones's Presbyterians and Many Anglicans formed a pact with Anglo Irish volunteer numbers exploding founding the Ulster Volunteer Force, The United Irishmen Society also formed bonds with the Catholics and sent envoys to France and they waited for their time...

Tailors Hall,Dublin
May 25,1784

The United Irishmen met with Catholic Comitee(5) representatives both came to an agreement Ireland had to be free creating their own rival parliament to Westminster the volunteer companies rallied,Wolfe Tones with his Volunteer Companies and protesters marched across the city surronding Dublin Castle the Garrison prepared and here Wolfe Tones Declared.
"So let us raise our voices as one, declaring to the world our determination to chart our own course, to govern ourselves according to the dictates of our conscience, and to live as free men in a land of our own making.

Today, we declare with solemnity and resolve, separation from English tyranny in a fair and open war of liberation . Let this be our rallying cry, our beacon of justice, guiding us toward a future where liberty and justice prevail.

In the words of our forefathers, let us march onward, undeterred by the storms that rage around us, for we are the sons of Ireland, and Ireland is ours forevermore.

May God bless Ireland for we will never concede!"

The Volunteers responded by storming Dublin Castle the city was besieged and from the northeastern edge Irish Forces managed to occupy the power tower and used it to obiliterate the Irish Army(6) with the Lord Lieutenant being given a show trial before he was sentenced to death for crimes against Ireland the battle spread across Dublin however the Government either was captured or fled.

The Irish Military underwent widespread defection as the small number of Catholics changed sides however the largest group Presbyterians rose up against the Kingdom. however nothing from the Argentine and Quebec campaigns open warfare would not work so despite the want for an open and fair war mostly the rebels began irregular attacks however they managed to cut British supply in Rural Ireland. The same day as the Storming of Dublin Castle Irish Volunteers Started the War in Ulster by Storming an Orange Order Lodge.

Belfast,United Kingdom
June 4,1784

The Prime Minister had been touring Anglican communites across Ulster in order shore up support however he had made the mistake of visiting a Presbyterian and Catholic city,Belfast He was warned that the two largest groups in the city hated him yet Pitt the Younger visited the area however his trip was cut short when he had to evacuate after the Local Irish Volunteer Unit had openned fire however he and his aids had escaped unfortunately a Volunteer lit a fuse in his Carriage and it blew up killing him this was a propaganda victory for The Extremist Tories in parliament they declared Martial Law In Ireland and the Irish war of Independence Had Began.

(1) Who the Pittites were
(2) Who the Foxites were
(3) Who Wolfe Tones was
(4) Who Sir Grattan Was
(5) What the Catholic Comittee was
(6) Irish Army wasn't disbanded to try to offset British draw down of forces