Cato's Cavalry

Can someone give me a summarised version on what's going on?
A guy named Cato from the Roman Legions in the Brittania Province of the Roman Empire invents the stirrup. Copious amounts of mounted asskicking commences over the span of around a century and a half as of the last chapter.
Thank you.
More info:
As a result of stirrup-cavalry the Western Roman Empire managed to stop the barbarian invasions at the Rhine. The Gothic King was assassinated around this time by rival Gothic King claimants, causing a vicious civil war that ended the Goths as a coherent faction. Though political instability caused the Western Roman Empire to break as per OTL, instead of "successor" Germanic Kingdoms the Western Empire fractured into a rump Western Empire (Italia, Illyria, Africa), Gaul, Hispania, and Britannia. This story is in Britannia which is going strong and independent, having beaten off the invading Saxons and Picts and destroying treacherous factions within (first book). Later some agents from Constantinople and a handful of traitors within Britannia tried to cause political chaos as part of a grand conspiracy so that alt-Justinian could have pretext to invade and reunify the Empire, though the descendant of the original Cato managed to save the day (second book).
We're now in the beginning stage of the third book, where Britannia is beginning to extend its influence into Hibernia.
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Game of Thrones tends to eat peoples' brains, it is known.
game of thrones only makes me slightly sick and angry, that so many people love a story where the author just cribs the timeline of the english 'war of the roses' and then adds dragons and hocus pocus is a poor reflection on the education of western nations........ still Harry Potter was the same kind of tripe and people love that to this day!!!
game of thrones only makes me slightly sick and angry, that so many people love a story where the author just cribs the timeline of the english 'war of the roses' and then adds dragons and hocus pocus is a poor reflection on the education of western nations........ still Harry Potter was the same kind of tripe and people love that to this day!!!
Yep, plot holes big enough to drive a supertanker through in both those stories.