Challenge - Berberstan

Easy. Islamists take over in Algeria and boot out the French, instead of secular socialists as in OTL. They are then taken over by Arab chauvinists who attempt to wipe out the Berber language, thus forcing the Berber migration to Spanish Morroco which is undergoing it's own Shariate war. When the shooting is over there has been a population exchange and Morrocco has a Berber language majority. The coastal borders are slightly different and some of what is now Algeria is lumped in with French and Spanish Morrocco. The interior borders are very different and Algeria is essentially coastal.
With oil, gas, phosphates, plenty of beaches, and compressed natural gas tanker access across the Straits to Spain, Morrocco has a booming economy. The Berbers invest in health and education and rapidly attain developed nation status within two generations, surpassing Spanish GNP per capita in 2001.
A slight alteration to what wkwillis' post. Just let the French keep a small coastal enclave in exchange for leaving the rest of North Africa (Maybe around Oran?) and then this Berber Morrocco can border it along with a Arab Islamic Algeria.
The Sand War

Maybe it goes somewhat better for Morocco, leading to the creation of a Berber state between itself and Algeria?