Crusades: WI Saladin lost ?

Make an interestion topic for world history.

I think it could have made a big difference on the status oif religion today.
I think France would also be a bigger power.

I don't remember which Crusade it was or the date, etc.....

Possibly the question should be "What if no Saladin?". I really would have difficulties in building an ATL where Saladin may have lost.
If it happens, I would not expect it would make a lot of differences for France. The Outremer was never a truly french possession. The regional lords were mostly acting on their own, and in any case a continued Outremer would have made a (positive) difference mostly for Byzantium, the Italian Republics and the Norman kingdom of Sicily

It is very interesting for the Byzantines future if those Crusader kingdoms would have prevailed against the Muslims.
Thats more worth mentioning than France.

Son of Priam, Minor