Casting Call for ISOT!

After I stumbled across this thread, I started to speculate about who would make a good cast for a film version of the first ISOT novel…

Capt. Alston: Halle Berry
Chief Cofflin: James Spader
Martha Cofflin: Mary McDonnell
Swindapa: Keira Knightley
Ian Arnstein: John Rhys-Davies
Doreen Arnstein: Maggie Gyllenhaal
William Walker: Brad Pitt
Alice Hong: Meiling Melançon
Isketerol: Benicio del Toro
Pamela Lisketter: Lindsay Lohan
Lt. Rapczewicz: Sabrina Lloyd
Daurthunnicar: Jason Statham

My cast is a bit more star-studded than the real cast would probably be, but why not dream big? (That’s also partly a function of me not being much of a film buff). And I did take a couple liberties – e.g., Ian Arnstein is suddenly a British Jew (but can’t you just imagine him rolling off those lines about ancient cultures and then fading to a mutter as he gets lost in thought?), Alston is suddenly really hot (well, you try to find a black actress who has a martial arts background!), etc. So let me know what you all think, and if you can suggest someone better, go ahead!
Halle Berry could work for the captain actually. Its the hollywood rule that the lead has to be hot- and it isn't quite mentioned in the book that she isn't, just that she's a hard case.
But then she's the only big name 'black' actress of a somewhat correct age. :D
I look forward to certain scenes being shown in graphic detail.

The others- yeah, too big a'names.
The best you could hope for is two of the big good guys being largeish names and Walker.
Maybe a few cameos too. Certainly not persistant recurring characters (e.g. Walker's women)
Actually, I always saw Ed Harris as Cofflin, and Estella Warren as Swindapa. The rest work for me, though.(Especially the Lohan pick, considering what becomes of Liskeller.):eek:


That Lisketter scene... *gags* :eek: But I would have to say that I do not imagine Lindsay Lohan in that role at all: Lisketter's old!
After I stumbled across this thread, I started to speculate about who would make a good cast for a film version of the first ISOT novel…

Capt. Alston: Halle Berry
Chief Cofflin: James Spader
Martha Cofflin: Mary McDonnell
Swindapa: Keira Knightley
Ian Arnstein: John Rhys-Davies
Doreen Arnstein: Maggie Gyllenhaal
William Walker: Brad Pitt
Alice Hong: Meiling Melançon
Isketerol: Benicio del Toro
Pamela Lisketter: Lindsay Lohan
Lt. Rapczewicz: Sabrina Lloyd
Daurthunnicar: Jason Statham

I'd prefer Jason Statham as Walker, not a Brad Pitt fan.
How about Grace Jones for Alston, somehow I get the feeling that Berry is a bit too young. But I know that's what would drag all the guys to the movie:D
Ed Harris is a fantastic choice for Chief Cofflin; I think I might like that even better than Spader.

Estella Warren, I understand the sentiment, but I think she's too old (Swindapa is 17; Warren is 28), and I'm not sure whether she's a skilled enough actor for a very difficult part.

You know I actually considered Jason Statham as Walker, and it's a tossup for me. I chose Pitt mainly b/c he's described so often as looking like Robert Redford -- and b/c if Statham were Walker, I might want Walker to win! :)

Berry certainly looks younger than her 41 years, but Grace Jones (59) is probably too old to be doing swordplay or sex scenes.

I have to admit I missed the couple of lines where it was established that Lisketter is at least 30. Hmm; who to replace Lohan with?
Grace Jones, ha ha.
TBH when reading the books that was who I had in mind as the captain (from her uber scary peak).