An Age of Miracles Continues: The Empire of Rhomania

Tzykanion, apparently it's a polo-like game adopted from the Sassanids, and popular among the dynatoi until at least the 13th century, with several rulers dying on the field.

Sounds like a great way to get rid of unwanted nobles. Instead of snakes in their beds, poison in their cups, and swords in their cut they can just be trampled at Polo.:D
Sounds like a great way to get rid of unwanted nobles. Instead of snakes in their beds, poison in their cups, and swords in their cut they can just be trampled at Polo.:D

Not the most predictable method... unless you do what that noble did with Andreas and give him a horse specially trained for bucking. Even then, it's not certain.
While we are waiting, I would like to suggest my idea for a timeline.
What if Heraclius had a brother and when he overthrew Phocas in 610, Heraclius was crowned Co-emperor with his brother.
POD: Extra administration that drastically reformed and strengthened the Empire to successfully propel it into the Middle ages without defeats.
While we are waiting, I would like to suggest my idea for a timeline.
What if Heraclius had a brother and when he overthrew Phocas in 610, Heraclius was crowned Co-emperor with his brother.
POD: Extra administration that drastically reformed and strengthened the Empire to successfully propel it into the Middle ages without defeats.

The POD in your terms is practically ASB.
The POD in your terms is practically ASB.

This. Where do these reforms come from? The empire is already weak, the nobles and landowners won't like this, and the Caliphate is on the horizon! Sure, a victory at Yarmouk might be possible, but afterwards? The Arab army can slink back into the desert and strike at (another) part of the vulnerable Roman frontier (Syrian Desert) with Arabia. Unless some Golden Dawn psycho decides to drop a nuke on top of the Islamic armies where the Romans can be safe out of range, the Middle East is still gonna be shaken up six ways to Sunday. It was hard enough retaking the Levantine Med Coastline back from Sassania, what will the Romans do now?
Andreas breaking the Ottomans by going to town on Mesopotamia? Yeah, TTL would be all over that, I imagine. It'd neatly remove the Ottoman portion of the Time of Troubles, as well as allow Timur II a better chance at keeping his conquests rather than to get ganged up from every direction. A lack of Turkish resurgence leading to greater focus on the West and internal Intrigues by the Romans... The possibilities are multitude.
Andreas breaking the Ottomans by going to town on Mesopotamia? Yeah, TTL would be all over that, I imagine. It'd neatly remove the Ottoman portion of the Time of Troubles, as well as allow Timur II a better chance at keeping his conquests rather than to get ganged up from every direction. A lack of Turkish resurgence leading to greater focus on the West and internal Intrigues by the Romans... The possibilities are multitude.

Yeah I think because of the geography, Mesopotamia is primly positioned to threaten Rome, while a state further east wouldn't be, thus giving the Romans the ability to focus more on the west.
Andreas breaking the Ottomans by going to town on Mesopotamia? Yeah, TTL would be all over that, I imagine. It'd neatly remove the Ottoman portion of the Time of Troubles, as well as allow Timur II a better chance at keeping his conquests rather than to get ganged up from every direction. A lack of Turkish resurgence leading to greater focus on the West and internal Intrigues by the Romans... The possibilities are multitude.

Don't you mean OTL? For the TTL one, it's their actual history.
Don't you mean OTL? For the TTL one, it's their actual history.
Nope, I meant an in the AgeofMiracles-verse. In their history Andreas took some money and some concessions before leaving the Ottomans largely alone, despite the fact that it was entirely within his ability to completely roflstomp the Turk (Zeno was leading a huge flanking army directly behind the new Sultan, IIRC). A big What-If in their universe could be: "How would history have turned out if Andreas Niketas did unto the Turk what he did unto the Venetians?".
Nope, I meant an in the AgeofMiracles-verse. In their history Andreas took some money and some concessions before leaving the Ottomans largely alone, despite the fact that it was entirely within his ability to completely roflstomp the Turk (Zeno was leading a huge flanking army directly behind the new Sultan, IIRC). A big What-If in their universe could be: "How would history have turned out if Andreas Niketas did unto the Turk what he did unto the Venetians?".

So the famed Triple-Blind What If? Meta-AH?
Nope, I meant an in the AgeofMiracles-verse. In their history Andreas took some money and some concessions before leaving the Ottomans largely alone, despite the fact that it was entirely within his ability to completely roflstomp the Turk (Zeno was leading a huge flanking army directly behind the new Sultan, IIRC). A big What-If in their universe could be: "How would history have turned out if Andreas Niketas did unto the Turk what he did unto the Venetians?".

LOLOLOLOLOL. (you said roflstomp.) I'd imagine an extremely powerful Rome that got Mesopotamia. (ChaldEa, not ChaldIa! Bad pun, sorry.) This would look eerily like OTL Ottoman Empire, but hopefully won't be carved up like the Turks did after WWI.