AHC/WI: WW2 starts how Hitler wants it.


Hitler always wanted a war where the UK was an ally, not an enemy, helping them to fight off the Franco-Soviet enemies. So how could an Anglo-German vs. Franco-Soviet War happen? And how would it end?
It couldn't, because the people who lead Britain did not uniformly suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome. Britain, for very good reasons, had a long history of seeking to prevent any one power from dominating the continent. This was SOP from the time of the Acts of Union that created the UK.

Literally impossible. Flat-out could not happen. Under no circumstances would Britain ever even consider it.


No one knows what Hitler really wanted, his views (public AND private) changed year to year. What he advocated for in 1933 to 1938 to 1942 were all wildly different.

But despite his delusions, he never actually thought the British would side with him. His dream was for the “Aryan” race to unite, but he said that “Jewish bankers” had too much control in London.


No one knows what Hitler really wanted, his views (public AND private) changed year to year. What he advocated for in 1933 to 1938 to 1942 were all wildly different.

But despite his delusions, he never actually thought the British would side with him. His dream was for the “Aryan” race to unite, but he said that “Jewish bankers” had too much control in London.
Yep. Maybe Mosely does a March on Rome type thing, allies with Hitler when war starts...could work. How may the war end?
Maybe- just maybe- if Hitler, instead of allying himself with Stalin in 1939, had
attacked it THEN, instead of in 1941. There
we're many in the UK- especially in the circles of the then-governing Conservative
party- who so despised Communism that they would have been happy to range the
country on the side of another nation actually fighting the reds(& IOTL, hatred of
Russia in these circles was so strong that
when it attacked Finland in November 1939
these people mounted a campaign to "switch
the war" from Hitler to Russia: "We'll all be
marching against the Russians in the Spring"
a British army officer actually predicted.*)

*- Quoted in Philip Knightley's book on war
correspondents, THE FIRST CASUALTY
(1975), pp. 225-226.
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No one knows what Hitler really wanted, his views (public AND private) changed year to year. What he advocated for in 1933 to 1938 to 1942 were all wildly different.

But despite his delusions, he never actually thought the British would side with him. His dream was for the “Aryan” race to unite, but he said that “Jewish bankers” had too much control in London.

He does seem to have consistently thought Britain would stand aside, busy with its empire. At least in September 1939 he was a bit nonplussed over Britains DoW.
Halifax cabled Ambassador Nevile Henderson in Berlin and told him to deliver an ultimatum to Ribbentrop at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 3. Ribbentrop scornfully let it be known that he would not be “available” but that Henderson could deliver his message to the departmental interpreter, Paul Schmidt. As it happened, Schmidt overslept that morning, arrived by taxi to see Henderson already climbing the steps of the Foreign Ministry, and slipped in a side door just in time to receive him at 9. Henderson stood and read aloud his message, declaring that unless Britain were assured of an end to the Polish invasion within two hours, “a state of war will exist between the two countries.”

Schmidt dutifully took the British ultimatum to Hitler’s Chancellery, where he found the Fuhrer at his desk and the “unavailable” Ribbentrop standing at a nearby window. Schmidt translated the ultimatum aloud. “When I finished, there was complete silence,” he recalled. “Hitler sat immobile, gazing before him. After an interval that seemed an age, he turned to Ribbentrop, who had remained standing by the window. ‘What now?’ asked Hitler with a savage look.”​
Yep. Maybe Mosely does a March on Rome type thing, allies with Hitler when war starts...could work. How may the war end?

No, it couldn’t.

Seriously, this trope needs to die. Oswald Mosley was a completely fringe figure. He was as influential as the BNP or David Duke today. If he “marched on Rome” the only thing that would happen is that he would go to prison or get seriously, seriously dead.
go to prison or get seriously, seriously dead.
or both...

IIRC when news of Barbarossa reached Britain an MP said 'it's a shame they both can't lose'. He was sacked but I don't know who he was. Now days the quote is associated with Henry Kissinger.
Best time is during the munich agreemen. Have Britain and France Fall-out in bitter disagreement, still ending as OTL, but with France declaring war when the rest of Czekkoslovakia is annexed (with Poland).
Germany then finishes of France who fights alone. Hitler then shares Poland with Stalin. Hitler betrays Stalin.