DBWI: Alexander won at Gaugamela?

When Alexander III tried to conquer the Persian Empire he tried to defeat Darius at Gaugamela yet he underestimated him and was defeat by superior numbers and the psychological effect of Elephants.

So What would happen if Alexander won at Gaugamela?
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OOC: You're new here, so I'll give you a tip. When posting DBWI, always provide a bit of background on the TL you're in. How did Guaguamela turn out ITTL?

IC: Even if he beat the small force at Gaugamela, the Great King would have trapped and destroyed him in the deserts.


I agree with Lehestani Eagle; even if that upstart (if highly skilled) Macedonian princeling managed to win at Gaugamela, he still had the whole of Persia to conquer, and I doubt he could have pulled it off.

Grey Wolf

Can you imagine having to speak GREEK at the Imperial Court ?! Getting my Anglo head around Court Persian is difficult enough !

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
Even if Alexander won in Gaugamela and the Macedonians succeeded in holding the western parts of the Persian empire for some time, the small numbers of the conquerers would still vanish in the masses of orientals in the empire. Within a few generation the greek element would disappear - as happened to all those nomadic conquerors from the steppes of the north which actually managed to conquer the WHOLE empire yet still disappeared in history...
Even if Alexander won in Gaugamela and the Macedonians succeeded in holding the western parts of the Persian empire for some time, the small numbers of the conquerers would still vanish in the masses of orientals in the empire. Within a few generation the greek element would disappear - as happened to all those nomadic conquerors from the steppes of the north which actually managed to conquer the WHOLE empire yet still disappeared in history...

You underestimate the strength that Greek culture possessed at the time, I dare say. Had Alexander won... The Greeks would have conquered the Known World, the oriental masses folding to the vanquisher of the Great King. He had been proclaimed a God in Egypt, the propaganda was already set to allow his take over.

It was only by a fluke that Darius showed enough spine in that battle to not break and run at the last charge of the Macedonian cavalry.