Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes II

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Ah, glad to see more of this series. You have an interesting view of the future of Canadian politics.

Any reason they so dominate the Quebec provincial scene but have relatively little representation at a federal level?

One quibble I have: the infobox says they're sovereigntists, but it doesn't seem like they actually are. Your description makes it sound like are content to work within the Canadian system-- and while they don't entirely rule it out, view it more as aspirational or a last resort than something they actively strive for. They sound more like autonomists to me.

It mainly has to do with a particular Zentrum policy of stripping powers from the provinces/states and municipalities, concentrating power in either the bureaucracy or contracting it out. Even zoning powers have been stripped, being delegating to various Zoning Commissions, private-public partnerships that seek to "maximize total utility." This allows the Liberal party to mostly ignore provincial politics, and occasionally let the opposition "have their fun," allowing them to focus on international dealings and retaining power on a national level. The idea is that provincial/state opposition parties will either burn through their resources and legitimacy in failing to have the ability to solve any problems, or they'll get caught up in the system and become corrupt/pliant enough to no longer be a threat. While the PLQ is an underfunded joke, more than a billion dollars each year are spent on the Liberals' behalf (the right of companies to air/publish whatever they want, whenever they want was affirmed in the Global Communications Compact of 2040.) However, this tactic only works so well for so long, the Metropole has taken advantage of the Liberals' blindeye. Even as we speak, the Liberals' house memetic engineers are currently in the lab, testing adverts, memes, neurostims and other tools for deployment in Quebec, in order to turn back the purple tide.

As for the sovereigntists part, I think that you're mostly correct, and that I misunderstood the difference between Quebec nationalism and sovereigntism. This may be something I need to change (as well as figuring out how to clean up the logo.) On the other hand, there has been some changes to the meaning of sovereignty, especially when combined with Municipal Libertarian ideology. Municipal Libertarianism (or Municipalism) advocates to return of economic, political, cultural, and religious power from centralized sources to the communities and cities. To many Municipalists, sovereignty or self-determination isn't about having your own nation, but rather a state of being in which the community is the master of its own destiny.
This is in response to post 7539:

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This is in response to post 7539:

Well the thing with the Third and Fourth Doctor era is that there are a time when the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was referred to (one character is having a conversation with him over the phone), it his first name is revealed to be Jeremy. Later on, the writers admitted that the idea was that in the Doctor Who Universe, Jeremy Thorpe was the Prime Minister in question and he was heading a Liberal government.
Well the thing with the Third and Fourth Doctor era is that there are a time when the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was referred to (one character is having a conversation with him over the phone), it his first name is revealed to be Jeremy. Later on, the writers admitted that the idea was that in the Doctor Who Universe, Jeremy Thorpe was the Prime Minister in question and he was heading a Liberal government.

The 70s Doctor Who writers were the first politibrits, it would seem.
Fast Eddie McClintock is one of the most famous pilots with the Barnstormers. McClintock began his career as a pilot with the Minutemen Air Service; he began by flying A-18 Tornado attack aircraft in the opening weeks of the Ionian Mutiny, but due to flight crew attrition, he began flying F-50K Mustang II fighter. He flew air defense against Mutineer fighters, and became an ace in a day on December 3, 2124, shooting down 6 Mutineer aircraft (2 F-50G Mustangs, 3 FV-34D Matadors and 1 A-18J Tornado) over a three hour period. McClintock would end the Mutiny with 11 confirmed aerial kills; he was awarded a Volunteer Police Cross for his actions, and he retired the day after hostilities were declared over. After the Mutiny, he became a private test pilot for several years before he entered the world of politics. He was recruited first to the American Heroes Party and then the Pioneer Alliance, and was convinced to join the Barnstormers.

The Barnstormers are one of the many private militias that operate on the frontier, operating alongside and in place of the Minutemen and other military forces. What makes the Barnstormers unique is that they're the only air militia. They're a paramilitary organization within the Pioneer Alliance, offering air support and air transport for the Trailblazers and other allied militias, such as the Catholic Zouaves or the Mormon Nauvoo Legion. They operate light and medium transports to ferry troops and supplies, but the mainstay of their air force are modified light aircraft, such as the Air Tractor AT-1050. The AT-1050 was designed as an agricultural aircraft to be used as a cropduster, but has been modified to serve as counter insurgency aircraft. It can carry up to 5,000 pounds of munitions on 10 hardpoints, including bombs, rockets, missiles and gunpods. Several of the AT-1050 (or Stukas as they've been colloquially nicknamed) have been modified with air breaks to allow them to be used as dive bombers.

Fast Eddie McClintock lended the fledgling Barnstormers a certain air of legitimacy. While he'd made his name in air-to-air combat, he'd originally trained in attack aircraft. He seemed to prefer his new COIN and close air support role. He spent several years in the Outer System flying air support missions, and when the Tethys Emergency began, he was given the rank of Division Commander and made the commanding officer of the Barnstormers' II Air Legion (or, as it's more commonly known as, Fast Eddie's Flying Circus). The Flying Circus has flown combat missions against insurgent ground targets, and has also engaged in air-to-air combat against the erstwhile air forces the insurgents can carry together. McClintock has had two more ace in a day days since the beginning of the Emergency, and he's had a total of 14 confirmed kills. McClintock has become something of a media darling, making many appearances in magazines, television and radio. He's been linked romantically to various regional starlets (such as Ramona Rodriquez and Jezebel Monea), and there are persistent rumors that once the Emergency is done and over he'll enter electoral politics for the Pioneer Alliance.


The Liberty Tree
is a private defense contractor and private intelligence service that was founded by former Minuteman special forces Buckskin Caleb Golson at the end of the 21st century. Golson would later go on to found the Pioneer Alliance, an ultranationalist neo-fascist political party. While Golson has stepped down as the Supreme Commander of the Pioneer Alliance, he remains the chairman of the Liberty Tree, while his granddaughter Lyra Golson serves as the company's President and CEO. The Liberty Tree serves as the internal intelligence agency, keeping tabs on party members and political opponents. It also has major government contracts to provide private intelligence service to the United States and other nations, offering both domestic and foreign intelligence services. Many employees are former CIA, FBI or OSI employees, and there is a great deal of overlap between the Liberty Tree and those government agencies.

The Liberty Tree operates primarily in the Outer System, and most of its activities are shrouded in secrecy and silence. It is believed that they take on a variety of different roles, from political assassination to fermenting political unrest to orchestrating coups to enforce the Washington Consensus in America's satellites--some government sanctioned, some done of their own volition. It also has operations in the frontier planter states and wildcat colonies, operating alongside Patriot Committees of Correspondence to bring the settlements back into the proper sphere of influence. There are also persistent rumors that the Liberty Tree operates unmanned aerial drones domestically and abroad, using them for both intelligence gathering and also in hunter-killer roles.


J. Blake Tippins, Jr.
, is one of the richest Americans in the Solar System and certainly the richest man in the Outer System. Born and raised on Io, he was a multi-millionaire by age 25 by investing in irrigation systems. He took his money and made his way to the Outer System, where he began investing in various construction projects. He made millions more off of building construction, selling that company and investing in arms manufacturing. The Tippins Armory manufactured small arms, munitions and vehicles for the Minutemen; with the rapid growth of the United States in the Outer System and ongoing strife, Tippins made tens of millions. He then folded that money into Cloud Nine Investments, a hedge fund management company. By the close of the 21st century, Tippins was a multi-billionaire, with his fingers in dozens of pies across the Outer System. He was a major owner of government bonds, helping to fund dozens of public works projects. He invested heavily in media, with investments in newspapers and television stations. His philanthropic foundation donates millions of dollars each year to struggling schools. He was named TIME's Person of the Year in 2131 for his philanthropy and his hand in negotiating a variety of new peace treaties between the United States and indigenous tribes (though the award wasn't without it's controversies as Tippins has begun investing into research that uses psychic energy as a potentially clean power source).

Tippins has been a long-time supporter of the Pioneer Alliance, helping to bankroll it and its activities. He is a close personal friend of former Pioneer Supreme Commander Caleb Golson, and the two of them are even in-laws. Tippins has donated millions of dollars to individual political campaigns and millions of more to the Pioneer Electoral Fund, the Institute for the American Frontier and the Pioneer Legislative Action Caucus. The Tippins Armory directly supplies the Trailblazers and Barnstormers with arms and munitions, with the Armory providing modifications to Trailblazer tehnicals or to Barnstormer cropdusters. There are ongoing rumors that his millions have also helped to fund The Liberty Tree, and his connections to foreign leaders have opened many doors to Liberty Tree activities. Even with the retirement of Caleb Golson and the elevation of Dante Golson as the Pioneer Supreme Commander, Tippins has remained close to the party's leadership and has continued to bankroll it.



Restoring Harmony in the Darkness - Extended
Adolf Hitler / Avatar Aang
Gesamtdeutsche Volkspartei / All-German People's Party

List of Oberbefehlshaber of Germany


Otto I of Hungary (Ottó I) was King of Hungary from 1937 to 2011; serving as one of the longest sitting monarchs in European history. Born in the Habsburg Empire of his forebears, he spent most of his youth in-exile from his homeland, after the fall of Austria-Hungary after World War I.

He grew up primarily in Spain during his youth, hoping to avoid the bloody situations growing in Central Europe. Through his youth, he remained in practice to take a Catholic throne once again, someday. At 16 years old, in 1928, he left Spain and went to Germany, where he heard the growings of a movement that matched his political aspirations. Here, he found Adolf Hitler and the Gesamtdeutsche Volkspartei.

Otto became involved in Germany, and enlisted in the Reichswehr in 1930 upon reaching the proper age, seeking to secure himself as a German citizen, at first, intending to make himself a permanent resident there.

Two years into his tour of duty, the Reichswehr and the GDVP lead a military coup d'etat against the Communist Party of Germany, who was attempting to seize power from the Weimar Republic. The Notfallmachtergreifung was Otto's first experience with war, as the streets of Germany filled with anti-communist militia to prevent the Communists from taking Berlin.

Adolf Hitler established himself as Oberbefehlshaber of Germany on 11 August 1932, and Otto became an important cog. The Oberbefehlshaber placed him in his political scope. This was important during the 1935 Austrian crisis, where fascists and communists, backed by Italy and the Russians respectively, duked it out for control of Austria. Germany, backed to the hilt by democratic governments in Britain and the United States, invaded and annexed Austria to put down the rebellions. Otto was one of the many soldiers involved in this, and soon found himself back in his homeland. While at first expecting to be placed into a monarchist position in Austria, the Oberbefehlshaber spoke to him and mentioned a former Habsburg territory that may yearn for stability.

Hungary was a nation that hadn't known stability since the end of World War I. The Hungarian Soviet Republic had held out against Romanian attacks, and was in a state of perpetual civil war between the HSR, a monarchist regime under a faceless regent, a psuedo-fascist regime under hard-right pro-Italians, and another regency regime under Admiral Miklos Horthy. The HSR had been defeated by the mid-1920s, but the three-way civil war was without end; particularly as the fascists egged on the monarchists who wanted two different things.

In 1937, the two monarchist groups, under the arbitration of Hitler, agreed to a framework that would establish Otto as King, and restore Hungarian peace. As a result, the two now-allied factions, finished off the fascists, and returned order to Hungary. Otto was then named King, and was later coronated on December 25, 1937.

He served as King until his death from old age on July 4, 2011. He was succeeded by his eldest son, Charles V (Károly V).​
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Restoring Harmony in the Darkness - Extended
Adolf Hitler / Avatar Aang
Gesamtdeutsche Volkspartei / All-German People's Party

List of Oberbefehlshaber of Germany
King Otto I of Hungary


The Notfallmachtergreifung (Emergency Seizure of Power) was an event that took place in early August 1932. On 3 August 1932, aided by the fact that Communists were growing in size without a major right-wing fascist adversary to temper their advance, decided to pounce the opportunity by marching on Berlin and seizing the state.

The Communists managed to gain entrance into the Prussian government house, and killed the sitting government, and moved quick to declare the Prussian Soviet Republic. However, their influence was limited, as the Reichswehr and GDVP (along with all other loyalist groups) moved quick to incapacitate the Communist insurgency.

The 8 day campaign was quick, and ended with the GDVP the undisputed victor, as members of the Gesamtdeutsche Freikorps, GDVP's foremost paramilitary organization, and members of the Gesamtdeutsche Kriegerinnen, GDVP's female paramilitary, had collaborated to see their party's victory in the long-run.

Hitler, a veteran, was found to be the "best candidate" to install as leader of Germany by the Reichswehr. Hitler was installed as Oberbefehlshaber on 11 August 1932, marking the beginning of the Third Reich, which continues to this very day.​
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Fast Eddie McClintock
Whee, private air militia!

The Liberty Tree
"Have you heard about these guys? They overthrow whole governments and murder foreign leaders at the behest of the American deep state!"

"That's not even the worst part!"

"It gets worse!?!"

"Yes, they also... operate unmanned drones!"


J. Blake Tippins, Jr.

It's been awhile since we had a wikibox of anyone with such a contemptible face. I must say, though, that, as a man living on Xanadu, 'Agrippina' is an awfully derby name, don't you think?
Whee, private air militia!

They're like the Minutemen, but now with 100% less accountability and 100% more war crimes!

"Have you heard about these guys? They overthrow whole governments and murder foreign leaders at the behest of the American deep state!"

"That's not even the worst part!"

"It gets worse!?!"

"Yes, they also... operate unmanned drones!"


For me, violent regime changes are just meh and to be expected

But operating a fleet of airborne murder robots that operate in foreign airspace with impunity is another thing entirely...which is why I think Obama is a comic book villain

It's been awhile since we had a wikibox of anyone with such a contemptible face. I must say, though, that, as a man living on Xanadu, 'Agrippina' is an awfully derby name, don't you think?

Don't get between their love. Man or woman, man or derby, it doesn't matter--as long as they're good, proper Americans

And goddamn does Arthur Blank look like every stereotype ever

All this PMC bankrolling makes me think you're planning something. :p

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