AHC/WI: No pro-British Native Americans in the 'French and Indian War'

Your challenge is to ensure that the Iroquois Confederacy, the Cherokee, the Catawba, and any other native British Allies either remain neutral or side with France in the French and Indian War. The OTL French allies must remain allied to France or, if necessary, become neutral. Bonus points if all the above are French allies (in spite of the Iroquois history with the Algonquin) in addition to her native allies of OTL.

Basically, make it so that Britain has not a single Native American tribe as an ally during the North American theater of the Seven Years War.

Assuming either that Britain wins or manages to lose in TTL, what becomes of the pro-French Native American tribes TTL?

How does it effect the future in either a British win or French win scenario?

I hope I've made sense here, and thanks in advance.
I don't know enough about the wars to help too much really, but it's an interesting topic.

If the British still win, maybe no British Indian Territory after the war and instead they start to aggressively colonise North America. Constant wars with the natives may see the British colonies in North America stay more loyal to Britain, united by the threat of constant war. So perhaps the American Revolution is postponed for a while and when it does role around maybe Britain is in a better position to oppose it, unlike their terrible situation OTL. So Britain's empire will be that much stronger.

If the British win but the USA is still formed, I imagine they would inherit cool relations with the natives, so the Indian Wars and American colonisation of the rest of North America would be even more bloody than OTL.

If it tips the balance in the favour of the French, I don't think it would be enough to completely force the British out of North America, as if I remember correctly they are rather entrenched by this point (barring some immense catastrophe), but it may well be enough to allow the French to keep a foothold there. In this scenario you could see the Native Americans being used by the two players, perhaps with protectorates being set up. I could see the French especially relying heavily upon them. Of course, chances are eventually the Europeans and their descendants will want to conquer the interior eventually and without Africa's tropical diseases or China's (relative) unity and size they won't be stopped. Expect The Native American Protectorates to start disappearing in the late 19th century, although a few of them might modernise and last a fair bit longer. By the 21st century, the Native Americans might still be a majority in much of what is OTL's USA (excluding the coasts).

So this could well end better for the Native Americans than OTL and I think it probably would tbh, although it would still be a bit of a raw deal.


You have to make the leadership of each of those tribes idiots really. Their is nothing the French can do for them if they switch sides, and they still risk a hell of a lot if they decide to sit the whole thing out. When you're sitting in the path of Anglo-Colonial expansion the only possible option from their perspective at the start of the war, is to gain and entrench Royal Favor. Without it, either the British Army or Settler militias will eventually come. It was a long shot, and in the end it didn't work, but it was the only card they had left to play.