Collaborative Worldbuilding Project

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Here's some work on Oedinus. First, I think the prominence of the 60th parallel, where air rises and lets its moisture precipitate, should make more of the continent wetter:

And here are some rivers:

Proposed maps of the rise and fall of the Tikerî Empire. From top to bottom: the height of the Tutabak Empire; the nadir of Lirz-Az in territorial extent; the empire at the death of Dutor; the empire at its greatest extent; after the collapse of the empire. Parenthesized labels on the big map mark countries that were not sovereign states at the time depicted.
Malkent is ready, sorry for the delay, These last days have made it difficult for me to progress in the map. I'm sorry if this means that some of the climate maps have to be revised. Please teel me if you find something unrealistic and I'll try to fix it to the best of my ability.

Collaborative Worldbuilding World Topographical Map.png
Just to clear things up a bit, we should make a year system based off the Cataclysm. Any year before the cataclysm should be written as YBC (years before cataclysm) and anything after should be written as YAC (years after cataclysm).
In between perhaps there is a forty year gap that was the years of the Cataclysm.

Happy New Year!
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Might as well make up a dating epoch then.

The Age of the Doristrans dates to the conquest of the island of Kamboter (the skinny island at roughly 120 degrees west, 40 degrees south) by the Gesmani. The Gesmani chiefs who settled the island did away with the existing Kambotrian power system, making themselves the political leaders and establishing the new office of Doristran to oversee what remained of the island's ancient archives, a more complete record of the times and practices before the Cataclysm than anything the Gesmani had maintained. Little enough survived, though (especially when accounting for distortions and modern inapplicability), that a Doristran was less a librarian than an oracular mystic.

Doristrans were invariably men, usually succeeded by their sons. Their position as priest with an established infrastructure and an unmatched claim to wisdom made them highly influential among the Gesmani and their descendants. Their greatest political success came with the blessing Doristran Darne Todadke gave to Shobur the Great, who united Leter and then conquered himself an empire--setting aside Kamboter to be ruled (and taxed) exclusively by the Doristran.

The time prior to the Age of the Doristrans is counted in years Before Chlohe, the first Doristran.

c. 200 BC: The Cataclysm occurs.
c. 130 BC-50 AD: A people called the Gesmani spreads across the Sea of Islands, largely displacing or absorbing what earlier inhabitants they find.
2 AD: Chlohe Hesazi is installed as the first Doristran. (Early historians slightly miscounted the years here.)
407 AD: Doristran Darne Todadke extols the virtue and charisma of Shobur, a Letrian warlord. Shobur naturally praises the wisdom of the Doristran.
420 AD: Shobur I of the First Letrian Kingdom, the most powerful ruler in the world, grants Kamboter to the Doristran (who by this point is Darne's son Honsere Todadke).
510 AD: The city of Lirz-Az is founded as a meeting place for the Takedek, a confederation in eastern [CONTINENT].
526 AD: Kandon II of Leter, great-grandson of Shobur the Great and last of the line to actually control all of Leter, dies.
545 AD: The Takedek conquers Leter, part of a generally expansionist period.
561 AD: The Takedek has pretty much disintegrated, but the Tutabak clan rules much of the inner core as a kingdom taking its name from the capital.
602 AD: The Kingdom of Azaqo conquers the lowlands to its south.
613 AD: Leter secedes from Lirz-Az.
615 AD: The Tutabaks are overthrown in Lirz-Az. Tikoaz, the first Tikerî king, is enthroned.
621 AD: With no small amount of help from Azaqo, Wyelorah secedes from Lirz-Az.
635 AD: Tikoaz of Lirz-Az has finally stabilized his kingdom.
662 AD: Tikoaz of Lirz-Az dies. He is succeeded by his son Kikaul.
683 AD: Kikaul of Lirz-Az dies. He is succeeded by his son Dutor.
708 AD: Dutor of Lirz-Az dies, having almost entirely united southeastern [CONTINENT]. He is succeeded by his son Lorah.
720 AD: Having pacified the homeland, Lorah of Lirz-Az dispatches an expedition to the east, beginning the conquest of the Dapasbar kingdoms.
729 AD: Lorah of Lirz-Az dies. He is succeeded by his son Kamoaz, "the Evil".
736 AD: Kamoaz of Lirz-Az dies. He is succeeded by his three-year-old son Dom.
Two little questions:
1. Is there going to be a limit or a "present day" on the calendar?
2. Is the technology in this world going to remain mostly stagnant, or is it going to be moving forward like in OTL?
Two little questions:
1. Is there going to be a limit or a "present day" on the calendar?
2. Is the technology in this world going to remain mostly stagnant, or is it going to be moving forward like in OTL?
I believe the plan is to develop technological progression until the equivalent of OTL's nineteenth century, then bring magic back.
New climate map with a complete Malkent. I'm also gonna hop in on the name game here.

I've been calling the three peninsulas of eastern Malkent 'The Trident' while making this map. The westernmost prong is climatically similar to our India, including subtropical forests, humid savannas, and monsoon forests. The middle prong of the Trident is climatically divided like our South America. In the north, above the 30th parallel south, wind from the east makes the land east of the mountains lush and green, while the land on the west side is dry. South of the 30th parallel south, the situation is flipped. Land to the west of the mountains is moist and lush, while the rain shadow of the mountains and the location on the dry interior of the continent creates one of the most extreme deserts in the world. The easternmost prong, benefitting from warm equatorial currents, has some varying savannas.

EDIT: I've also changed the existing climate a bit because most temperate forests exist above 30 degrees N. Up to 30, I've replaced Temperate Forests with Subtropical Forests.
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Hey, figured I would start on something interesting for this. So many islands....
That image is so complex it's making my phone lag. Good job!

I'd place the Tikeri empire and it's neighbors in Northwest Oedinus. The temperate climate seems like a great place for a major civilization.

Codae, I love the work you've been doing on the world. I think soon I'm going to hop on the civilization train.
I've decided to make a civilization centered on central Haresh. Here goes:

The Lobehk Empire

After the Cataclysm, the people from the former City of Tomil scattered across Haresh. An group of people called the Hesta went south, and the Tuetons traveled east. The group we will be focusing will be the Lobekhs, who stayed in the deserts of central Haresh.

The Lobekhs at first were a nomadic people, traveling wherever there was water. Eventually they settled on the upper Khazeph river. Being master's of irrigation, they founded the city states of Isbul, Juram, Fobul, Luzbejh, and Kaben, with Juram being the biggest. They were known as the 5 cities. Eventually these cities founded the Juram Confederacy, centered in the city of Juram. Governed by a council called The Urab (led by an Uraba, who's son becomes the next Uraba), it lasted from 203 AD to 328 AD.

In the early 310s, a millitaristic Uraba named Luvenkh A'Uzuba started to centralize the Juram government. In 328 AD Luvenkh abolished the Urab and proclaimed himself emporer Luvenkh I of the new Lobekh Empire, with it's capital in Juram, ending the Juram Confederacy.

At this point the Lobekh Empire started to invade its neighbors. One by one the Republics of Neamar and Hiskh, the Counsulate of Aunri-Muebshar, and the Principality of Qobiyya were consumed by the Lobekh war machine. Thousands of innocent people were massacred. The people who survived then had to endure the horrible laws and lack of liberties the new Lobekh governors enforced. At its height, the Lobekh Empire controlled almost all of the central Haresh desert.

One other thing Luvenkh I did was spread his own religion called Lobekhiu. This religion taught That the Emporer was a God. Really, it was just a special form of propaganda to keep him in charge. This religion was kept up for almost 200 years.

In 356 AD, Luvenkh I died of a stroke, and his cousin Fassad replaced him and was dubbed Fassad I. Instead of expanding the empire further, he spent his time on the throne trying to keep the peace in a fragile empire. The people of the conquered kingdoms were starting to revolt, and the citizens of the 5 cities were not happy, either. To maintain control, he started to get rid of the evil governers in the conquered kingdoms and let the people govern themselves, as long as they pledged allegiance to the emporer. In the main cities, he made laws allowing more freedom of speech and other basic rights. All of these actions earned him the title Fassad the great. His son Fassad II lived up to his father's standards. This era was considered the Golden Age of the Empire, which lasted from 356 AD to 474 AD.

However, this golden age did not last long. A new religion called Muism was getting popular. According to the teachings of Zeremiah the Prophet, man needed to pray and offer animal sacrifices to the gods so the God of Humanity, Mu, could be reborn.
After a while Muism started to spread to the royal family. Fassad IV halted being the head of the lobekhui religion to convert to Muism in 489 AD.

To many people, this was an outrage. There was no Mu, only the emporer, who was the only god. When Fassad IV converted, he spelled the end for the empire.

In 490 AD, the radical Lobekhuist general Addias stabbed Fassad IV in the heart at a meeting at the capital, and crowned himself emporer. As soon as the need reached it, the Muist province of Aunri-Muebshar proclaimed independence from the empire. Several neighboring provinces also rebelled, together creating the Muist States.
Emporer Addias I immediately declared war against these rebel provinces.

The Lobehk civil war had started. be continued...
This seems like a well put together project. I am glad to see that worldbuilding is gaining a lot of traction on this site. I'll keep myself informed on this and make some comments as you all go on your way.
Maybe a worthwhile project to start on would be a language map, before starting on cultures. Language is arguably one of the biggest factors that shapes culture. Something showing language families and similarities.
Alright, so this is still an early WIP, but I figured before I spent more time on this I should see if you all think the terrain matches the climate map enough, or if there's something I should change before I start getting into the details.

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That image is so complex it's making my phone lag. Good job!

I'd place the Tikeri empire and it's neighbors in Northwest Oedinus. The temperate climate seems like a great place for a major civilization.

Codae, I love the work you've been doing on the world. I think soon I'm going to hop on the civilization train.
I declined to put the Tikerî in Oedinus because it reminded me of northern Europe, which didn't have centralized empires until centuries after the Mediterranean. I was imagining a parallel here, where agricultural technology hasn't, in the seventh century, developed enough yet to support such a complex society that far south.
Alright, so this is still an early WIP, but I figured before I spent more time on this I should see if you all think the terrain matches the climate map enough, or if there's something I should change before I start getting into the details.

Looks good to me. The Mediterranean climate is a bit tricky, but other than that everything looks in place
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