AHC: same football rules in the US and Canada

How about a situation where the game develops the same on both sides of the border, so there's something we'll call North American football?

I'd like to think the rules would be a sort of blend of both already-very-similar games, with perhaps a few twists. Maybe it would include:
  • A field 120 yards from goal line to goal line, 60 yards in width
  • 20 yard deep end zones
  • Goal posts 10 yards into the end zone
  • 12 players on a side
  • Five downs to get 20 yards
  • Multiple backs in motion allowed
  • Motion toward the line of scrimmage OK
  • Kicks into the end zone are either returned or count a single point for the kicking team. Exception: a kick going over the end line on the fly yields a touchback.
  • Punts received between the 30 yard lines may be fair-caught. However, the receiving team either must forfeit one down on offense (making the succeeding play from scrimmage 2nd and 20) or must take a free kick to attempt a field goal.
  • Punts between the goal line and the 30 must be returned, with any kicking team members having to give a zone similar to that in the existing Canadian game to the receiver.
  • A new way to score called a punt goal: a punted ball that splits the uprights counts as two for the kicking team. The would-be receiving team then gets the ball as if it were a touchback.
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The easy answer would be Harvard not having that small field in their match against McGill, but that's pre-1900.

The next best option is, perhaps, the Ivy League not having a great influence in the development of 'football' in the US side of the border.
Sort of a compromise to take into account the longer field and the more stringent Canadian requirement of 3 to get 10. Otherwise, simply because it appealed to me.
I allow it..would like 4 and 15 in a way to still push the running game.

Wonder how the NFL would evolved in this TL, maybe like the NHL, a cup alongside the great lakes regions and them with the college football boom explode and the grey cup being the football equivalent of Stanley Cup?