Best Series of American Presidents from 1945- 2000s-ish

1945-1952: Henry Wallace
1952-1960: Douglas MacArthur
1960-1968: Fred Harris
1968-1972: George McGovern
1972-1976: George Wallace [he wasn't pro-segregation anymore by this point i think]
1976-1984: Mike Gravel
1984-1988: Noam Chomsky
1988-1996: Pat Buchanan
1996-2000: Ross Perot
2000-2004: Ralph Nader
2004-2008: Ron Paul
2008-2016: Bernie Sanders
2016-2024: Tucker Carlson
Douglas Macarthur would not be a good president.
Being a scrappy leftist I'd say start with Humphrey winning in '68, then some Old Right Republican in '76 who proceeds to get fucked, which allows Fred Harris and/or Reubin Askew and/or the other libs to dominate the 80s and at least early 90s. Pretty cliché but it fits the bill, imo.


1945-1952: Henry Wallace
1952-1960: Douglas MacArthur
1960-1968: Fred Harris
1968-1972: George McGovern
1972-1976: George Wallace [he wasn't pro-segregation anymore by this point i think]
1976-1984: Mike Gravel
1984-1988: Noam Chomsky
1988-1996: Pat Buchanan
1996-2000: Ross Perot
2000-2004: Ralph Nader
2004-2008: Ron Paul
2008-2016: Bernie Sanders
2016-2024: Tucker Carlson
Fred Harris only 29 in 1960.
MacArthur is interesting because his Presidential booms always seemed to go bust whenever people actually had a chance to talk to him. (Though he might not be as far to the Right as people think; note that he brought some Progressive-era Wisconsin to post-1945 Japan)
Would Colin Powell have been a good president? Or a mere plaything for the neocons?
Powell would be interesting because we already know how twitchy some parts of the US got about the election of a Black President. If the first Black President is a Republican veteran, hm.
From the viewpoint of an ignorant Brit:

FDR serves out his term until 1948
Would Eisenhower be ready to take up the presidency in 49?
Nixon succeeds an Eisenhower who dies in 53
JFK as per OTL
LBJ as per OTL
RFK/McGovern 68-76
Rockerfeller/Reagan 76-84
Glenn/Mondale 84-92
Clinton as per OTL
McCain/Powell 2000-08
Gore/Obama 08-16
Obama/? 16-current

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Franklin D. Roosevelt*/Harry S. Truman (1944-1945)
def 1944.
Thomas E. Dewey/John W. Bricker
Harry S. Truman/vacant (1945-1949)
def 1948.
Thomas E. Dewey/Earl Warren
Harry S. Truman/Alben W. Barkley (1949-1953)
Dwight D. Eisenhower/Richard M. Nixon (1953-1961)
def 1952.
Adlai E. Stevenson/John Sparkman
def 1956. Adlai E. Stevenson/Estes Kefaufer
Richard M. Nixon**/Nelson A. Rockefeller (1961-1963)
def 1960.
John F. Kennedy/Stuart Symington
Nelson A. Rockefeller/vacant (1963-1965)
Hubert H. Humphrey/Lyndon B. Johnson (1965-1973)
def 1964. Nelson A. Rockefeller/Charles H. Percy, George C. Wallace/Curtis LeMay
def 1968. Barry M. Goldwater/William E. Miller, George C. Wallace/Happy Chandler
Eugene J. McCarthy/Lloyd M. Bentsen (1973-1977)
def 1972.
George W. Romney/Gerald R. Ford
Ronald W. Reagan***/Richard S. Schweiker (1977-1981)
def 1976.
Eugene J. McCarthy/Lloyd M. Bentsen
Richard S. Schweiker/vacant (1981)
Robert F. Kennedy/John H. Glenn Jr (1981-1989)
def 1980.
Richard S. Schweiker/John B. Anderson
def 1984. Howard H. Baker/Jesse A. Helms
John H. Glenn Jr/Jesse L. Jackson (1989-1993)
def 1988.
Jesse Helms/Pat Buchanan
Jay D. Rockefeller/John S. McCain (1993-2001)
def 1992.
John H. Glenn Jr/Jesse L. Jackson
def. 1996. Jesse L. Jackson/Dianne L. Feinstein
Jerry G. Brown/Mike R. Gravel (2001-2009)
def. 2000
. John S. McCain/Hillary D. Rodham
def. 2004. Susan M. Collins/Frank H. Murkowski
Colin L. Powell/Rudy W. Giuliani (2009-2017)
def. 2008. Mike R. Gravel/Debbie A. Stabenow
def. 2012. Barack H. Obama/Joseph R. Biden

Bernie Sanders/Tammy Baldwin (2017-2025)
Ron E. Paul/Evan McMullin

def. 2020. Mitt W. Romney/Krysten L. Sinema
* Died in office (cerbral hemorrhage)
** Was assassinated (In Albany, New York by Zachary D. Hudson)
*** Resigned from office (Following the reveal he was illegally sending weapons to terrorists in Laos.)
32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D): until June 2, 1945
-Gave him a few more weeks because why not.
33. Harry S Truman (D): June 2, 1945-January 20, 1949
-Defeated by Dewey.
34. Thomas E. Dewey (R): January 20, 1949-January 20, 1953
-Still a decent figure but the 1948-1952 term was kinda a 2004.
35. Dwight D. Eisenhower (D): January 20, 1953-January 20, 1961
-Since Ike was a moderate the 50s would still be economically good but a bit more fiscally liberal.
36. Henry Cabot Lodge (R): January 20, 1961-November 22, 1963
-Strong on foreign policy and anti-Communist while not being a Taftite lunatic.
37. Richard Nixon (R): November 22, 1963-January 20, 1969
-ESA and moderate UHC. Nixon was actually a decent President if you subtract everything he did on a personal level.
38. Scoop Jackson (D): January 20, 1969-January 20, 1977
-Anti-Communist but relatively liberal on domestic issues.
39. Gerald Ford (R): January 20, 1977-January 20, 1981
-Moderate figure and likable. Almost feel bad for giving him the ultimate poisoned chalice of an election cycle.
40. Robert Kennedy (D): January 20, 1981-January 20, 1989
-The only Kennedy I like.
41. Jimmy Carter (D): January 20, 1989-January 20, 1993
-He deserves to be President, so why not give him the term where it's hardest to screw up.
42. Colin Powell (R): January 20, 1993-January 20, 2001
-Strong on defense and national security, which could lower the risk of some events (like 9/11) from happening.
43. Joe Biden (D): January 20, 2001-January 20, 2005
-Why not?
44. John McCain (R): January 20, 2005-January 20, 2009
-If you're gonna give someone the ultimate poisoned chalice of a term at least make it a good person.
45. Evan Bayh (D): January 20, 2009-Incumbent (as of 2010)


From the viewpoint of an ignorant Brit:

FDR serves out his term until 1948
Would Eisenhower be ready to take up the presidency in 49?
Nixon succeeds an Eisenhower who dies in 53
JFK as per OTL
LBJ as per OTL
RFK/McGovern 68-76
Rockerfeller/Reagan 76-84
Glenn/Mondale 84-92
Clinton as per OTL
McCain/Powell 2000-08
Gore/Obama 08-16
Obama/? 16-current
No way.Nixon VP in 1948
From another ignorant Brit.

32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt/Harry S. Truman (1933-1945*): Dies on September 9th, 1945.
33. Harry S. Truman/Alben W. Barkley (1945-1953)
34. Dwight D. Eisenhower/Richard Nixon (1953-1961)
35. Richard Nixon/Nelson Rockefeller (1961-1965)
36. John F. Kennedy/Lyndon B. Johnson (1965-1969*): Like FDR, he lives to see his finest hour ITTL, the joint American-Soviet Moon Landing on July 21st, 1969, not long afterwards he would be assassinated by the Manson Family.
37. Lyndon B. Johnson/Hubert H. Humprhey (1969-1973*); Still selected as Kennedy's VP, Johnson gets up to much of the same business that he did IOTL. He still passes away on January 22nd.
38. Hubert H. Humphrey/Edmund Muskie (1973-1977): Succeeds Johnson and manages to do a lot of work with just under 4 years of being in office, as he doesn't run for a second term due to his age and health, passing away in mid-1980.
39. Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale (1977-1981): I'm sorry, I think I just like Carter too much, he's a guilty pleasure of mine.
40. Ronald Reagan/George H. W. Bush (1981-1985): Similar to OTL.
41. John Glen/Geraldine Ferraro (1985-1993): Due to a few controversies, Reagan narrowly loses to Glenn in 1984, who goes on to win in a landslide in 1988. Both Glen and Ferraro live longer ITTL, passing away in 2018 and 2021 respectively.
42. Joe Biden/Al Gore (1993-2001): Replaces Bill Clinton.
43. Arnold Schwarzenegger/Collin Powell (2001-2009): Maybe doesn't run in 2000, but overall becomes the successor to Reagan to many people, albeit more progressive on issues such as the environment.
44. Barack Obama/Russ Feingold (2009-2017): Since Joe Biden has already been president ITTL, Obama chooses Russ Feingold, who acts as a sorta anchor, balancing Obama's liberalism with Feingold's progressivism.
45. Donald J. Trump/Jesse Ventura (2017-2021): ITTL the Reform Party is more successful as a third party, peaking in the 1990s, before declining between 2000 and 2012, before being revived again by Trump. I won't get into the details, since this isn't political chat, but just to say the least things are less messy during 2016-2019 ITTL. The good news is the sudden rise of the Reform Party brings a newfound interest in political diversity in the wake of the Two-Party system being broken.
46. Bernie Sanders/Barbara Lee (2021-): A classic who-could've-been candidate, who wins in 2020, after winning the Democratic primaries in a landslide, whipping up both the youth and workers. I won't get into details once again, but so far things are going good for his administration.

There are many I could do, but here is what I came up with on the spot.
Woodrow Wilson* (Democratic - 1913-1922)
1920 def.: Warren Harding/Irvine Lenroot(Republican)
Carter Glass (Democratic - 1922-1925)
Calvin Coolidge (Republican - 1925-1933)
1924 def.: Robert LaFollette(Progressive), Carter Glass(Democratic), Jacob S. Coxey(People's)
1928 def.: Walter F. George(Democratic), George Norris(Progressive), Jacob S. Coxey(People's)
Floyd B. Olson (Progressive - 1933-1937)
1932 def.: Huey Long(People's), Dan Moody(Democratic), Charles Curtis(Republican)
Fiorello LaGuardia (Progressive - 1937-1949)
1936 def.: John Nance Garner(American), Alf Landon(Republican)
1940 def.: Earl Long(American), Wendell Willkie(Republican)
1944 def.: George Howard Earle(American), Thomas Dewey(Republican)
Harold Stassen (Republican - 1949-1957)

1948** def.: Earl Long(American), James E. Murray(Progressive)
1952 def.: Jim Folsom(American), Daniel Hoan(Progressive)
Darlington Hoopes (Progressive - 1957-1965)

1956*** def.: Margaret Chase Smith(Republican), Various(States' Rights American), George Howard Earle(American)
1960 def.: Richard Nixon(Republican, endorsed by American), Orval Faubus(Independent American)
George Romney (Republican - 1965-1973) [Endorsed by American in 1964]
1964 def.:
Hubert Humphrey(Progressive), George Wallace(Independent American)
1968 def.: Mo Udall(Progressive), Lyndon B. Johnson(American)
Edmund Muskie (Progressive - 1973-1981)
1972 def.: Howard Baker(Republican), Jimmy Carter(American)
1976 def.: George Bush(Republican)
Lowell Weicker (Republican - 1981-1989)
1980 def.: Walter Mondale(Progressive)
1984 def.: Bill Clinton(Progressive)
Mike Gravel (Progressive - 1989-1997)

1988 def.: Bob Dole(Republican)
1992 def.: Al Gore(Republican)
Mickey Leland (Progressive - 1997-2005)
1996 def.: Arlen Specter(Republican)
2000 def.: John McCain(Republican)
Bill Weld (Republican - 2005-2013)

2004 def.: Jerry Brown(Progressive)
2008 def.: Elizabeth Warren(Progressive)
Bernie Sanders (Progressive - 2013-2021)

2012 def.: Mitt Romney(Republican)
2016 def.: John Kasich(Republican)
Larry Hogan (Republican - 2021-INCUMBENT)

2020**** def.: Stacey Abrams(Progressive)

*Killed in a bombing, along with Vice-President Thomas Marshall and Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby.
**Elected in the House with support from the American Party.
***Elected in the House with support from the Republican Party.
****Electoral College abolished after the ratification of the Gravel Amendment, with the adoption of a two round popular vote system where it's possible for a candidate to win without going to the second round if they pass the thresold of winning more than 50% of the votes. Due to both rounds of this election having similar results, only the results of the second round are shown for simplicity.
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Henry Wallace is kept on in 1944 and is President from 1945 to 1949, before being primaried by Harry S. Truman, who serves one term from 1949 to 1953 like IOTL.

Dwight D. Eisenhower/Richard Nixon like IOTL.

JFK and LBJ like IOTL.

Romney/Bush 1969-1973

RFK/McGovern, 1973-1981

Bush/Kemp 1981-1989

Kemp/Dole 1989-1993

Gore/Tsongas 1993-2001

McCain/Powell 2001-2009

Clinton/Obama 2009-2017

Obama/Warren 2017-2025

Marco Rubio/Nikki Haley (2025-)
Henry Wallace is kept on in 1944 and is President from 1945 to 1949, before being primaried by Harry S. Truman, who serves one term from 1949 to 1953 like IOTL.

Dwight D. Eisenhower/Richard Nixon like IOTL.

JFK and LBJ like IOTL.

Romney/Bush 1969-1973

RFK/McGovern, 1973-1981

Bush/Kemp 1981-1989

Kemp/Dole 1989-1993

Gore/Tsongas 1993-2001

McCain/Powell 2001-2009

Clinton/Obama 2009-2017

Obama/Warren 2017-2025

Marco Rubio/Nikki Haley (2025-)
Or just more simply.

Wallace 45-49, followed by Truman 49-53.

JFK 1961-1969

Gore/Kerry 1993-2001

McCain/Powell 2001-2009

Clinton/Obama 2009-2017

Obama/Sanders 2017-2025

Deleted member 180541

1933-1941 | Franklin D. Roosevelt | John Nance Garner
1941-1949 | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Henry A. Wallace
1949-1957 | Dwight D. Eisenhower | W. Averell Harriman

1957-1961 | Earl Warren | Henry C. Lodge Jr.
1961-1963 | John F. Kennedy | Lyndon B. Johnson
1963-1965 | John W. McCormack |
1965-1973 | Hubert H. Humphrey | Edmund S. Muskie
1973-1981 | Nelson A. Rockefeller | George W. Romney
1981-1989 | Robert F. Kennedy | John H. Glenn Jr.
1989-1997 | John H. Glenn Jr. | Albert A. Gore Jr.
1997-2001 | Albert A. Gore Jr. | Bob Graham
1945-1956: Harry Truman

1956-1960: Nixon/any prominent republican at that time

1960-1968: JFK

1968-1976: LBJ

1976-1980: Bob Dole

1980-1988: Ted Kennedy (avoids chappaquiddick)

1988-1996: Lloyd Bentsen

1996-2004: Bill Clinton

2004-2008: Republican

2008-2016: John Kerry

2016-now: Republican