Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes II

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Grover Cleveland was president for two non-consecutive terms.

I know that. Anyone who has studied US Political history for more than five minutes should know that. However...


EDIT: Rummy = Rumsfeld, I finally fucking got it, I am a dumb :p
The LIM-99 Sprint missile was created to function as the 'close-in' component of the US anti-ballistic missile defense network. As the relative weight of Soviet nuclear missiles decreased, the capacity to include a large number of radar decoys, debris, and independent re-entry vehicles increased substantially, and existing defensive systems would be easily overwhelmed. An exercise conducted with the Nike system concluded that as few as three of the newer type of Soviet missiles could overwhelm a typical launch site. To counter-act this, the Sprint was conceived as a missile that could engage targets after atmospheric re-entry, when unhardened components and debris would have been deflected, burned up, or otherwise left the target zone around the incoming warhead. The longer range LIM-49 Spartan, alongside which it was deployed, was used for exo-atmospheric engagements.

As a last line of defense, the Sprint was built to achieve incredibly rapid engagement speeds. The window for an effective launch that would result in effective interception was calculated to be as narrow as 1 to 2 seconds, and so the missiles were deployed over wide areas and controlled by highly sophisticated computer systems that handled the entire process of acquisition, launch, and detonation. When the system determined a target was within the engagement zone, the cap to the individual missile silo was blown off by an explosive charge, and the missile itself lofted by a second explosion-drive piston. The two-stage engine accelerated the missile rapidly to ten times the speed of sound, and was capable of reaching its maximum range of 30,000m in as little as 15 seconds. The incredibly high atmospheric speeds, and resulting high temperatures generated, necessitated the use of ablative heat shielding on the nose of the missile, similar to that used on vehicles undergoing atmospheric re-entry. Upon reaching the target, the command system would detonate the 10 kiloton W66 nuclear warhead, which was specially constructed to disable the incoming warhead by neutron flux.

The system was incredibly expensive to research and deploy, taking up a significant percentage of overall US defense budgets during the 1970s, and a number of Congressional investigations and proposed arms control treaties with the Soviet Union threatened to cancel it completely. Indeed, production was halted in 1983 with only 80% of the anticipated construction run completed. However, after the depletion of existing stocks in 1986, President Haig prevailed upon Congress to fund the construction of a second generation of Sprint missiles. These missiles continued in service, despite the vastly diminished threat of nuclear attack on the United States in the wake of that conflict, until being withdrawn and replaced by the LIM-144 Sprint II missiles in the late 1990s.

The American Revolution is lost, although, it drags on about as long as OTL. In a last ditch effort to prevent the end of American liberty forever, after Washington's death near Philadelphia, and the routing of the Continental Army, thousands of Americans flee their homeland onboard Dutch trade fleet ships, which go to South Africa.

These Americans then create new lives in South Africa, becoming marginally Afrikaanerized/Dutchified. When Napoleon knocks on Holland's door, and the Netherlands falls in 1795, the Boers and Amerikaners seize the colony and declare independence. Georgia (named for Washington), is born from it. Over the course of the 19th century, despite British meddling, the state prospers immensely, with Chartists, Bolsheviks, what have you, coming to this land that is, as described by Rudyard Kipling, "a beacon of civilization, liberty and light, in a dark continent.".

Their state spans most of Sub-Saharan Africa, which is significantly more wealthy than OTL, and less violent. Over the years, the Boer identity has weakened as the "Amerikaner Spirit" has overwhelmed them, leading to a majority of people in the country being white Amerikaners. However, Africans are not marginalized, and are properly represented, unlike Draka and South Africa OTL.

I sorta want to do a TL on it.

Are the whites as crappy to Black Africans as OTL South Africans were?
The American Le Pen

My experience is that if you're fighting for something you believe in—even if it means alienating some people along the way—things usually work out for the best in the end.
—Trump: The Art of the Deal (1987), by Donald Trump

"There's nothing skin-deep about Ivanka. And I think that's a real tribute to her because certainly anyone as gorgeous as she is could have probably gone quite far being skin-deep."
—Chelsea Clinton, in Vogue's "Ivanka Trump Knows What It Means to Be a Modern Millennial" (February 25, 2015)

"I am ashamed that the leader of the Republican Party has my name. It's my name. I built it. I wish she'd lose it as quickly as possible. She's married, y'know."
—Former Presidential nominee Donald Trump, via The Trump family feud in quotes, posted on BBC News (May 6th 2024)

Canadian Presidential Election

This is my first ever wiki box. Just made it, and was rather difficult as I did it on an iPad.

Anyway, what if Canada used an American-style Electoral College presidential system?


And a map:

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