AHC: Save Kmart

Pfft. Faygo. (/Ohio)
i was going to insert random lions comment here .. but in the interest of preserving any semblence of rational thought i decided not. ;)

on the other hand K mart had its chances as did sears - best way to save either of them is to get rid of the old school thinking - avoid the hedge fund buyers. you would really think that a company that basically invented catalog shopping would understand the pwoer of the internet and be prepared to make changes in how things are done to accomodate that.

Kmart in stores were not so bad last time i had been in one. sure not as modern as walmart but still.. uhm functional. sears while okay to shop, i really cant think of the last time i had purchased something at sears. Jc Penny yes, but sears.. no. Sears always seemed over priced for what they were selling.