DBWI: Prevent The Fall and Destruction of China


And by "China", I meant that an entity that controlled an area encompassing roughly the Qing Dynasty OR the short-lived Republic of China survives until the present day. I know that the Soviet puppet State "People's Republic of China" did claim to be the sole rightful ruler of China, but they were pretty much limited to Southern Mongolia and Xinjiang... Who ironically did not have the Han Chinese majority (as they have Turkic and Mongol racial majority instead).

Yeah, before, during, and soon after the fall of the Manchu dynasty, there were attempts by Sun Yat-Sen and his Kuomintang movement to form a Republic that encompass all China, and claimed as the legitimate government of all China. The Kuomintang does have some initial backings from the Western Powers, but then, mismanagement and warlordism started to break the fragile Republic apart, lack of Imperial figure made it being seen as illegitimate by most Chinese themselves, and under the pretense of protecting their interests, British Empires started to invade and carve the Dominion of Canton, France started taking control of Hainan and Kangxi, Russia (and later the Soviet Union) took the Western Steppe, Japan practically gobbled up most of North China and Manchuria, leaving the US as the sole backer of the rump Republic of China, until they too, eventually implode and fall into several successor-states that kept being hostile to each other, even until now.

Now, many historians do think that, if only China never falls prey into the predations of British, French, Russian, and Japanese Empire, their sheer population and resource potential might end up making them into a true Superpower, instead of being mere "Parts" of major Empires.

What if China survives as (a largely) one piece? How will history unfold with one of the oldest continuous Civilization still in play instead of being broken and never recovered?
What China are we talking about? There's a world of differences between a Communist and a Nationalist China.

Regardless, Hong Kong probably becomes Chinese territory completely instead of the joint Anglo-Cantonese rule it has due to the fact thaf the UK couldn't return it to a "China" to speak of. Same thing with Macau, but its with the Portuguese.

Collectively, the areas in the former Qing Dynasty has nearly one and a half billion people, with the Yamato Dynasty and Canton controlling most of valuable and populated parts. A unified China is an instant great power and possible contender for superpower alongside the US, Soviet Union, and Japan assuming it can suck up all of the labor and manufacturing the First World is giving to Mexico and India and turn all of that into hard $$$. Maybe global supply chains aren't as diversified as they are? The phone I'm typing this on has parts from or has been assembled in literally five continents. A unified China has the resources, the knowledge, and the necessary workforce to consolidate that supply chain into itself.

Assuming a Communist China, the various Southeast Asian leftist movements might have been more successful in establishing Communism from Hanoi to Singapore. Those were nipped in the bud by a brutal Japanese and Anglo-French response which saw the likes of Ho Chi Minh publicly executed


Anglo-French response which saw the likes of Ho Chi Minh publicly executed

let's be fair with the Anglo-Frenco-Japan Alliance here, The Former French Indochina was planned to become The Empire of Viet and Annam, ruled by the Nguyen Dynasty, as per the Treaty of Bangkok, ending their formal status as French protectorate but keeping them as member of the Francophone Economic Association.

Ho Chi Minh tried to appeal to the US for the Vietnam to gain a true indepence as a Democratic Republic, but was rebuked due to American desire to not alienating the Triple Alliance, thus The Republican Vietnamese were forced to look for USSR support.

After his arrest, France actually offered Ho Chi Minh to be merely exiled at Moscow, but Bao Dai insisted that Ho Chi Minh must be executed as an example, and unwilling to alienate the newly independent Empire, the French relents, hence Ho Chi Minh ended up publicly humiliated, tortured, and slowly cut to death in Public, all while all Republican Vietnamese ended up executed en masse by the Royal Guards.
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After his arrest, France actually offered Ho Chi Minh to be merely exiled at Moscow, but Bao Dai insisted that Ho Chi Minh must be executed as an example, and unwilling to alienate the newly independent Empire, the French relents, hence Ho Chi Minh ended up publicly humiliated, tortured, and slowly cut to death in Public, all while all Republican Vietnamese ended up executed en masse by the Royal Guards.

And the Genocide of Vietnamese Republicans under the label of "Anti-Communist Purges" is definitely the event that broke the Triple Alliance, with British and Japanese Empires backing the new Empire on their bloody path, while the (very ironically) Republican France quickly regret what kind of monster they have inadvertently created.

More than a Million Vietnamese intellectuals and middle-class ended up dead because of their preferred political system, and instead of becoming martyrs, the Vietnam Republican movement were practically strangled to death, as the Empire of Viet and Annam still standing strong even until this day.


Now, with a hypothetically United, Democratic-leaning Republican China standing at their North (instead of British puppet Dominions, brutal Theocracy of Tibet, and various Chinese Warlord-States), the chance that Vietnam could pull this kind of crime against humanity unscathed would be nill because this United China will offer safe haven for the Republicans, and perhaps sending an army to "Liberate" the Republican movement there.