AHC: Postpone World War I until the 1920s and...

Okay, here's a challenge: write a (plausible) small 'timeline' in which World War I is averted. Start with your POD, which should be post-1900, and end in the 1950s. There are the following requirements:

- The war must start over a territorial conflict in Europe, such as the Sudeten Crisis, the Balkan Crises etc. The direct cause of the war can't be an assassination. (Arguably, the cause of World War I was the territorial conflict of the Serbs who were separated between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, but, you know, that's not what I mean.)
- National-socialism develops in France after the war. Not in Germany.
- The US doesn't just stay out of the world war. No such isolationism.
- There is no Russian Revolution, or at least not like OTL. Communism does rise, but not necessarily in Russia. It can be in Turkey (the Ottoman Empire), Italy, Spain, Mexico or, well, Russia... But not in an unimportant country, and not in the US, Britain, Africa, South America, Oceania or East Asia. The main figure of communism won't be Lenin or Stalin, but Trotsky. Trotskyism for the win :)
- There can be a World War later, but this is not necessary. Hence, this World War I can be either really the First World War, or the Great War.

That's it.
On your mark... get set... go!
Why is a) Britain precluded from going red (although, by the letter, it is not precluded from going Syndicalist, do I understand that right?)

b) Can Communism rise in Germany?

c) Can the US join the Central Powers (this is not prohibited, just staying out of the war is)?

d)= c) for Britain? Can there be an Anglo-German alliance?

e) Can a failed Russian revolution happen?
France going *Nazi is kind of a cliche. Communist France is more likely.

The First World War was, if I remember correctly, the result of gradually simmering tensions in Europe -- Franz Ferdinand's assassination was just the spark that allowed it to boil over. So it's entirely possible to have the war start at a later time, by having the assassination be butterflied away.

However, Germany was worried about Russia, believing they would soon surpass them in strength. Which had to do with why the war started when it did, IIRC.
Why is a) Britain precluded from going red (although, by the letter, it is not precluded from going Syndicalist, do I understand that right?)
Well, I'd like to write a short story in this setting sometime and I just wouldn't prefer a communist Britain.

b) Can Communism rise in Germany?
If Trotskyist, yes. Maybe Trotsky moves to Germany... Or at least not communism as radical and violent as IOTL.

c) Can the US join the Central Powers (this is not prohibited, just staying out of the war is)?
Yes, that's okay.

d)= c) for Britain? Can there be an Anglo-German alliance?
Yes, yes, possible.

e) Can a failed Russian revolution happen?
Wikipedia said:
While resistance to the Red Guard began on the very next day after the Bolshevik uprising, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and the political ban became a catalyst for the formation of anti-Bolshevik groups both inside and outside Russia, pushing them into action against the new regime.
A loose confederation of anti-Bolshevik forces aligned against the Communist government, including land-owners, republicans, conservatives, middle-class citizens, reactionaries, pro-monarchists, liberals, army generals, non-Bolshevik socialists who still had grievances and democratic reformists, voluntarily united only in their opposition to Bolshevik rule. Their military forces, bolstered by forced conscriptions and terror and by foreign influence and led by General Yudenich, Admiral Kolchak and General Denikin, became known as the White movement (sometimes referred to as the "White Army"), and they controlled significant parts of the former Russian Empire for most of the war.
All bolded factions are permitted winners of the Russian Revolution, if it does take place.
France going *Nazi is kind of a cliche.
I know. But I don't care :p Not necessarily *Nazi though, in the sense that they don't have to be anti-Semitic.
Communist France is more likely.
Maybe you're right, but still.

The First World War was, if I remember correctly, the result of gradually simmering tensions in Europe -- Franz Ferdinand's assassination was just the spark that allowed it to boil over. So it's entirely possible to have the war start at a later time, by having the assassination be butterflied away.
That's what I think too. The question, though, is what will be the ultimate spark in the 1920s in this case.

However, Germany was worried about Russia, believing they would soon surpass them in strength. Which had to do with why the war started when it did, IIRC.
Hmm... But maybe something makes Germany not want to start a war with Russia yet. Maybe the Russians are the first to develop, say, the tank, or something else technologically interesting for warfare.
This is a similar path to which I'm going to take my TL I'm currently working on. Though I'm not going to postpone the war to 1920 though. But like I said a lot of your priorities are similar to how my TL will progress. Just started a discussion on it if you want to head over there I don't want to clog your thread since it doesn't fit the criteria completely. My Thread
No assassination

In 1923 Polish units in the Austrian-Hungarian Armed forces (under Józef Piłsudski) cross into Russian Poland after a series of riots in the country (without the knowledge of the AH.

Several tensions and letters of demands latter and WAR

Germany and AH vs France and Russia

Germany strikes through Belgium bringing Britain into the war but a disaster on the eastern front. The Russian Army (better equipped than OTL) win at Tannenberg, the Serbians join with Russia and even Romaina joins.

Central powers sue for peace

Russia comes out with lots of prestige and no revolutionary threats.
France through disgust that the Russians saved them (not true but popular image/stab in back theory of OTL) votes Fascist sometime in the late 30's

Germany under goes a Social revolution (peaceful) leading to a more socialist government that unites with German Austria

AH breaks apart with Russia and its allie eating a lot of territory (Serbia to Yougoslavia, Romaina gets Transyvaia and Russia gets OTL Poland lands/ not Danzig or Memel though a chunk of Poznan and Silesia)
Germany then unties with German Austria.

Hungary goes Communist and installs a communist regime in Slovakia.

Britain goes on as normal but far more powerful

France wants revenge on Germany, Russia wants Slovakia from the Hungarians
Italy wants Serbian Lands, Ottoman Empire looks on hungry and more powerful

The Tensions are set
1914-Franz Ferdinands car goes another route. He does not die. His would-be assassins eventually give up hope and fade into obscurity.

1916-A small colonial conflict between France and Britain lead to lower relations between the two countries. French nationalism becomes more pronounced.

1917-The US becomes involved with the Mexican Revolution.

1918-An Anglo-German alliance occurs, maybe with a new leader in one of those countries.

1921-The Mexican revolution ends, the US is more expansionist.

1922-The US comes into conflict with France and Britain over Southeast Asia and China, where its influence is expanding.

1925-Austria-Hungary implodes in Socialist and Nationalist revolutions.

1929-Finally, the fronts have stabilized in Austria-Hungary, and the "countries" delegates go to Rome to meet, but there, a dispute between the Russian backed Hungarian Republic and German-backed Kingdom of Austria, the war heats back up. German forces are deployed there, Russians send men. France, eager for war and in defence of its allies, joins in. It violates Belgiums neutrality, leading to Britain joining Germany.

1930-Italy joins in on the French side. Japan joins with Britain. The US joins, interested in gaining French Pacific colonies.

1931-Russia faces Revolution by Republican forces, who ally with nationalists.

1932-The New Russian Imperial Republic agrees to peace with Germany, losing some territories. Anglo-German forces capture Paris late in the year, while the Italian front collapses as German forces march on Venice and American forces capture Sicily.

1933-As an armistice is declared and peace terms are worked on, Communists in Italy march on Rome, declaring the Italian Peoples Republic. Sicily is propped up as the American backed Italian Republic. Many colonies are taken from France.

1934-The Germans annex Austria and the Baltic Union.

1937-A really Revanchist party rises to power in France, advocating the recapture of territories lost in the war, like Britanny.