AHC: Preserve the Whig Party

Challenge: Save the American Whig Party with a POD of 1852-53

The Second American Party system itself does not have to stay in place, instead the Whigs may survive like the Democrats did. Surviving mostly in name, but with Jacksonian Democracy being dead. (Except without the Jacksonian part).

If you want the Whigs to crash later on then the minimum that they have to stay around is another ten years at least.
Challenge: Save the American Whig Party with a POD of 1852-53

The Second American Party system itself does not have to stay in place, instead the Whigs may survive like the Democrats did. Surviving mostly in name, but with Jacksonian Democracy being dead. (Except without the Jacksonian part)

For the Whig Party to survive you might need a PoD earlier than the 1850's. The only way for the party to survive I think is for it to unify on the issue of slavery, whether pro or against.
You could always have Henry Clay ascend to the Presidency after Harrisons death, but for that to happen, he would need to accept the vice-presidency (which he was supposedly offered in 1840, but didn't want to be in second place).

Hell, even Harrison surviving might make the Whig party survive.
Well, my timeline has a POD in 1853, and the Whigs currently have control of the presidency in 1857, four years longer than in real life( of course, they are basically northern abolitionists but that's beside the point). They are set to last even longer.