Could the Veneti have evactuated to Iceland?

The Veneti were a tribe of Gauls located in modern day Brittany. They were probably the most notable resistance to the Roman invaders in the Gallic wars after Vercingetorix. Gaius Julius Caesar himself described their shipbuilding capabilities as ships that are much bigger and sturdier than Roman galleys and were powered by leather sails. Of course Caesar could have flattered himself by overstating the Veneti's capabilities in order to make his victory against them seem more of an accomplishment than it actually was but assume his assessment was right and they weren't completely destroyed after the the Battle of Moribihan, could the Veneti have evacuated to Iceland and made it a bastion of Gallic culture? Of course, they wouldn't be able to turn it into some sort of utopia and would most likely just barely scrape by but if they make it, they could survive there. OTL Iceland is notorious for being very isolated from all European affairs hence why they managed to still speak a close derivative of old Norse while Norwegian evolved further.
The Venti supposedly controlled the mining in Cornwall. Perhaps Veneti fishermen could have used the waters around Iceland for Cod fishing and stumbled upon Iceland itself?
Would the Vikings bother invading Gallic Iceland considering it wouldn't be very wealthy and there were much more attractive targets in Britain and Ireland?
How would the Veneti interact with the Norse in general?
If you want to keep the Celtic culture going, why go for Hibernia/ Ireland / Iwerzhon instead of Brittania? I mean nothing is wrong with Ireland. However when you said bastion of Gallic culture, it seems to me that it's a lot easier to go with some place they had influence already like Cornwal if tht's what you're aiming at.

1) Since Iceland hadn't been discovered, they can't flee somewhere they don't know of.

2) I'm pretty sure their sailing tech wasn't as advanced as the vikings'

3) from (parts of) Norway you can sail straight west and you'll hit Iceland. From Brittany, you'd have to sail around the British Isles, find the right latitude, and then sail west. That's a somewhat more difficult task.