Alternate Earths Ming 3

In Ming 3 the Ming Dynasty never fell and It began an Intercontenental Empire even into Europe! what would the world look like today


Well since I recently got my hands on a copy of GURPS AE2 I can offer some guesses as to the future timeline for ming-3. Before 1900 the machine gun, poison gas and barbed wire will all be invented. I see the end of the ming empire happening in the 1910's as a bLOODY war. Think WWI without airplanes or tanks.


Oooh, Ming 3! Nobody will be surprised to learn that, of all the alternate worlds GURPS came up with, that one is my favorite.
Should a major war take place in that TL, I agree with Straha that it will be a bloody one. By the mid-19th century alternate China has invented the "Weapon of Regrettable Necessity", a crude air-fuel bomb that can level an entire city. Oh, and it has airships...


Hendryk said:
Oooh, Ming 3! Nobody will be surprised to learn that, of all the alternate worlds GURPS came up with, that one is my favorite.
Should a major war take place in that TL, I agree with Straha that it will be a bloody one. By the mid-19th century alternate China has invented the "Weapon of Regrettable Necessity", a crude air-fuel bomb that can level an entire city. Oh, and it has airships...

Ya, but the world as a whole has a lot of weird things going on.

Europe is poorer because Tatsin has fought a lot of wars in Italy and Scandinavia? Umm, that's not really different from OTL.
I want to know where the Ming get the boost in military technology to carry out an invasion of Spain from halfway around the planet. I mean, the Spanish armies are the toughest in Europe in the time, Spain has some fairly rugged landscape to get around in, Charles V has the resources of half of Europe to draw on, and IIRC the Chinese at the time were making less use of gunpowder weapons than Europeans at the time...strikes me as "assumptions for the game setup", in the same way the Nazis in Reich-5 have super-science rather than Kornbluthian pseudo-science.
