Best Economic options for Spanish Empire?

You can call it the Economia Universalis or something like that (my latin is inexistent)

Economy is derived from greek, and in Latin it means management of the Church, or more specifically things done to preserve the church. So Economia Universalis is the Ecumenical Movement
Economy is derived from greek, and in Latin it means management of the Church, or more specifically things done to preserve the church. So Economia Universalis is the Ecumenical Movement
Twas mostly a joke that if, as a Hapsburg, you were to create an internal free market, it'd cover most of the Schengen area, and Economia Universalis acromym would be EU
My view of economics anytimes between the middle ages and start of the agriculural revolution is that when resources are available you should expand the amount of land under agriculural use and allow the population to grow.

The other thing I would always suggest is more peace. Spain spent its power on supporting great power wars on every corner.