AHC: World War II Stalemate

Germany is simple- just make a POD so that Hitler isn't racist. No holocaust, and no mistreatment of slavs means he would gain significant local support against Stalin crucial for victory in the east. Now he brokers a very unrealistic peace with the soviets (in OTL its all or nothing) and regardless of how poorly Italy does, Germany can use that extra manpower to become impenetrable.

The only way Japan can survive is if the USA doesn't exist, really. Even if they'd won Midway, the USN would have those carriers replaced in no time. Japan was just bleeding themselves to death in the Pacific.

The problem is that a non-racist Hitler isn't really Hitler. Many, if not most, of Hitler's decisions were based on racism. Thus WWII would be far different than IOTL.
Well, it's not guaranteed that Japan invades the Philippines or attacks Pearl Harbor in this AHC. Could they hope to limit themselves to Malaya and the DEI and present the Western Powers with a fait accompli?
No, because they already got trade cut off as a result of being in FIC. To get trade resumed at this point they have to pull out of there.
In this challenge, your goal is to successfully detail a Second World War in which the Axis and the Allied Powers stalemated and then ended the war. Italy may or may not survive, it's up to you, but Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany have to exit the war as great powers, alongside the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union.

An additional requirement is that the Holocaust gets stopped prematurely due to reasons created by you (I'd advise a Wehrmacht coup d'état), and while the Nazis can remain segregationist, the whole "racial superiority" and other insane measures adopted by Hitler must be inexistent by the end of the war (meaning they only get to be normal fascists like Italy was).

Clearly, Japan must not go south. Once they start fighting the US, they've lost.

In fact, you really need to keep the US out of the war (officially) completely. Even Nazi Germany has lost the moment the US joins the war.

However, if Japan isn't in the War, is it really a World War?

Dad has an Encyclopedia Britannica which references the European War 1939-...

I.e. at the time that encyclopedia was published, it wasn't being called a World War.

So. Not possible. If the US joins, the Axis loses. If the US doesn't join, it's not a World War.
Clearly, Japan must not go south. Once they start fighting the US, they've lost.

In fact, you really need to keep the US out of the war (officially) completely. Even Nazi Germany has lost the moment the US joins the war.

However, if Japan isn't in the War, is it really a World War?

Dad has an Encyclopedia Britannica which references the European War 1939-...

I.e. at the time that encyclopedia was published, it wasn't being called a World War.

So. Not possible. If the US joins, the Axis loses. If the US doesn't join, it's not a World War.

What if Canada, New Zealand and Australia (+ India?) also declare war on Germany - is it a world war then ;)


Italy may or may not survive, it's up to you, but Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany have to exit the war as great powers, alongside the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union.

An additional requirement is that the Holocaust gets stopped

avoid the Holocaust by having Germany never invade Poland and USSR (overwhelming majority of world's Jewish population was in those two countries.)

not to say the Jewish population that does fall under Nazi control won't fair horribly.

would have a stalemate in the war if Axis developed a WMD, end with Cold War scenario (doesn't HAVE to be a nuclear weapon.)