DBWI: Saddam Hussein Captured

this is my first DBWI so cut me some slack if it isn't perfect.

Whta if Saddam was captured thus stopping the April 2005 attadck on the Capital Building? discuss other stuff related to this also.
Sadaam had nothing to do with the Capitol attack, that was Al-Queda. Hell, 99 to 1 he's dead, lying in the ruins of a cave somewhere since before the attack even happened.
Al-Queda? No, that was under Osama's command, and the bastard sent out a tape the day after the attack proudly confirming it. Good thing Congress wasn't in session when the attack happened... and good thing we captured Bitch-Laden alive in July '05.
luakel said:
Al-Queda? No, that was under Osama's command, and the bastard sent out a tape the day after the attack proudly confirming it. Good thing Congress wasn't in session when the attack happened... and good thing we captured Bitch-Laden alive in July '05.

and death penalty by being pushed into a live volcano is what he deserved...
Bloodtwist said:

and death penalty by being pushed into a live volcano is what he deserved...
Not really... I still say tossing him into that federal prison to get raped in the ass for the rest of his life was a good idea. :)
:eek: perhaps we should have locked him in a room, tied him to a chair, and perform open heart surgery on him while he was awake.:)