Could Hitler had defeated Soviet Union without Britain

Good luck, I researched one to have Walter Wever survive his plane accident or have Goering die (or both) and the butterflies really screwed up the TL leading up to WW2 and couldn't find a plausible way around it.

In my AH Wever didn't crash, but Udet died testing the HA-137, during a dive bombing competition. He had a great audience, with a whole reviewing stand, full of VIPs, and their lady guests. With cameras rolling, he failed to fully pull out of his dive, made a hard landing, and broke his neck. He had a nation full of mourners, with more then his fair share of them being beautiful women. There are worse ways to go.
Honestly, it wasn't Feller's fault that the code was broken.
He already warned the officials in Washington that he suspected there was something wrong but no one believed him.
If they listened to him earlier then there wouldn't have been a leak.
My point wasn't that this becomes ASB ("fantasy-esque"). My point is that giving multiple divergences all favorable to one side has a clear connotation, for which an impolite word is often used here.
And creating such scenarios is detrimental to this site, both in itself no matter what's the party thus favored, but also, and not the least, because for some reason 90% of these ATLs are about a Nazi triumph, which tends to cast the site in a certain light and to attract a certain type of users.

No, this idea that any scenario which somehow favors the Nazis means that the poster in question is sympathetic with National Socialism (or its principles) is intellectually dishonest and is also detrimental to this site. This ruins alternate history as you intellectually straitjacket all discussion with accusations of certain political associations. If someone explores PODs that favor the CSA, the Ottoman Empire, or Ancient Rome does that mean they support slavery and genocide? I say absolutely not.

If one asks multiple PODs that favor one side, that doesn’t mean they necessarily support that side and/or want them to win. What it actually means is that they are trying to better understand how history occurred and what exactly the margins of victory were.

Shutting down any discussion of “What if Barbarossa started earlier” with “it wouldn’t matter cause of the weather” doesn’t really answer the question on how a slightly less prepared USSR would deal with a Germany that would have several more weeks of summer “campaigning” weather. Thus when someone (like me) responds by changing another POD (the weather) they are simply trying to answer the real question that’s being asked, not trying to see a certain side win. That’s insulting, dishonest, and wrong.