American King: Take Two

I'm the one who brought up the Booth family to begin with. As for Tweed, he should still hopefully run Tammany Hall and the New York political machine. So long as there is no Thomas Nast it gives him potential to control the patronage of one of the largest cities in the continent and to decide elections.

Sorry, I didn't see that. Ya, Tweed will probably be part (or already is part) of the Albany Regency and Van Buren's political machine. Under them, New York is pretty much kept 100% Crown (with a few exceptions) and it'll probably stay that way in the foreseeable future.
Need new Part! Oh rooster if you like GoT try Prince of Thorns , It's really good!

I'll wait for the show; my friends have been bugging me for months to read the SoIaF books, but I'm just obsessed with the show :D:p

And I agree, we need a new update! Or at least have the questions answered :cool:

Edit: Quick question. Any chance that in 1847 Congress can pass a law stating that the king cannot use the military against foreign combatants unless there is a declaration of war? This of course would be in response to the Peruvian War.
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I promise to try to work on a new part tomorrow. :D

And in the meantime I'll answer that last question: No, I don't see that happening in 1847 or any other time really; the King is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and may do what he sees good for the nation. Again, I don't want this to end up like OTL Britain, with colonies being turned into tropical resorts for fat rich people in sarongs and buck-nekked princes running around everywhere. :p Most of the population would follow the monarch to the gates of Hell. It's fine for people to oppose the wars, but they are regarded as traitors if they don't go along with things while troops are fighting. It's like OTL WWI; you might not like it, but it's patriotic. If you're a common person who says you won't fight because you don't agree with the cause, you better be prepared for some ugly to come your way in the form of bats to the kneecaps. :p Another excellent example is the CSA; a lot of them knew they were going to lose, but they would feel like heels if they didn't enlist.

Plus, I have plans for... let's say, "extracurricular" military activities. *evil laughter*
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Ooh, guys, don't forget to add new wiki pages to categories at the bottom; otherwise lengthy pages could get "orphaned," and hard to find. It also gives suggestions at the bottom when you do that, in those neat little clickable pictures.

And I've also been thinking and from now on, everything on the Wiki should be past tense. I debated about it in my head since I started it, and it's just plain easier keeping it past, since it's written "in-universe character." For instance:

"the current leader of Tenochtitlan is known as the (bladda bladda)"


"the following is a list of leaders Tenochtitland has had" (and go up to however long the TL has gone.

Just saw this.

:eek: Good Golly, Miss Molly. *has heart attack*

That is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. :D Wiiguy, if you made this, I'm going definitely to be calling on you in the future.
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So then, how are financiers and industrialists doing, Napoleon? Still too soon?

Almost time. The war will really push industry along, just like the OTL First World War.

EDIT: Also, would anyone like to be an admin on the official site? I could really use someone to post the new chapters in. All you have to do is copy and paste. Rooster, maybe?
Which cameo are you? Or do you not have a cameo yet? Sorry, I'm always forgetting. :D

I have none, though having a nameless character or representing a Chairman might be more in my interests than some soon to be ennobled man. May I ask if the Proprietorships of the Eastern Seaboard were officially abolished or if the Hudson Bay Company retained the private ownership of any of it's lands and rights?
I have none, though having a nameless character or representing a Chairman might be more in my interests than some soon to be ennobled man. May I ask if the Proprietorships of the Eastern Seaboard were officially abolished or if the Hudson Bay Company retained the private ownership of any of it's lands and rights?

Interesting! I actually am not familiar with the Proprietorships. As for Hudson's Bay Company: it might still have some land, likely serving the British Royal Family-in-exile.

Speaking of the Brits, I've written a crapload of new chapter tonight. Get a load of this preview:


Andrew II


His Britannic Majesty, George III, Great-Grandfather of Andrew Jackson and Dolley Madison Jackson's Grandson Andrew II

Wouldn't they be keeping the previous three Georges in the historical background when considering previous monarchs as a sign of continuity?
Wouldn't they be keeping the previous three Georges in the historical background when considering previous monarchs as a sign of continuity?

Not sure I get you; you mean you think they'd try to make people not think about George III as his great grandfather, but rather as just a deceased ancestor?

In any case, here's another preview:


Andrew II in 1850; it was said he inherited his grandfather's hair and most of his father's features, but from the side people claimed he closely resembled King George III. He hated this and tried to silence such speech from an early age, such as this portrait where his nose was made less prominent.

Never mind, I misread a part of the description. Anyways, I may have asked before but are there royal monopolies or warrants of appointment to supply Andy's court? I may need to mix patronage with a bit of innovation.
Never mind, I misread a part of the description. Anyways, I may have asked before but are there royal monopolies or warrants of appointment to supply Andy's court? I may need to mix patronage with a bit of innovation.

Enlighten me on this, as you sound much more knowledgeable about the topic; old fashioned economics are not my strong suit at all. How do these things work?
Enlighten me on this, as you sound much more knowledgeable about the topic; old fashioned economics are not my strong suit at all. How do these things work?
The Proprietorships and monopolies? It variety depending on the terms of the agreements. Some gave exclusive rights to settle in an area, some got the sole right to negotiate and trade with native groups, allowing them to get pelts without competitive pricing. They could be taken away of course, such as in the case of William Penn who used his entire fortune on getting his peaceful colony set up before there was a virtual coup from the settlers who came and demanded the King remove it once Penn asked that the settlers contribute something to help the region. Colonial charters were- Well, all this is probably no longer of any importance unless I have a Calvert in the backstory I might suggest. I am no expert of course, this is just some stuff I have picked up over the years. There does not need to be an official monopoly as Rockefeller got a virtual one due to his being extremely competent at his job, lowering the prices of steel beams by two thirds and getting railroads lining up to give him all their space for oil as he always got them on the train and paid fully and in time. The royal warrants of appointment are for being the exclusive supplier of chocolates, wines, dresses, glasses, guns, and the like to the royal court.
Thanks! I get it now. So a Proprietorship is sort of like an East India Company. I like that a lot. Yes, these are definitely a must. Pith-helmeted Royally-sponsored adventurers out to make big money. What's not to like? :D

The URAS government interferes very little with the economy, so I don't think they'd like official monopolies. Rockefeller types are very plausible, however, since it's like capitalism unhinged.

And Royal Warrants of Appointment are a definite necessity in this. Especially since John I is basically a spoiled rich kid. That'll hang over as an adult as he sips exotic beverages out of silver cups on ivory-decorated chairs with his court buddies.