DBWI: Independent Ireland


As Brexit is about to happen, groups in Scotland and Ireland are movilising again for independence referendums, they're very inlikely to succeed but I do wonder.
How would an Independend Ireland be? Would it be a viable country? What about its relations with the UK?
Well, it’d depend on the how. Ireland did used to be more Catholic than it is now, and I reckon if having a more Catholic dominant population would’ve helped rather than the equal distribution we have here.

A lot of Irishmen fled during the Second Potato Famine and they ended up all over the place, namely Catholic dominant places such as Mexico and the Second Kingdom of the Kongo
Also many Irish moved to such Irish USA cities like Dallas , Portland Or , Fargo , Atlanta and other frontier cities. I feel a Ireland that gains freedom in the 1920's most likely would of been peaceful like Canada or other former British States.


Total and complete ASB.

British Empire tolerating one of the core Home Island to broke up? There was a reason why the last Irish Rebellion of 1912 ended up with what many 21st century historians said as the bloodiest suppression campaign that forces many of the Irish to flee into Catholic nations or the good ol USA.
An Independent Ireland would have probably kept the 5 ft 3 in (1,600 mm) Irish Broad track gauge instead of later adopting the 4 ft 8 1⁄2 in (1,435mm) British Standard track gauge. Which would not only butterfly away the Irish Sea rail tunnels (think Irish Sea version of Channel Tunnel via Tuskar / Galloway Routes) as well as the Dublin Underground Tunnel (ATL DART Underground), but also prevent it being an integrated part of the European High-Speed Railway network.